The 777X Failure Just Got Worse Than You Think! Here’s why

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The 777X Failure Just Got Worse Than You Think! Here’s why
00:00 Intro
00:41 The problem that it faced
05:55 The impact of stop testing
08:24 Why Did Boeing Develop the Triple 7X?
#fligavia #avia avia #boeing #airbus
The 777X Failure Just Got Worse Than You Think! Here’s why
Triple 7X - Boeing’s last-ditch effort to RESTORE its once-unassailable position is on the brink of another APOCALYPTIC delay. Originally slated for a 2025 debut, the latest hiccup THREATENS to push this date even further into the future. The fact that the Triple 7X program has already endured a STRING of troubles so extensive it’s hard to list them all. The situation becoming nearly the WORST if not to say Boeing is on the brink of LOSING everything.
Why say that Boeing is getting worse? And, crucially, can Boeing navigate through these obstacles and reassert its dominance in the aviation industry? Let's find out after this!
The 777X Failure Just Got Worse Than You Think! Here’s why
00:41 The problem that it faced
From the outset, the Triple 7X program has faced numerous difficulties, including delays, escalating costs, and technical challenges. Originally slated for a 2020 entry into service, the timeline has been repeatedly pushed back, with the latest target set for 2025. Nonetheless, recent setbacks may further delay the aircraft's debut.
To fully grasp the seriousness of the current issues and their impact on the Triple 7X program, it's essential to review the troubled development history of the aircraft. From the outset, it faced challenges related to its engines, particularly the GE9X engines produced by General Electric. These engines, the largest ever installed on a commercial aircraft, encountered durability issues during testing, significantly affecting the development timeline of the Triple 7X.
The 777X Failure Just Got Worse Than You Think! Here’s why
First, the problems with the GE9X engines led to a delay in the first test flight from mid-2019 to early 2020, setting a precedent for subsequent delays. Matters worsened when a door blew off during a pressure test in 20 19, raising serious concerns about the aircraft's structural integrity. This incident not only caused additional delays but also intensified regulatory scrutiny, especially amid Boeing's ongoing 737 Max crisis.
The global pandemic enhanced another layer of complexity, disrupting supply chains and altering market demand for wide-body aircraft. This forced Boeing to reassess its production timelines and delivery schedules, further extending the timeline for the Triple 7X's entry into service.
Рекомендации по теме

I have a hunch that Boeing doesn't have a great engineering team anymore which is why the 777X isn't airworthy yet and there's no new cleansheet designs on the horizon.


This video could be 1/2 the length if you didn't repeat everything 3 times. Just get to the point.


What sort of weird narration is this?? You just keep repeating the same crap over and over!


Who needs the Kardashians when we have Boeing? 😀


Boeing's main problem is its management, CEO, senior managers, and political BS. How do I know this? I worked for that company for 15 years, and nothing has changed.


They should pay Airbus to solve their problems.


Boeing was a great company destroyed by incredibly greedy and genuinely evil Board of Directors. I’d get on a paper airplane before I would get on a Boeing.


Bring back the 747 with more efficient engines.


I agree this video sucks never really says anything just regurgitating the same thing over and over again and again.


Even NASA won't fly Boeing. I never will.


Boeing needs to worry more about treating its employees properly and creating advanced reliable products over stock value. This is what union busting and profit-above-all reaps...


If this shit gets certified before comac


Well that was one nothing burger of a video.


I HATE it when videos like this just throw in clips that have ZERO to do with the topic - like 747 build clips in s video about the 777x. Also - what's with the "seven hundred thirty seven"? Try reading your own script rather than using a substandard e-reader...


Inheritance laws caused the demise of Boeing.


This is what happens when you let all the old very experienced engineers leave.

All to save money ! We all see the results.


BOEING shall focus on fixing technical issues on their a/c asap. Then create a marketing strategy for selling their babies...THAT 'S IT good luck folks at BOEING


Actually good that they find it during testing. That’s why we test, so what’s the deal here


Boeing has an issue with hitting the mark on its first iteration. 777-300ER is an excellent plane with excellent engines operated by many airlines worldwide. Just create a NEO version and it will sell.


Boeing still not good to built planes including 737 max and 777x.. it always problems.. airlines better buy airbus.
