Best XDefiant Settings for MAX FPS!

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Breaking down the XDefiant Graphics Settings for XBOX, Playstation and PC to help you Maximize your FPS in XDefiant! XDefiant FPS Settings!

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if you have freesync or gsync or variable refresh rate as well on your monitor you can still get value out of higher frame rates then your monitors refresh rate without having to worry about tearing even if your monitor is set to 60 hz you can tell the difference between 60hz 300fps and 60hz 60fps if that makes sense even if your monitor isnt refreshing at the same rate as your game having more fps more instructions per second will make the game feel more responsive that is why i highly recommend not hard limiting your fps or using vsync unless you have very severe tearing issues stable fps and latency are important monitor hz and fps go hand in hand in reducing input lag fps is how many inputs a second your gpu is taking and hz is how many inputs per second your monitor shows so the closer they are together the less latency you will have but they dont have to be locked as long as go in even intervals to the refresh rate of your panel for example i have a 75 hz ultrawide i would keep my fps capped at like 300 0r 375 since thats divisible by 75


So regardless of refresh rate, you want the highest frame rate you can get. 60 fps is at Least 1/60th of a second delay (16ms) and 300 fps is 1/300ths of a second delay(3.33 ms)


higher fps = more responsive game giving less less input delay, to make it more consistent you can cap ur fps at something that'll stay stable but I usually keep mine uncapped since I don't get heavy frame drops


why turn vsync off? seems like that would be good to keeps your graphics card to sync with your monitors refresh rate


Im trying to get in lobbies im guessing the servers are getting overwhelmed . But this is a good game !


To my knowledge full screen display always yields better performance. Also there is no benefit in running more fps then what your monitor is capable of, all you’re doing is taxing the gpu. Just cap fps to what your monitor can do.


the rate at which ur gpu generates frames is not the same as ur monitor output. So with 60Hz u wanna have more fps, like at least 120 so that ur monitor doesnt have to wait for a frame, otherwise it can cause input delay. On higher refresh rate u already have less input delay meaning monitors u can easily keep it lower than ur refresh rate so that with vsnync on ur monitor can always display the generated picture right away. Which way is best for ur setup is a real sience as it tho


Yes you have the benefit of lower frame times playing with higher fps than what your monitor supports. For example, my monitor is 60Hz, so if I want to avoid a lot of tearing and still play at lower frame times, I could cap my fps at 120, 180, 240 etc. I'm currently playing XDefiant at 120fps cap with vsync off, because even if I only see 60fps, my input delay will be 2X faster than if I had capped it at 60fps. I only recommend this if your PC can handle a stable fps above those values. In my case, my pc averages 165fps, so I could cap to 120fps with no problem.


not all games benefit from having higher fps, however for lowest latency possible you want the fastes + most stable fps.
