Things You Should Know Before Working in a Kitchen

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In this video I discuss what is never really said about working in a professional restaurant. I give my opinions on some issues, and what to expect.

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The ability to work well w/ others is also a must!! And having a warped sense of humor kept me going in the times my station was the one seeming to get hit the hardest ( I know, we all think that )


I did it for just over two years. Never again! I now work in a completely different job. It’s not uncommon to get bullied in some of these kitchens too. I think you forgot to mention that.


12USD is a dream for us Cooks who live outside of America lol Yall have it incredibly great..imagine working those hours under th same stress for 4USD
( $8 in my country) an hour 😆


Wow man. You need to find a new career. I have had so many different jobs in my life from being a sonar technician in the navy to picking orders in a warehouse. I have been working in a kitchen as a cook with no formal education at all for the last 7 years and I absolutely love it. It took me time but I am now a kitchen manager at my job and I make pretty decent money. It's enough to support my family of 6. Some of what you said has some truth to it but you only pointed out the worst it could be. You are clearly unhappy. One thing I found is that you need to find a job that doesn't make you miserable or it will negatively impact every aspect of your life. Good luck


I started at 7.50$ as a cool when I first started cooking


I can’t tell you how accurate this is for me. I’m a chef for a two Michelin star restaurant and I most likely work 50-60 hours a week, obviously not paid for all of it, mostly 8 hours and the rest I have to come in on my own and get things done before I clock in cause well... time management. Same with lunches and breaks, those definitely don’t exist...I barely have time to eat the family meal or I’ll have to basically scarf it down at my station. Being on the line is like putting your face right next to an open oven. But that walk-in freshness tho, ahhhh. The menu here changes weekly so that’s the really frustrating part, but helps me learn an incredible amount. Hehe thank you for making this video, it’s the first I’ve seen that is so accurate to what I experience everyday. Working in a kitchen is really hard work, definitely gotta love it, that’s for sure


I work in a kitche 7 days a week 12 hours a day... i dont like this job but i try to get some money to invest on Amazon and quit job forever


This is probably the best video ive seen describing what it's like to work in the kitchen. It's a hard job for tough ass people, unfortunately I'm not one of them. I put my two weeks notice in today!


Also, servers make 2-4x more than you do...


I am having that problem right now. We just got a new Chef, a few weeks ago and he is a complete idiot. He tries to go too fast and makes many mistakes. I hope he can chill out after a month or so and realize how things work in the kitchen. Most of the workers are upset and are threatening to go to the General Manager. I have been though this before, so I will just wait and see how things pan out.


Really wish there was more videos like this out there. Great content.


thank you for putting this out chef. i have been cooking for 10 years, quit 3 years ago and currently considering to go back and this video reminds me of why i left the f&b industry.


I know that most of this is true, but really I feel like everyone makes an effort to make the job horrible and scare other people...

I'm seriously scared of starting work and all this horrible sad things make me feel rather disappointed. Don't get me wrong, I love cooking. I really really, really love cooking... but I mean I don't want everyday of my life to be miserable either...


They should show this video at the beginning of culinary schools.


should i just quit then ? i dont want my everyday life to be this stressful. please make a part 2


How deal with the fingers are hurting from cookinh over d grills


Years ago I thought working in a kitchen is only about knowing recipes, now as a sous chef I understand that it is all about time management and planning, 90% of the time in the kitchen is spent planning the buffet that changes daily to fit and managing the staff and the kind of work they need to do just a stressful situation with how you said it, low pay...


And there is the drinking. Some cooks like the night life. This can certainly be a pitfall for some of us.


Yo I’m a culinary student I’ve loved cooking since the day I was born, you hit it on the nail tho in a kitchen environment cooking isn’t even about your cooking and how good you are at making tasty good looking food. It’s about making it how the chef wants and managing time so components of an order are plated at the same time, definitely a stressful job.


It's all I have unfortunately 😕 19 hr after taxes 14. Hours are long.. local restrant worker grill cook busser food runner.. 😋 my life is next to nothing when I'm off.. I have grabed the noose of labor with intent and pull a lot of weight for responsibility of the kitchen i work at. Lord have mercy for in my prison I find no peace in work only exhaustion trade off is money to keep doggie padding in the void never to be level with decent life but that of a humble yes sir attitude
