Reading Glasses VS Computer Glasses (Types, Powers & Prescription Options)

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If you experience eye strain or have challenges seeing your computer screen clearly, you may benefit from using computer glasses of some kind. People often ask me if reading glasses and computer glasses are the same, and while technically they are not, they have some similarities. In fact, some people may be able to use reading glasses as computer glasses.

The biggest difference between computer glasses vs reading glasses is the powers needed. Computer glasses usually need less power than what is in reading glasses because we usually hold reading material closer than the computer screen.
The best eyeglasses for reading and computer are prescription computer glasses, but there are several options to choose from. Prescription computer glasses can come as single vision computer lenses, progressive lenses or even an office based progressive lens.

0:00 Reading Glasses Vs Computer Glasses
0:43 Are reading glasses and computer glasses the same
1:15 Can Reading Glasses be used as computer glasses
1:33 What power of Reading glasses to use
2:21 Harmon Distance
3:17 Computer Glasses Power
4:40 Eye Drops for Reading Glasses
5:03 Computer Glasses Vs Prescription Glasses
5:32 Best eyeglasses for reading and computer
6:44 Computer Glasses vs Progressive
7:40 Office Computer Glasses Explained

Learn about the new VUITY Eye drop for Presbyopia!

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🎉 Eyeglasses used in this video:

Blue Light Glasses I use while on the computer
Gamer Advantage
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My favorite Reading glasses (really cool)
Thinoptics (Keychain)

✅ Recommended playlists:

Do Blue Light Glasses work? Learn all about blue light and blue light glasses:

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About This Video: Are computer glasses stronger than reading glasses? Join us as we compare reading glasses vs computer glasses. Many people use reading glasses as their computer glasses, however they are different in that reading glasses are usually stronger than computer glasses.

#computerglasses #readingglasses #doctoreyehealth
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Please let me know of any eye questions you have or would like to see a video about! Thanks for watching!!


I was introduced to computer glasses 3 years ago as a suggestion from my neighbor. You are 110% correct in that those are my favorite pair of glasses. It took several adjustments but it was well worth the wait! I happened to stumble upon your videos. Thank you so much for making them. They are so very useful and educational.


As I got older my prescription "reading" glasses got stronger. I found that my oldest/lowest power glasses are now great for TV, my middle power glasses are great for my desktop computer, my highest power for books or Kindle, and I use my progressive lenses for things that involve frequent distance changes. That's a lot of glasses, but I dislike the progressives for extended reading, computer, or TV use.


Thank you so much for your very informative and useful videos.
I'm retired now, but when I worked at a desk with a dual screen computer up to a year and a half ago, my bifocals were for the computer at the top of the lenses, and for seeing my desk work papers at the bottom of my lenses. That worked very well for me. Then when someone came into my office I would remove those glasses for conversing. I liked that a lot. I had cataract surgery in both eyes a year ago, and need only a little bit of correction. (One of my eyes is still cloudy though.) My bifocals are for distance and reading. Driving is great, however the front panel of my vehicle is a bit of a challenge, but I no longer drive daily so I'm not too bothered. I use no correction for my laptop.


I've been working as an Optician since May of last year and there is sooo much to learn. I really appreciate your videos. I can't always get advice from my colleagues and I always want to learn as much as possible because I love to pass that knowledge on to, my patients so they're better informed about their vision!


Thank you. You nailed it. I just received my first pair of prrogressive lenses and hate them. Sore neck, constant straining to find the sweet spot when trying to work at the computer with dual monitors. I had no idea computer glasses or office glasses exist. So thank you for your videos and for the informative videos. Off to the optometrist I go.


Thank you! I have progressive lenses and work at a computer all day, so I find myself looking at the computer screen just like you demonstrated putting a strain on my neck and shoulders. Also, the optometrist I saw last did not even offer to try to adjust my glasses to fit me at all and as a result they have never been comfortable. My previous optometrist always adjusted my glasses to fit me, but he retired. I can see the computer better without my glasses but cannot see print on paper so I'm constantly in a battle with my eyesight and my glasses.


Good video. As a fellow eye doc, I recommend (and wear) the "Office Progressive" for patients over 50 on the computer. It is also great for painters, or mechanics in which most work takes place at arm's length or closer... And... In most "office progressives, " there is a small area at the very top of the lens to see about room distance.


Have computer glasses, reading glasses and progressives. My eye care program gives me new glasses every year. I pay a little extra to get Oakley glasses with their lenses. Be aware that just because you order an Oakley does not mean you are getting Oakley lenses.


I am nearsighted. At work they decided to be nice to the people that wear glasses and had to wear safety glasses over them, so they bought us prescription safety glasses. Maybe because of the prescription change I had to do as you demonstrated, head all the way back and spread my legs to read the monitor of the equipment. (They should of bought more chairs too.) Anyway, I went back to the Doc and told her my problem. She made a correction of the progressives, and I couldn't thank her enough (she was my personal doc). I am glad you made this video because I need to get new personal glasses. I really don't care about distances except for driving.


Thank you so much for informing me about the “office lens”! I wish my optometrist recommended this, knowing my complains of my progressives always creating eye strain and neck pain when I work with desktop computers and paperwork all day.


I have a light-sensitive retina due to my retina being bruised years ago in a near-fatal car crash. Back then, I was told to "man-up" & "nothing we can do to help" (a polite way of saying I deserve what I get for crashing a car as a teenager). Also, that damaged eye doesn't track in when I'm reading/focusing. I suggested to my optometrist about prism lenses & due to my age he was able to magnify it enough; oh how much better I see & my eyes are no longer in pain. Got myself tint-changing lenses with my new pair of glasses due to LEDs being used in more electronic devices. I wear prescription glasses with tin-change & blue light filtering for driving now also, as car headlights & street lights have LEDs which burn my retina. LEDs are a terrible light for our vision, they emit a blue-white wavelength & being a diode they also pulse rapidly like a projection (picture tube) TV. So with LEDs we're not just getting the UV-spectrum blue-white wavelength of light into our eyes, but we're also being pulsed as a diode cuts the sinewave; LED= Light Emitting Diode. Dr. Allen, if people are having their vision dazzled at night, it's because of auto manufacturers using LEDs to "save SunSync XT's worked great for me, they not-only did a great job reducing the Australian sun, but cut-down the LED lights going into my eyes. LEDs should not be used in cars, domestic lighting, general lighting & stadium floodlighting, they are unhealthy for our eyes. We should go back to natural halogen.


I've not heard of Office lenses before, but that sounds like a great option. I wear progressives and with 3 computer monitors on my office desk it can get crazy trying to keep everything in focus. Definitely something I'm going to look into!!


thank you for this. been struggling with progressive for two years now. three monitors and my eyes were killing me. got an apt with my optician. I am surprised most many opticians don't share this information. your videos have helped me immensely. I hope the computer glasses she prescribes are not some over priced reading glasses as the receptionist said it is expensive. 27 inch from monitor so 1/66 = 1.5 reading?


One of the most important and useful videos on YouTube. I was looking into a problem of not seeing maps while driving and this video gave me ideas about possible solutions.


I didn't know about the Office option. I have the same problems mentioned with progressive, so I have a single vision pair just for the computer. Thank you for continuing to educate us!


This is the first I've heard of Office Glasses. I've have computer glasses for years and recently have just been using stronger reading glasses. However, as a dry eye sufferer this option no longer works well for me. I plan to check into Office Glasses ASAP!


I've dealt with eye problem issues my whole life, this video revealed what some possible options are! Thank you!


You educate on all the things my optometrist is too busy to mention. Thank you for filling in this massive educational gap.


With my Myopic, Astigmatic eyes, I also had the misfortune to have Cataracts early, I did have cataract surgery that was very successful. I had the focal range set so that my reading vision was good. My astigmatism is pretty much as was beforehand though. I have a reading add of +2.25 over my distance so office glasses are great for the computer. Great video!
