Prestiging in Sea of Thieves

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"Prestiging in the Trading Companies to unlock exclusive cosmetics, item curses, and enhanced character design is now here with Season 10!"

Now imagine that was an actual sentence coming from Rare. Today in this video I show you some concept art I whipped up on stream, and preach my idea about how Rare could add a prestiging system into the game, to increase player retention, as well as improve the cosmetics in the game with personal cusomisation.

**All art made in this video is my own, was made live in-front of an audience, and shall not be re-posted elsewhere without my permission.**
Feel free to stop by at my Twitch for more insights into how I create content, as well as chilled out gameplay.

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Рекомендации по теме

I would love to see a Update that gives us the option to change ships without opening new servers. Because sometimes one of your mates has to log off and now you are only two people on a brig. Then you have to option to sail to an outpost and go into the dry dock. There is a npc that is changing your ship to a sloop or Galli for gold/doubloons. You keep all your supplies and can go on with your sailing.


I would like a hat. Not just a normal hat but a custom hat that adds a flower or feather to show how long you played if you did a certain thing or so on


Could make a vid on how much sea of thieves has progressed since season 1


This guy is my favourite sea of thieves youtuber on the platform. Always has Amazing ideas


I would love a speculation video about the upcoming update and pirates life 2


Would love a way to make the supplies we gather last in some way. Donating leftover supplies to a Guild bank, and new players in the Guild can take so much from the bank.

Maybe higher ranks in the Guild give perks. You gain access to new voyages.

Also, would be cool to see the ability to capture islands and fort for your Guild. Place flags then have to defend. The longer you hold the fort/island, the more loot spawns in the vault. Once you hold the isle long enough, the key spawns and you're given access to the 'secrets of the island'..whatever island you be on.

Would love to see a naval battle that resembles iconic pirate movies. The Galleons side by side. Boarders everywhere swinging from ropes from ship to ship. (I think rope swinging should be added as well. Jump off crows and catch to swing.) Not sure how to go about this, but 16v16 on two ships would be a sight to behold.


I think all of your ideas are very good, I think they would all fit well into the game, I personally think idea 2 is the best. I also think that if sea of ​​thieves would only take half of your ideas, it would be an even nicer and better game.


A prestige system would be pretty cool & the milestone system kind of already exists for that, just for more ship based cosmetics. I wonder if it's an issue with individual customization. Remember when the gold curse was unique to the player when received, then they changed it so that everyone had the same type? Could be an engine issue. Great video!


You could make a video when you talk about how you think sea of theives future are going to look like.
•what would the map look like?
•new factions?
•any new tts?
•New gamemodes?
And all that. Its just something i would love to see.
Btw love the vids!<3


I haven’t watched this channel in a while but what I can say is that I am very happy because he sounds happy again and having fun making content again, keep up the good work!


your production quality is so high! keep it up


I mean it can be something as simple as just using systems already in the game. I like the idea of you unlocking an entire set of cosmetics for grinding all of the comendations for one faction, and for that you should add at least one more quest to them to make it harder but also fun to do. Imagine you having any upgrade for the gold curse or the Order of Souls curse, adding a curse for the merchant alliance as well maybe. It could also be something as simple as a special trophy that emanates an aura on your ship the way some emporium cosmetics do imagine a trophy that you put on the ship and because its cursed it turns parts of your ship into gold, flames, ghost, that adds cosmetic options different from the ones that already exists and all of them show dedication for something in the game using already existing systems. (Maybe not ship curses but you get the point, i think its better if you use Trophy and the curse on that item is the thing that changes your ship.


You should do a video on all the stuff the devs announced in the podcast and your concepts of what those would be (for example they mentioned that the 5th anniversary will be bigger then the 1st anniversary which added 10 tall tales, so what your take on new tall tales could be, ect.)


I like the idea for curses on ships and weapons! Furthermore, equipment! Imagine everything you bucket, it goes towards unlocking a glow. It would be like leveling up weapons in COD. Man that would be so fun! Even playing music for said amount of time...captained ships spotted for eyeglass, etc. The counters are already in the game!


VIDEO IDEA, a comprehensive guide on ways to reach pirate legend, ie which company’s to go with, fastest way to level up exp and other tips for the journey, it could be a two parter or something depending on how long you want the video to be!


One of the things I would love to see in the game is for pirates that have missing teeth we could make it a gold tooth as well as jewelry.


Personally, I'm not a fan of the idea of glowing weapons/equipment, but I do like the idea of notches. I think having some highly crafted/detailed cosmetics locked behind prestige levels is enough incentive for players to grind it (similar to the new curses grind). It's flashy enough to send the message of experienced players to others and rewarding players for grinding it. Much like the new sails having hard to get cosmetics is what drives players to keep logging in and something to work towards.


Imagine a diamond blade set, variant from insider rewards, but in blue with diamonds !!!! This is one of the only color that they haven't done yet on weapons (they have done mercenary, obsidian, silver...). I think it would be incredible to have those weapons as a super rare feature maybe for killing 1000 people with an eye of reach (gives eye of reah), then killing 1000 with blunderbuss (gives blunderbuss), as it was for triumphant sea dogs weapons !


You could do a vid for SoT's fifth anniversary about how far it has come since launch and your opinion on the game now vs then.


Maybe do a video on the different less known cosmetics and how to get them like scars.

I don't personally like the resetting idea since you'd have an endless train of resetting at nothing and when you weren't a low level you'd feel like you're wasting progress. The equipment and ship curse ideas sound really cool!
