XDefiant: The 29 GAME CHANGING SETTINGS You Need To Play With (Console + PC Best Settings)

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As wild as it sounds, after a year of delays, XDefiant is finally here. With it, we now have a whole host of content upcoming for XDefiant that we've got coming but firstly, I wanted to take some time and discuss something you should be doing before even jumping into your first game: Getting your settings in order. Whether on console or PC, there's some 29 game changing settings that you'll want to take advantage of, some you'll want to test out for yourself that are entirely subjective and more. So as we go along, drop your thoughts on the XDefiant launch thus far, if you're looking forward to anything in particular or whatever it may be you'd like to discuss. If you enjoy the video, do me a huge favor and drop a like on the video and make sure to subscribe for more XDefiant coverage along with COD 2024, Modern Warfare 3 Season 4 upcoming and more FPS content. I'd love to have you in the community as we push towards 600,000 subscribers. For now though, let's talk about these 29 game changing settings you should be using in XDefiant. This is: XDefiant: The 29 GAME CHANGING SETTINGS You Need To Play With (Console + PC Best Settings)

00:00 - Intro
00:52 - Best XDefiant Gameplay & UI Settings
04:01 - Best XDefiant Controller Settings
07:22 - Best XDefiant Video Settings
09:58 - Best XDefiant Audio Settings
10:26 - Best XDefiant Accessibility Settings
11:06 - Best XDefiant Matchmaking Settings
12:30 - Thanks for watching! Subscribe, like & comment!
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For the time being, servers are pretty messy. Took me a few hours to get into some matches. If you're having issues, what worked for me was queueing and then tabbing over to my loadout tab in my menu then didn't touch anything until I joined a match. Weird, but fixed the issue for me. Hope it can work for you too!

Additionally, for some reason Private Zones are not enabled? Surely has to be a bug as all studio comms pointed towards this being a launch feature, so apologies for suggesting testing settings in there, I (incorrectly) assumed it would be up and running by now after the server fixes.


Anybody else feel like they're dying in like 0.8 seconds but when you shoot, you have to really go hard to kill in about 10 seconds?


Thank you 🙏🏻 very much and love the videos mate


The Welcome Playlist is the only mode working for me, when i try dom or zone control it just instantly says 'Unable to find Match' 💀


The flashbang setting changing to dark is ingenious. It’s the most jarring effect in video games for me so GG’s to them 👏🏼


Recommend going in the Practice Zone, well dude its closed lmao


Thanks for the advice! I'll be testing out your suggestions. I had a go at the game yesterday, but I haven't quite formed a solid opinion yet. One thing I did notice was that the movement, particularly using the right thumb stick, felt a bit clunky compared to the smoothness of COD MW 3 2023. Additionally, I found it challenging to keep my reticle centered, which became problematic given that I typically play hardcore mode in Call of Duty (where fewer bullets are needed to kill compared to core mode). As a result, I was constantly getting taken out because my aim wasn't quite on point. XDefiant seems to blend elements from Overwatch 2, Fortnite, and old-school COD Black Ops. I plan on tinkering with the settings and investing more time into it to see if I can find a setup that works better for me.


Matchmaking just started working for me and it's awesomeeee.


I would love to use the practice zone IF IT WOULD LET ME 😭😭😭


Been playing the past couple hours, zero issues with the servers thankfully. Great time playing so far.


Enjoying it thoroughly, even though after playing the server test session I was a little down on the game. I had to work for the first part of the day when the servers weren't working, so as far as that goes I havent really had any issues. I will say that the main thing I have to grip about is on one or two of the maps its pretty easy to get spawn killed, felt like I was playing CoD but that's to be expected.


The custom flash bang effect will be a game changer thnx dude


I would love to try these settings out in the practice zone. Please, tell me how.


gr8 options in this game esp the Input Based Matchmaking


Is the movement supposed to be as clunky as it is? IE coming to complete stop after a slide and needing to sprint again?


I had a terrible experience in both betas so I had low expectations but damn this is actually really fun. And I see a lot of complaints but I had no issue finding games very quickly last night. Def have some work to do but for me this was a great start


can i ask why its buffering so badly i mean i have a great pc its only on this game it stutters constantly


First few hours it was hard to find a game but now no time at all I’m straight in it’s fucking great game 💯👌


Does the practice zone actually work for you guys? Mine is locked


Any setting for left thumb stick cause when I play feels like the movement is slow when moving around
