Python Programming All-in-One Tutorial Series (7 HOURS!)

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Comment what topics you want next. Timestamps:
00:00:00 - Get Started with Python
00:03:40 - Intro to Lists
00:10:52 - Check if Item in List
00:13:50 - Working with Lists
00:15:50 - Removing from List using List Comprehension
00:18:24 - Intro to LIst Comprehension
00:23:15 - Length of List with len
00:27:18 - Count - Counting an Element in List
00:30:16 - Intro to Sets
00:32:34 - Count Each Element in List - List Comprehension
00:35:59 - Counter (from collections)
00:37:40 - Basic Collections Review
00:44:31 - Insert into List
00:47:24 - Remove Item by Index from List with del
00:49:49 - Remove Item from List with pop
00:52:16 - Slicing with del Operator
00:55:36 - Removing all Occurrences of Item in List
00:58:54 - Slicing a list and [:] Explained
01:02:56 - Remove Elements From List within for Loop
01:06:01 - Remove Elements using List Comprehension
01:07:39 - How to Use Reverse Method with Lists
01:10:31 - How to Swap Variables and List Elements
01:15:00 - Reverse List Algorithm (O(n))
01:18:15 - Reverse Iterator
01:21:00 - Reverse List with Slice
01:23:56 - Manipulating List Review
01:30:27 - Sort List with sort Method
01:33:39 - Sort Data in Reverse Order
01:35:16 - Case Insensitive Sort
01:37:45 - Sort by String Length (len)
01:38:47 - Lexicographic Number Sort (Sort Numbers as Strings)
01:41:50 - Compare and Sort Various Types
01:44:25 - Sorting Lists and Data Review
01:47:41 - How to Convert String to List using Split
01:50:49 - Split String by New Line
01:52:44 - Fill List from User Input
01:56:01 - Loop to Fill List From User Input
02:00:11 - Create a Stack - Use a List as a Stack
02:08:43 - Create a Queue - Use Lists as a Queue
02:12:24 - User Input, Stacks, Queues Review
02:16:16 - Working with List of Lists (2D Lists)
02:20:11 - Create a Function to Print 2D List
02:21:58 - Combining List Element with join Method
02:26:01 - Sort List of Lists
02:30:18 - Custom Key Function with 2D Lists
02:37:25 - Review of 2D Lists
02:42:43 - Intro to Modules
02:50:09 - from Module Import (Explained)
02:54:28 - How to Alias an Import (import as)
02:56:45 - Why you Should NEVER import*
03:00:34 - How to Create a Module
03:05:44 - Sys.path and Changing Module Paths
03:10:45 - Modules - What You Need to Know
03:18:49 - Intro to Dictionaries
03:24:43 - Properly Retrieve Data from Dictionary
03:27:18 n- Add Items to Dictionary (3 Ways)
03:29:18 - Loop Through Dictionary
03:30:24 - Looping Through Ket-Value Pairs + Counting Words
03:34:28 - Working with Sets
03:38:53 - Remove Duplicates in a List using Sets
03:43:03 - Union and Intersection - Set Operations
03:46:29 - Difference and Symmetric Difference - Set Operations
03:49:23 - Dictionary and Set Crash Course
03:58:15 - Intro to Object Oriented Programming
04:04:33 - Creating and Invoking Methods
04:07:56 - Class Level Variables
04:11:14 - Intro to Method Overrides - _str_
04:13:18 - _eq_ Method Override
04:16:26 - _hash_and Collections
04:23:26 - Passing by Object Reference
04:28:54 - File IO - Reading and Writing to .txt. File
04:39:08 - Intro to Exception Handling
04:44:39 - Exception Handling Using with
04:48:50 - OOP and File IO in 10 Minutes
04:59:16 - Intro to SQLite and Creating a Database
05:04:42 - Create a SQLite Table in SQLite
05:08:16 - Insert Data to Database in Python
05:10:40 - Retrieve Database Data in Python
05:15:01 - Delete Database Data in Python
05:18:14 - Update SQLite Data in Python
05:20:21 - Create an SDK - Part 1
05:30:40 - Create an SDK - Part 2
05:35:13 - Creating a Library Console App
05:43:10 - Updating and Deleting Books through Console App
05:51:24 - SQL and SQLite with Python
06:03:41 - Intro to Tkinter (GUI Development)
06:09:56 - Complete Guessing Game in Tkinter
06:21:24 - Tkinter Listbox - Display a List of Data
06:24:49 - Button to Add / Remove Tkinter Listbox Items
06:32:12 - Working with SQLite in Tkinter - Adding Books
06:39:03 - Working with SQLite in Tkinter - Removing Books
06:43:37 - Review of Tkinter
06:49:13 - Intro to Django Hello World App
06:59:46 - Django Database Migrations
07:03:34 - Working with Django Database in Shell
07:08:49 - Displaying Database Data in HTML - Django
07:16:56 - Parameter URLs and Dynamic Links
07:21:04 - What’s Next?


I am so happy to finished the whole Python series. This course is definitely one of the best gift to me during COVID-19! Caleb is the BEST instructor ever!!


Cool! Thanks!
More Advanced python tutorials. I came across this channel one year ago but I didn't watch your single video. Now I started to watch them then I find out you're the best.


I am very excited to get to this tutorial. Also, thank you so much for your time and your teaching from your heart. I see that you are working hard to teaching people in the right way. And I am so sad about seeing the views and likes doesn't give you as much as you are tired to make these videos and preparing for it. I hope from all to support his channel because he deserves that. I’ll pray for you💙


Thank you soo much! Just almost finished prev series! Learned a ton! Thanks!!!


This is so generous of you! Thank you very much!


And this 7 hour course is amazing..Thanks Caleb


I am so grateful that you put it on the internet, wish you a nice day!


Thanks bro. I was waiting for it to be completed successfully.


You're a beast man! thank you so much for all your support in this Covid-19 time!


I'm really super super exited to know this channel and its's the best of all and i used to learn the cpp course and all are cool i really appreciate this channel


You the best teacher I have ever are a really deal...u are too good...words can't say it all...thanks for making life easy


Just finished, game changer video. Thanks for sharing all your hard work, Caleb!!


Just coming across your Chanel and I must say this course is great.


Thank you for this course! It was easy to understand and also I had a lot of fun!


You deserve a lot more subscribers for the content you make


just 10 minutes in and i love your sense of humour already hahahaa!!
you a genius!!




i decided i'll start learning beginning from this day hope i master it


Just when I needed the most 👍 It seems there will be no need to buy a course on Udemy
