Raspberry Pi 4 goes 8GB, Pi OS goes 64 bit!

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Today the Raspberry Pi Foundation announced a new $75 Raspberry Pi 4 8GB model, and to go along with that huge increase in RAM, they're releasing a new 64-bit Operating System, and changing the name from 'Raspbian' to 'Raspberry Pi OS.'

I'll share my first experiences with the 64-bit OS in this video.

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I have absolutely no good reason to have an RPi with 8GB of ram but I want one anyway


It's kind of cute to see Pi evolve, from 256mb to now 8gb and a 64bit OS. Its like watching desktop hardware and OS evolve years ago.


Yeay! 8G and 64 bit! I can't wait to build a turing pi cluster with pi4 8G compute modules with this!


Been running Raspberry Pi OS 64 bit version for a couple of days and it seems solid. I can do everything I did on older Raspbian versions without much hassle.


My Pi 4, 8gb just arrived today via FedEx Express from Canada.... Excellent. Watched this video on it through my TV as a monitor. A bit of video shearing but I'm not complaining a bit. Now, to figure out what I want to do with this thing besides an alternate to the iPad or the Android phone lol I'm going to wait on the 64-bit OS to come out of Beta before I change from 32-bit.


I am watching this from a raspberry pi 4 (4GB) from an SSD overclocked to 2.147Ghz. Its my main driver for months without any issues at all...


The truth is most people get the "64-bit" OS thing wrong. It's not just about addressable memory.

In CPU architecture the bit size of the processor refers to the size of the "datapath" or ALU/Execution unit. This means a 64bit machine can work with 64bit data types natively. If you are using binaries that are 64bit this can be a meaningful increase in performance. Especially in cases where the application wants to use 64bit datatypes. Just having the wider instructions available can be a significant improvement.

I know that modern scripting languages tend to lean towards 64 bit datatypes so the programmers don't have to worry about precision or overflow errors. Since Linux is more or less lives and dies by scripts it can make a difference.


Nice! BTW I've got 10 x CM3+ which I use for tests and prototypes laying around waiting for that Bramble Carrier Board you're making!


Hi Jeff, any updates on the Pi OS 64bit? It's over a year since this video is made. I am looking forward to running PiHole, Unifi Controller, Nginx Reverse proxy on my 4GB Pi 4(POE powered) with Pi OS 64bit for a home setup. I am worried about OS bugs and the Unifi controller's java8 dependency problem. Let me know what you think.


Bought the original 256mb, then the 512, then the pi 2 mostly to get more ram. Now I have the 4gb pi 4 and that finally provides a pretty comfortable desktop experience. Probably won't get the 8gb.


man I wish I could buy this stuff and justify the purchase


I installed official 64bit rasbian on Pi 4B, 4 GB RAM, 64 GB mSD card. 64 bit OS runs really faster, more smoothly than 32 bit.
Really amazing !


Love your videos. Could really get your thoughts on installing elasticsearch on the k3s cluster. Maybe it'll have to wait until you get some beefier nodes with more memory. I have 4 RPi4s clustered similarly to your Dramble but I couldn't find an elegant way of deploying elasticsearch to them. I ended up installing the jdk less version and then running the services with systemd. Thoughts?


Thanks for another good video. Did not know about the new 64bit and 8GB, this is good news. I have absolutely not use for it, but "maybe one day" so I better get one just in case...


When I was about to buy the PI with 4GB, lol. Now I will just get this one.


the next milestone IMO for pi's is a pcie lane and m.2 slot to mount a nvme drive


Lol Linus should have waited a few weeks to do his secret computer video


This means good things for people buying 1, 2 or 4gb because the price will go down having to compete with 8gb for $75, cannot wait for it to go on sale


I just bought the 4GB version ... I should have waited ... Feels Bad
(I'm allready using buster arch64 version D:) (using my raspi 4 for a modded mc server)


this may sound odd but the reason my friend did not buy a Raspberry Pi was because it did not have 8 GB... he wanted to host a Minecraft server that used low power but his mod pack has 145 mods in so the game will not start on 4 GB! (and when it does, it lock up randomly... 8GB is needed!)
