M6/M10 Hot Air Coffee Roaster

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Surrounding hot air brings many benefits as follows
1. By surrounding the hot air, the temperature inside the roaster is kept stable, ensuring stable operation under various ambient temperatures without affecting the roasting quality and efficiency.

2. Cold air passes through the heated channels, ensuring that the temperature of the hot air entering the roaster reaches 200 °C/392.0 °F or more. This doubles the thermal efficiency and shortens the roasting time, thus better preserving the flavor characteristics of the coffee beans, while improving the expansion of the beans and the uniformity of the roasting.

3. By continuously providing pure hot air, it avoids the circulation of exhaust gases, which makes the flavor of coffee beans cleaner and greatly reduces the smoky feeling produced during the roasting process.

4. Expanding the maximum roasting capacity: enabling it to increase the maximum roasting capacity by more than 20%.
5. Optimize the body structure and sealing design, strengthen the airtightness of the body, reduce heat loss to improve the heat utilization efficiency of the machine, and ensure the stability of the internal environment. Energy saving and environmental protection heat energy utilization rate of 90%
6. In order to avoid unreasonable heat and cause beans‘defects in coffee bean roasting, bean Drum structure has also been upgraded, adjusting the ratio of infrared radiation and convection heat in the roaster to achieve the best heat transfer effect, further reducing the smoky feeling and dry heat to adapt to the needs of "sensitive people".

7. Avoid coffee beans being affected by excessive infrared rays, greatly improve the flavor of coffee beans in sunshine and special treatment method, and greatly avoid coffee bean tipping.
Рекомендации по теме

I recently got the updated M10 with the enhancements shown in this video, and honestly, this machine far outperforms and surpasses what I was hoping it would when I ordered. I have 6 roasts through this, and with the latest artisan scope version supporting Kaleido machines, each roast has been great. The very first roast went through a bit burnt, as I was only roasting 300gr and wasn't sure how to modify the profile for such a small batch, but every roast afterwards has been incredibly consistent.


Возможна ли оплата и поставка M6 Dual прямо с завода производителя минуя АЛИ ЭКСПРЕСС??? Is it possible to pay for and deliver M6 Dual directly from the manufacturer’s factory bypassing ALI EXPRESS???


Спасибо за видео!!!! Я хочу приобрести M6 DUAL с доставкой в Санкт-Петербург! Это возможно???? И еще меня интересует минимальный вес закладки зеленого кофе в M6 для получения нормального результата для среднего уровня обжарки? Thank you for the video!!!! I want to purchase M6 DUAL with delivery to St. Petersburg! Is this possible???? And I’m also interested in the minimum weight of green coffee in M6 to obtain a normal result for a medium roast level?
