Advanced GRE Words 2 - GRE Vocabulary Wednesday

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By definition, all GRE words vocabulary words are advanced--it is the GRE after all! But for this week's GRE Vocabulary Wednesday we'll be covering another handful of vocabulary words that are extra uncommon and confusing. In this 4-minute video, our GRE expert Chris Lele will go over the 6 GRE vocab words, their definitions, and how you can use them. Happy studying :)

00:00 - Chris introduces his second set of advanced GRE vocabulary words
00:09 - Supplicate
00:31 - Gauche
01:14 - Mawkish
01:48 - Supine
02:20 - Fecund
02:53 - Didactic

#GREvocab #GREwords #GREvocabularyWednesday

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Рекомендации по теме

supplicate: ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly
gauche: socially awkward
mawkish: sentimental, cheesy
supine: weak and willing to accept the control of others
fecund: capable of producing offspring or creating new things
didactic: intended to teach in a determined and fixed way


Chris voice is stuck in my mind. I had magoosh subscription, and most of the explanation videos in Verbal are that of Chris.
His explanations are very interactive and friendly. Makes learning process fun.

I got 159 in verbal (GRE). I improved from 148 to 159, thanks to magoosh.


Thanks alot!! I prefer words in doses, because watching a 10-30 min video of 100 or more words "scatters" my brain to even remember 1 word. "less is more". Your the🐐.


Story Time :
One day I was asked to be at my friend's party, as I went there, I saw many people supplicating me for having drinks and being a non-drinker, it made me gauche, also I saw my didactic professor who was very strict during college coming towards us, I supplicated my friend to stop drinking or the situation would have been worse, but astonishingly the professor supine and dance over with our mawkish friends listening to romantic songs. That was a hell of a night.


Love the way you teach!! Such video explanations for all of Barron's 1000 and Manhattan's 500 words would be really helpful.


Thanks a lot...
I am not a English native speaker.. So its hard to understand English for me..
But you pronunciation is awesome..And i understand you
And i have downloaded all of your videos( 193 videos)
And its really helping me..
I have tried your apps..
But from app i can't learn quickly..
And later i can't remember them..
From your video i learn 5-6 words from every video..
And from them later i can remember atleast 3 words..
So your video is quite helpful..
And again thanks for taking so much pressure and making all these videos..
And please dont stop making videos..
Its really helpful


Thank you so much for the playlist mate!


Hi! I love you! Thank you so much! You're awesome! Vocab Wednesdays are awesome! And the vocal builder app was super helpful!!!


Most useful teaching video, thank you so much sir.


Do you teach grammar and spoken English practice?


I learned this vocab "gauche" yesterday in french. "Gauche" is French means "left". Now this is even more difficult and perplexing for me lol


fecund pronouncing the d at the end is important 😂😂😂


Can we say gauche is same as maladroit


Thanks for these videos!
I just wanted to leave a feedback, very inconvenient tho hear the wrong meaning first- you prepared to learn the word and instead you hear what the word sounds like and what I might think it could mean but actually it means different. This makes you remember the first meaning that was presented for the word but not the right one😢


that's now how you pronounce fecund


1. supplicate (v): ask or beg for something earnestly or humbly.
e.g. The cool kids supplicated the bookish girl to be their friend.

2. gauche (adj): ​shy or uncomfortable when dealing with people and often saying or doing the wrong thing.
e.g. She had grown from a gauche and shy teenager to a self-assured young woman.

3. mawkish (adj): showing emotion or love in an awkward or silly way, cheesy.
e.g. I can't believe that jerk can come up with such a mawkish love story.

4. supine (adj): not willing to act or disagree with somebody because you are lazy or morally weak.
e.g. The new director has introduced a series of changes against little opposition from the supine staff.

5. fecund (adj): able to produce a lot of children, crops, etc; ​producing new and useful things, especially ideas.
e.g. The fecund soil has increased crop production enormously.
e.g. His artistic success is largely due to his fecund imagination.

6. didactic (adj): designed to teach people something, especially a moral lesson; intended to teach, especially in a way that is too determined or eager, and often fixed and unwilling to change.
e.g. Even though the acting is great, this movie is overly didactic.
e.g. The biomedical professor is worth revering, but he is a little bit didactic in his teaching methods.


Would you kindly add SUBTITLES to your videos for the non-native learners?


How can I just remember all 2k+ gre words? I'm forgetting 😔


Boarding school teachers are often didactic.


Supining would not help you solve the problem.
