St. Rose Of Lima |The Saint Who Wore A Crown of Thorns Hidden Under the Roses

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Who is St. Rose Of Lima?
St. Rose Of Lima or St. Rose de Lima was born to Gaspar del Flores and Maria del Olivia as Isabel del Flores in Peru, South America. She was known by the name Rose because the servant who saw the newly born child, saw her face transforming into a beautiful Rose. She is known for performing severe penance and for her chastity. Rose, born in Peru, was also the first saint of the New World. She is a great example of piety and selfless love. She is considered to be the patron saint of embroiderers, gardeners, florists and Latin America. She was canonized by Pope Clement X.

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0:00 Introduction
0:46 Why Was She Called Rose of Lima?
1:04 Childhood
1:36 The Desire To Become A Nun
3:37 The Pirates Who Looted Lima
4:43 Health Problems
4:54 The Vision Of Jesus
5:28 Death Of St Rose
6:03 Canonization
6:34 Conclusion

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Fantastic Saints 😇 is a series where we will be discussing the most fascinating and mind-blowing stories of saints in church history. Do you want a bunch of fascinating and mind-blowing stories about saints? You are in the right place. Saints usually inspire us to do good and to live like them. Listening to their stories will immensely help you grow in your faith-life. Catholic Church have some fascinating saints, many of which will be covered in the series.

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Agnus Dei X - Bitter Suite - Kevin Macleod

Church Bell Celebration: Doug Maxwell & Media Right Productions
Waterfall - Aakash Gandhi
Till' Death Part Us - Aakash Gandhi
Timeless - Lauren Duski

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I’ve had an uncanny experience with this saint over the last few days.
I visited her cell in Lima ten years ago- aside from my son and his Grandpa; we were the only visitors. It was a profound experience - the place was imbued with a palpable ambiance of Love.
I remember seeing her large cross -the one she would carry in penance -
One of the most striking aspects of this visit was that the day before we had visited pyramids outside the city; pre - Christian - I was struck by the aura of desolation and gloom that hung over the site. I felt the deep sadness and loss that hung over the site . I asked a guide ‘ Did human sacrifice take place here ?’ He grimly nodded.

Then at St Rose’s the next day; the light, love and joy that permeated her home ( hermitage ? I’m not sure what to call it) was in absolute start contrast to the pyramids where sacrifice of others’ took place.
Here; she sacrificed her self daily, in deep mortification ; for others.
The supernatural love and the miracles is proof of God’s eternal Love.
I had fallen away from Mass and prayer the last year or so… with of course; unhappy results.
I went back to Confession and Mass Sunday - feast of St Augustine-
Then yesterday I picked up my statue of Rose of Lima that I had bought years ago on the visit to her.
I repaired it; and gave it a place of honour. Last night I prayed fervently to her for aid.
Today I again went to confession; as sin was still attacking.
In confession I mentioned I had a devotion to St Rose of Lima.
After absolution I prayed, and on the drive home with my son I talked a lot about St Rose of Lima .
Her sacrifice; her miracles, our visit when he was an infant -
Then, coming home I turned on YouTube and I saw ‘St Rose of Lima- August 30’
I had no idea it was her feast Day, and until yesterday, when I noticed her statue needed repairing, I haven’t thought about her at all in a long time.
God and His Saints are real !
Gracias Santa Rose de Lima;
Ruega por nosotros !


It is beautiful to hear your sweet voice talking about a saint. Out of the mouth of babe's. God Bless you Sweetheart, and God Bless your family. So pure 💓


Thank-you for sharing this beautiful story to us of St Rose of Lima.


She has a powerful story telling voice, I love it~


I loved hearing about Rose of Lima. I knew of her and had to refresh my memory. I am so glad I did!


Thank you so much for the story of St. Rose of Lima's saintly life and death, and so beautifully presented and narrated, from a new subscriber in England. Muchas gracias, y bendiciones desde Inglaterra.


Sancta Rosa, Patron Saint of my hometown, pray for us.🌹🙏🌹


Saint Rose of Lima, pray for us. Amen. ❤🙏🙏


Very Good Julia. Very good & Sweet voice


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If you liked the video, don't hesitate to watch our other videos as well😊😊.

0:00 Introduction
0:46 Why Was She Called Rose of Lima?
1:04 Childhood
1:36 The Desire To Become A Nun
3:37 The Pirates Who Looted Lima
4:43 Health Problems
4:54 The Vision Of Jesus
5:28 Death Of St Rose
6:03 Canonization
6:34 Conclusion

Who is St. Rose?
St. Rose Of Lima or St. Rose de Lima was born to Gaspar del Flores and Maria del Olivia as Isabel del Flores in Peru, South America. She was known by the name Rose because the servant who saw the newly born child, saw her face transforming into a beautiful Rose. She is known for performing severe penance and for her chastity. Rose, born in Peru, was also the first saint of the New World. She is a great example of piety and selfless love. She is considered to be the patron saint of embroiderers, gardeners, florists and Latin America


There is painting of her at national trust Kingston lacy in Dorset. Thank you for telling me her story


Keep up the good work Julia was a wonderfull video ....and I really really loved you voice in it ...super 👍🏻


SAINT Isabel Flores de Oliva, please heal my heart and soul...


For those of you who don't know. St. Rose of Lima was actually named Isabel, but because of her beauty was called Rose 🌹.


porque no ponen imágenes de lima - Perú ?
porque no mencionan los milagros que realizo ?
mucha de la información no es exacta o cierta ¡¡¡


Pray That I Will Live Peacefully With My Neighbors That My Property Belongings Will Be Blessed That I Will Keep The Ten Commandments Recite The Divine Mercy Reflect Often On The Passion Death Of Jesus Christ Read The Bible Poor Souls In Purgatory Prayer In Schools My Church Friends For The Pope


If you have a daily devotion to Saint Rose, you may know the college in Albany NY was closed because of a corrupt college president (maybe a racist). Please pray to God by Saint Rose's intercession someone will help me get back home to the Anthracite Region of Pennsylvania to pray in a Ukrainian Catholic church before October 12, 2024. I cannot stand being forced to live in the most militarized region of Pennsylvania anymore! There should be no military bases in PENNsylvania! William Penn was a QUAKER!!!


I don't recall Jesus ever curing someone and then advising them to go home and beat threir head against the wall or starve themselves. It seems these "saints" thought up new ways to make their lives of thorns....
wearing sharp chains around their waistline or arms. I'm a life-long, proud practicing Catholic. But this sort of self-abuse in the
pursuit of holiness just sounds No matter so many of them died young. I often wonder how many
of our "saints" in past centuries were truly holy, but also mentally ill?


If God is prolife, why did he drown the children and pregnant woman in the time of Noah?
