XDefiant: The 29 GAME CHANGING SETTINGS You Need To Play With (Console + PC Best Settings)

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As wild as it sounds, after a year of delays, XDefiant is finally here. With it, we now have a whole host of content upcoming for XDefiant that we've got coming but firstly, I wanted to take some time and discuss something you should be doing before even jumping into your first game: Getting your settings in order. Whether on console or PC, there's some 29 game changing settings that you'll want to take advantage of, some you'll want to test out for yourself that are entirely subjective and more. So as we go along, drop your thoughts on the XDefiant launch thus far, if you're looking forward to anything in particular or whatever it may be you'd like to discuss. If you enjoy the video, do me a huge favor and drop a like on the video and make sure to subscribe for more XDefiant coverage along with COD 2024, Modern Warfare 3 Season 4 upcoming and more FPS content. I'd love to have you in the community as we push towards 600,000 subscribers. For now though, let's talk about these 29 game changing settings you should be using in XDefiant. This is: XDefiant: The 29 GAME CHANGING SETTINGS You Need To Play With (Console + PC Best Settings)
00:00 - Intro
00:52 - Best XDefiant Gameplay & UI Settings
04:01 - Best XDefiant Controller Settings
07:22 - Best XDefiant Video Settings
09:58 - Best XDefiant Audio Settings
10:26 - Best XDefiant Accessibility Settings
11:06 - Best XDefiant Matchmaking Settings
12:30 - Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!
00:00 - Intro
00:52 - Best XDefiant Gameplay & UI Settings
04:01 - Best XDefiant Controller Settings
07:22 - Best XDefiant Video Settings
09:58 - Best XDefiant Audio Settings
10:26 - Best XDefiant Accessibility Settings
11:06 - Best XDefiant Matchmaking Settings
12:30 - Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!