John Deere Hydrostatic Lawn Mower Stopped MOVING? (Gets Slow)

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John Deere Hydrostatic Lawn Mower Stopped MOVING? (Gets Slow)


John Deere hydrostatic transmission system problems are very disappointing as it is one of the most popular and demandable machines.

Here are some common problems that people generally face from almost all of the John Deere vehicles.

Operating problems in mower when the pump is filled with air in lieu of oil.

As a result, sufficient pressure is not created.

Engine not translating to the wheels
The mower starts at full speed but slows down after a while
Worn hydro pump and motor creates whine
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AWSOME video man!😎 I have a customer of mine that I e had for over thirty years now. And they got a new LA140 about 6 years ago. I mowed it two times with this exact same problem and had to go back today after it had cooled off to finish up. I had checked the belts and was worried the transmission was going. But YOU just nailed it! I’ll be over tomorrow to look at the blade. It’s probably smoked! Thanks a lot!


Hey man, you just described what is happening with my L130, Hopefully is the fan. Nice explanation! Thanks!


Thank you for this vid! It seems to be the problem with my S180


Thanks! Great video. I just got a call from my friends whose L130 I keep running that they got stuck... on their land while doing first cut on their 60Acres of wetlands. The engine works, but tranny is out.. and hot. Guess what... sounds familiar? Going to check for this fan. Hope it is not too tough to get to it, but considering their usage I worry that tranny might be shot anyway as they reported strong smell from the engine (burning/boiling fluid I am afraid). We shall see. Going for my tools. NEVER push ANY machine BEYOND what it was designed for! If need be, buy, or rent a bigger one, it is cheaper! Thanks again!


I think most of the Tufftorq transmissions can be serviced and/or repaired. They make transmissions for a lot of manufacturers of mower. Some of the mower manufacturers appear to treat it as a non-servicable item and wont sell parts. So you have to figure out which model of transmission yours is based on and find another manufacturer that does sell parts or go to tufftorq or ebay sellers. There is normally a serial number label and the first 3 digits of the SN are the model.


My Cub Cadet LT1042 transaxle slowed on hills and pulling my yard vac. Fan and belt was fine. No replacement transaxle is available any longer. I replaced it with a used unit that's not much better. Of course I drained the oil and used new synthetic oil to refill it. I have 522 hours and still use it even though I bought a new XT2 Cub Cadet just in case it quit. It's a common problem on the small riders at 300 or so hours.


My brand new S120, 14 hours just just rolled to a stop, engine and mower running fine. Its at the JD service center now. This makes complete sense as we just had a storm that caused tremendous amount of small branches to scatter throughout my 1.25 acre yard. Are there metal aftermarket fan blades available?


I have this same issue but only when I'm using the snow blower


My S100 John Deere with just 4 hours on it, today it wouldn't pull at all after cutting for about an hour, i noticed smoke coming from underneath the front deck. It's under warranty, im sure it's the belt, i been hearing stories about the belt, i don't know what is going on with John Deere.


How do you put the LA125 Hydrostatic model in neutral?


My D 170 loses power after about 1 hour, fan and belt are okay, wait a hour and finish my lawn. First half hour, climb up hills no problem, after that have a hard time just to get it to go on the flat ( any suggestions


My D170's been slowing down more as it heats up. Sucks. My fan's fine though.


Please help! Mine has 52.5 hours only. I live up on a steep hill and use it to go fetch pkgs and mail besides cutting the grass on the lower end. I drove it down my steep driveway and ran over a stick, immediately smelled rubber burning. It died. It starts but will not go forward or back. Fetched the truck and towed it back up to the house.
Took off the hood, deck plate and all the belts are solid. The rubber smell came from the front. Now I am building a wood ghrant to pick the front off the ground for maintenance. I’m a woman (60 plus), posting under my husbands name! It’s ridiculous, I will never buy a green turd again. Any suggestions?


At least you have some useful information! The other videos I watched were zero help or zero help and a comedy skit!


That mower was not made for hills just flat ground


How bout a metal blade and not plastic!
