The TRUTH About Why Moses COULD NOT Enter the Promised Land

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Why couldn’t Moses enter the Promised Land?

After all that he had done to help free the Israelite people from slavery, after leading them through the Wilderness and putting up with their constant complaining, why did God purposefully keep him out of the Promised Land?

And why should we actually be thankful that God did this?

Well, if you want to know the true story behind these events, and begin to see why understanding this story is so important to your own relationship with the Lord, then join me for this episode of Beyond the Words.


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Despite belligerence, insolence and failure to properly follow God’s instructions, Moses was deeply loved by God who knew before time existed how Moses would behave. When Moses died, God Himself tended to his funeral, burying him in a place where no man will ever find him. I am unable to think of any higher honor.


So many Christians don't even understand why they had to wander for 40 years. You can take the Hebrews out of Egypt, but taking the Egypt out of the people was a far more difficult task. Many don't understand the 10 Commandments, were more loving than restrictive, attempting to do the same.


I heard a sermon that said The Law of Moses, Torah, can only take the people just so far, but Joshua\Yeshua is The One who can take us into The Promised Land. Praise Jesus 😊


Interesting perspective and details as always Brandon. In my daily study even today, in Deuteronomy 32:51 God is clear that He saw this event as a betrayal by Moses and Aaron. For myself, I always thought based on Numbers 27:9-10 that it was that Moses and Aaron, not only disobeyed the command, but then said this: "must WE bring you water out of this rock?" - In this moment they assumed it was their power that would give the community the water, they stole God's glory in that moment and forgot where the power really came from - and they did it in front of the community.


This is interesting. Thank you. I’ve also heard it explained that the first time, the striking of the rock, represents the brutal death of Christ. That the way to receive forgiveness of sins, and Living Water, is through striking/bloodshed. First with animals, then ultimately with Jesus’ blood. Then, the speaking to the rock is how- after the payment of sins, through Christ’s blood- we need only to believe and confess with our mouths (speaking), that Jesus is Lord, for us to receive the Living Water. No striking the Rock twice. Once, for all.
That was a brief and rushed explanation, but maybe it makes sense.


I also read that Moses takes upon himself the task to give the water, he takes the glory that is Gods alone. He takes Gods name in vain.


Good lesson. Moses also marred the picture God was making for the future where Messiah would be smitten for the lives of all. And after smitten, one need only speak—“give me of the water” to the Rock of Salvation .


I've read those verses many times and I never caught the difference between the two - first to hit the rock and then to speak to the rock. Thanks so much.


"He chose the way of Pharaoh." That's one of the best insight I've ever heard to this moment in the bible that seems brutally unfair. Another I've heard that pairs perfectly with this insight, is that God wanted Moses (and the Israelites) to move beyond the power of God being manifested in and through the staff (an inanimate object), but to believe that God's presence and power was intended to indwell them in their hearts and words.


I love it when I get a new understanding from passages I have known well for many years. Thanks, Brother!


Num 20:11  Then Moses raised his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod. Lots of water gushed out, and both the community and their cattle were able to drink. 
Num 20:12  But the LORD rebuked Moses and Aaron, telling Moses: "Because you both didn't believe me, because you didn't consecrate me as holy in the presence of the Israelis, you won't be the ones to bring this congregation into the land that I'm about to give them.


Thanks, I knew Moses couldn't go into the Promised land because he struck the rock, but didn't know that he wasn't suppose to the second time. I also like how you explained about the rod and staff.


No matter who you are the bible and god humbles you.


Moses relied on SELF - doing what he thought was right in his own eyes out of anger, vs hearing and doing only what Father said. Moses was a servant; not a Son.


There is a lot of "Assuming" when it's not needed.
“Hear now, you rebels! Must we bring water for you out of this rock?”

Who are the "We" in this statement? Moses and Aaron working a miracle? God needs help? Moses is now equal to God?
32 They angered Him also at the waters of strife,
So that it went ill with Moses on account of them;
33 Because they rebelled against His Spirit,
So that he spoke rashly with his lips. ~ Psalms 106

" Spoke rashly" ? So it wasn't striking the rock but something that he said. Brings it back to the "We" doesn't it?


Wow! I have thought about this for years. I always thought it wasn't fair, but now I understand.


W O W - Thank you Brandon 🙏

Such an insightful lesson 💜

I knew that Moses didn't obey GOD's Instruction

But I never connected Moses' disobedient to GOD & his anger to The Hebrew People, to Pharaoh's staff (slavery/slave driven heart) 😳

Our GOD - in HIS Wisdom, didn't want hardened & disobedient hearts to be in HIS People 😊

For GOD's Glory and our good 🙌

Such Love shown by our CREATOR then & for always

Thank GOD for our Savior JESUS' Sacrifice on The Cross

Because of HIM, my hardened & sinful heart is Covered by HIS Precious Blood Poured out for humanity



Another GREAT lesson, Brandon. Thank you for all the work you do in making these presentations. By way of "the rest of the story": Although HaShem punished Moses for disobeying Him by striking the rock and not allowing him (Moses) to go into the Promised Land, HaShem did not revoke Moses' "righteousness" (Heb 11:24). That is something that we can take comfort in. L'Shanah tovah. Berachot,


brilliant! thanks again brandon. all these years and i never thought or heard of the pharaoh, shepherd connection. continued blessings. 🕊


Very interesting. I only saw it as disobedience on Moses’ part, but you explained it in depth. Thank you, Brandon.
