Crassula ovata 'Crosby's Compact' (Jade Plant) Houseplant Care — 231 of 365

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This may very well be one of the most iconic succulents out there. Everyone has at least one, two or three jade plants in their home, and I thought it wise to highlight some of these common plants. That being said, this is one of the many jade plant cultivars known as 'Crosby's Compact'. It takes the spot of #231 of "365 Days of Plants".

In this video I'll discuss where it is originally native to, where I'm growing it in my home, and basics like light, watering and fertilizing.

You can check out more of these videos here and on my IGTV @homesteadbrooklyn.

Featured plant:
Crassula ovata 'Crosby's Compact' (Jade Plant)


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In a world of $400 exotic mutant aroids sometimes it's nice just to see the classics!


wait... i don't hear anything about watering regime. your plant looks amazing but my aunt's plant is rotting away.


My mother has one that's over twenty yrs old! ^_^ She keeps it outdoors in a large pot and always brings it inside during the cold nights or places a blanket on it. <3


nice vid but watering was not mentioned🥺


My poor Jade plant. No wonder it's doing so poorly, I'm doing everything wrong! 😔Seriously going to change the location and quit drowning it. Here's hoping. Thank you for all your hard work, Summer; you are amazing! 😁


I think that the jade plant is one of the most beautiful of all foliage house plants! And they are very long lived which is always a plus in my opinion! This is one which can easily become a treasured member of anyone's family! 👍


Warning. Since the leaves are very succulent, they are very heavy, usually quite a lot heavier than the pot and soil. This makes the plant quite top heavy. I prefer to use gravel or pumice instead of perlite, and plant it in a pot that is wider than tall. This plant, in my opinion is best grown with a single plant in a pot. This way it quickly forms a small tree. When you see this plant in stores, it usually has three or more cuttings planted in a single pot. You can easily transplant these into separate pots or plant them into a wide bonsai pot, spaced far apart to make a small grove. instant bonsai.


Im receiving my aunts 50 year old jade tree talk about anxiety im scared to kill it


Just got one today, i hope it outlives me


One of my favorites, especially when they get old and woody stems. Then they look like a bonsai tree. I lost mine to horrible mealy bugs though :(


I have several crassulas grown from tip cuttings and I have the problem with all of them that they grow quite fast, get big leaves fast and grow kind of leggy upwards, I have to support them with long wooden sticks, otherwise they just tip over and literally fall out of their pots since they only have tiny roots... what am I doing wrong, how can I save them? I thought maybe I water too much, but when I water less, their leaves start to dry out from the tips and get crusty. Any hints much appreciated!


These are definitely one of my favorites! Thank you for shairng. I have a few of them now and love how they grow🌸


Hi Summer, I have a huge Crassula that was my grandmothers and it’s over 100 years old. I’m so scared of killing it, and it keeps shedding leaves and tips a lot, do you know why that could be? Thank you.


I just haven’t had good luck with jades. I have a small one now that I’ve managed to keep alive for about a year & a half... struggling to find the balance of water & light to make it happy enough to get massive... fingers crossed the third plant is the charm. I hope I can have one worthy of passing down to future generations!


my mom had this growing in a pot on her covered patio and she didn't realize it wasn't fake because she never watered it and it was fine!


I had a Crosby's Compact and appreciated the smaller stature. Had to leave it behind when I moved years ago. Nice plant, though.


hello. Thanks for the video. I would have appreciated some conversation on how to water or tips for this particular plant as I don't seem to have any luck with it, my little branches seem to fall off..thanks


I had a beautiful - and fairly good sized - jade plant when I was in high school back in the ‘80s, but it didn’t last very long. Got leggy - in spite of being grown in sunny Phoenix, Arizona - and then developed rot even though I was always careful not to overwater it.

I kinda gave up on them after that.


Leaf cuttings take much longer, true, but they'll also turn into nice plants. I have tons of these in my garden. They're native here (South Africa). Thanks for another nice video!


Oh my one of my favorite jades, and one I don't have yet, but as soon as I find one I will be adding this to my collection, I love how when you give it more light it reddins on the tips of the leaves which I find so pretty, I love a classic plant and this one is a classic. Thanks you again summer, this series has been so amazing and sometimes an eye opener for learning about so many wonderful plants. See you tomorrow, bye for now.
