Day In The Life Of A High School Science Teacher

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An average day in the life of a high school earth science teacher. Follow along as I do my morning prep, plan for lessons and everything in between.
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I just wanted to let you know that it's so cool you made this video. I always felt like no one ever respected the teachers when I was in high school, and I wish that I had taken the time to tell my science teacher how important they were to me, in help molding my interests for the future. I hope that for you, kids are more forthcoming with how amazing teachers can be for us. Keep up the good work!


Teaching chemistry in the fall as a first year teacher! Happy to have found your channel!


New to your channel, first off Hello! I wanted to thank you for documenting your experiences as a high school science teacher. I'm currently a junior in college getting my B.S. in Biology with a concentration in ecology and evolution. I'm very excited to get my teaching certification once I graduate and finally begin my journey as a biology teacher. Thank you for your love of science my friend and keep up the great work!


I'm starting a high school science program in September. Thanks for the content.


I actually have both a minor in geology and in natural resources so I'm actually planning on teaching high school biology. I start WGU in April. I love tropical fish tanks and have a 90 gallon I can't wait to put in a classroom somewhere!


Very great video. Love your passion and enthusiasm. I am a principal at Kosrae High School and yea I can tell that I have the least number of teachers comparing to previous years. Wish I can have some teachers like you in my school; maybe come and spend a vacation here in Kosrae teaching at Kosrae High School. I hope someone can read this and at least to think about it. I am recruiting for teachers now; Science, Math, Language Arts, Social Studies, Mechanic, Carpentry, Agriculture, Food & Nutrition, Sewing, Child Development.


Thanks for the video, I'm considering changing to a physics/chemistry education major and seeing this is great!


I wanna be a science teacher!!! Thank youuu🥺🥺🥺


Great work and clearly there is commitment and enthusiasm !. A very side comment, if allowed; Those are the most beautiful eyes I ever saw.


Inspiring video, I'm going to college to be a highschool bio teacher 👍


Hello from one teacher to another. :) love your video.


Could anyone let me know how y’all transport your fish during holiday breaks or over the summer? 😅 I’m highly interested in having fish in my science classroom one day but I dread having to move them


I'm a senior in high school with 2 months left with a GPA of 1.9 and I just decided to become a science teacher but I don't know where to start, any advice?


I looked up the Jlabs you mentioned. How do you look at results in a chart form? Seems like looking at grades might be time consuming.


thank you for this vlog, may I ask any link for the j labs? thanks again :)


Should I change my major to Earth Science Education?

Ok so to start off I began college majoring in marine biology, then I added another major of wildlife ecology and conservation. My goal was to work in a zoo or park. However, it is after my sophomore year (about to start junior year after summer) and I’m really struggling with courses. (Course load, hardness. Etc.) I have taken off the marine biology major so now I just have the wildlife ecology and conservation major which is still pretty much the same course load. My parents pulled me aside to let me know that it is okay to change my major if I am unhappy. So I have been giving it some thought. I am interested in science but I struggle with some of the material. Of the classes I’ve taken these have been the hardest for me (O-Chem, botany, Zoology). I would have to take classes that are harder in my opinion including microbio, genetics, physics, etc. Since I am struggling with the more general courses such as botany I’m not sure continuing this path would be wise for my GPA and mental health. With my interests I know I want to do something with science. And education does peak my interest a bit. If I were to do early childhood Ed or elementary Ed it would require me to completely start over in classes the way my school’s program is set up. That would be a lot of time and money. So I figured the next best thing would be to combine science and education and I landed on an Earth Science education degree. It would seem like there is some demand in the field for this degree which is good. (Correct me if wrong) Looking into courses I would need to take Geology, Descriptive Astronomy and Laboratory, Meteorology or Climatology, Historical Geology, Environmental Geology, History of Science and Technology, Petrology, Paleontology. The rest of the courses would be education-minded (PLCs, Ed psy, etc) I have yet to talk to my advisor and get their opinion but I have an appointment scheduled. I thought it might be of interest to reach out to those currently in the field and have taken these or similar classes. I wanted to know if it would be manageable. On a scale of difficulty how difficult is it? As someone who has likely taken most of these classes would you have advice for me to consider when thinking if I should do this major change? Thanks for your time!


Hey! I was wondering if you had any tips or advice for an incoming student teacher of earth and space science!


Next make some comedy video miss teacher desperate to pee
