Advanced Vocabulary in 60 Minutes (Precise words you need to know!)

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I've taken the best vocabulary lessons and put them together in this vocabulary masterpiece. Learn many different adjectives, nouns, verbs, and adverbs to help you be more precise.

Building your vocabulary is essential to improving your English fluency. It allows you to easily express your thoughts, opinions, and ideas. Just keep practicing and keep up the good work.

0:00 Lesson Intro + Speaking Course Announcement
1:41 Advanced Adjectives to Sound Smarter
13:29 10 More Advanced Adjectives
20:48 Advanced Verbs to Sound Smarter
31:10 Advanced Nouns to Sound Smarter
41:26 Advanced Adverbs Ending in -ly
50:45 15 Irregular Verbs



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Thanks Wes!

1. ubiquitous ~ existing or being everywhere
2. cumbersome ~ difficult or burdensome
3. facetious ~ not meant to be taken seriously
4. arduous ~ requires strenuous effort; difficult
5. presumptuous ~ showing lack of respect by doing something that you shouldn't
6. pensive ~ deep or serious thought
7. circuitous ~ not straight or direct (circuitous route, path)
8. conscientious ~ morally responsible for doing work carefully and treating others with respect
9. meticulous ~ showing great attention to detail
10. convoluted ~ difficult to follow; complex; twisted (convoluted sentence, argument, story)
11. germane ~ relevant; closely or significantly related
12. preposterous ~ contrary to reason; ridiculous; absurd
13. perfunctory ~ performed merely as a routine; habit; duty
14. truculent ~ fierce; cruel; aggressively hostile
15. austere ~ severe in manner; strict; without excess
16. capricious ~ subject to sudden or unpredictable change
17. defamatory ~ false or unjustified harm to someone’s reputation
18. esoteric ~ understood by a select few who have special knowledge
19. nascent ~ beginning to exist or develop
20. quintessential ~ representing the most perfect or typical example

will continue watching the video later!


Remember, try not to use some of these words in casual conversation, or you may come off as a nerd, or purposely trying to sound smart. Use these in more formal discussions, or in essays were you need more specific vocabulary. This is coming from a native English speaker.
(I’m not responding to any more replies)


4:55 facetious
6:40 presumptuous
12:15 convoluted
14:11 germane
15:18 perfunctory
16:02 truculent
17:14 austere
19:38 nascent
23:56 compel
25:49 extol
26:44 impugn
27:54 obfuscate
28:43 placate
29:28 repudiate
37:20 credence
38:38 sycophant
43:42 unabashedly
46:32 vicariously


I had difficulty learning and remembering all of these words. However I didn’t give up. I kept watching and listening to this video over and over again. I used these words in my day to day. I have now learned and remembered all of these words. Don’t give up!


As French students we spend years learning English just to realize advanced English is actually French 😅 (facetious -> facétieux, arduous -> ardu, presumptuous -> présomptueux, austere -> austère, capricious -> capricieux....)


1. Ubiquitous
2. Cumbersome
3. Facetious
4. Ardous
5. Presumptuous
6. Pensive
7. Circuitous
8. Conscientious
9. Meticulous
10. Convoluted
11. Germane
12. Preposterous
13. Perfunctory
14. Truculent
15. Austere
16. Capricious
17. Defamatory
17. Esoteric
18. Nascent
19. Quintessential
20. Admonish
21. Advocate
22. Bemoan
23. Compel
24. Embezzle
25. Extolled
26. Impugn
27. Obfuscate
28. Placate
29. Repudiate
30. quid pro quo
31. catch-22 (J. Heller)
32. Epitome
33. Dichotomy
34. Myriad
35. Credence
36. Malaise
37. Sycophant
38. Dilettante
39. Zenith
40. Annually
41. Reluctantly
42. Unabashedly
43. Vaguely
44. Fervently
45. Diligently
46. Vicariously
47. Hastily
48. Utterly
49. Intently
50. arise arose arisen
51. bear bore born(e)
52. behold beheld beheld
53. creep crept crept
54. deal dealt dealt
55. forsake forsook forsaken
56. lie lay lain
57. mean meant meant
58. overtake overtook overtaken
59. rise rose risen
60. swear sworn sworn
61. shake shook shaken
62. withdraw withdrew withdrawn


even as a university educated native speaker actually having words explained like this is pretty useful


Great list! I’m a native English speaker, but since I teach beginning English to non native speakers….my speaking skills are declining! Most of my daily conversation with students is a simplified English. I really need this. Thank you!


As a native english speaker, the overwhelming majority of these words aren't used on a day to day basis. Great list all the same.


I am Deaf by birth, doctors assumed I be unable to learn, so I didn’t learn proper English, I love creativity and the way you teach is amazing, it help me get a better understanding on word usage ❤


I am from Italy and it is amazing how the more English goes formal the more it sounds like Latin languages. For a native of Italian like me it is much easier to remember this kind of words!


English is my second language. For a romance-derived language speaker, e.g., Spanish, these words are rather easy because they come from Latin, and already exist and are used in Spanish, Portuguese, etc. For example, meticulous is meticuloso, arduous is arduo, pensive comes from pensante or pensador, austere is austero, capricious is caprichoso, defamatory is defamador, nascent comes from nacer (to be born), etc. The challenge however, is to pronounce them correctly in English, especially for a foreigner,


Native English speaker here. Learners, be advised that some these words are above the vocabulary level of many Americans. Know your audience, and don't be afraid to rely on simpler words. You will never offend an American by speaking plainly


Thanks Mr. Wes .Extremely good. I loved this video. And it just struck to my mind that all these years I had myself got stuck with the basics of English language when I should be learning this instead. Thanks a ton Sir. I really appreciate the effort you put on to create this video so that people like us could access it at our fingertips especially girls like me. Gr8 job. God bless you.


This is really helps to used advacnced vocabulary words for my college and my future career job. It does help me prepared to used any vocabulary words to write an essay for college or anything.


As a non-native Ph.D. student, I found your lesson very useful. I've heard those words so many times. I give you a follow! Thanks so much for your incredible choices of words!



1. quid pro quo - something given/taken in exchange for something else
2. catch-22 - a problem that cannot be solved because the solution to the problem is inherent in the problem itself
E.g.: "It's a catch-22"
3. epitome - something typical that represents a group as a whole
4. dichotomy between (two things) - the contrast between two things that are opposed
E.g.: We're studying the dichotomy between economic development and environmental protection
5. myriad - a great number of people or things (= various)
6. credence - the belief as to the truth of something
E.g.: The email they discovered gave credence to his unethical behavior
7. malaise - a vague feeling of physical discomfort or uneasiness as an early sign of an illness
8. sycophant - a person who tries to gain attention by flattering wealthy or influential people
9. dilettante - a person who cultivates an interest in something without learning in-depth information
10. zenith - the top; peak; highest point of something


As a native English speaker with a love of articulation and eloquence in speech this is extremely useful! Thankyou wholeheartedly for your outstanding and meticulous work!
(I think I'll need to rewatch it a few times to remember the ones I didn't already know, though.)


I have a 99 percentile vocabulary, but I find this very helpful as a reminder of words I seldom use due to my need to communicate effectively, rather than to sound 'smart'.


I really like your teaching style. I find it very easy to absorb and to follow along with. Usually I accidentally zone out and miss most of what people are saying, but this was perfect.
