[Try Listening For 3 Minutes] Out Of Body Experience – OBE – Powerful Meditation Music, Deep Trance

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This out of body experience (OBE) meditation utilizes a blend of pulsing frequencies to guide you into a deep meditative state which could help induce an OBE. Out of body experiences and it's relationship with meditation is still being studied by both the spiritual and scientific communities, but there are some things we DO know:

Out of body experiences are phenomena in which individuals have the sensation of being detached from their physical bodies and observing themselves and their surroundings from a unique perspective outside their body. These OBEs can occur in various contexts, such as during meditation, NDEs, falling asleep or waking up, or due to certain medical conditions.

People who have had an out of body experience typically report feeling as if they are floating above their body or looking down on it from an elevated position. They might also experience the sensation of flying, passing through physical objects, or traveling to different locations. Despite the vividness of these experiences, individuals usually remain conscious and can recall their experiences in detail afterwards.

Within spiritual context, out of body experiences are frequently interpreted as indications of a spiritual or non-material aspect of human life. Various religious and spiritual traditions view OBEs as moments when the soul or consciousness embarks on a temporary journey away from the body, often described through concepts like astral projection or astral travel. Such experiences are integral to many mystical, esoteric, and shamanic traditions. It is important to acknowledge that these spiritual interpretations venture into the territories of metaphysics and spirituality, areas not confined by empirical scientific research.

The scientific view of out of body experiences is grounded in neuroscience and psychology, focusing on understanding them as subjective phenomena that can be explained through the brain's functioning rather than as evidence of a spiritual or non-material realm. OBEs are often associated with altered states of consciousness, which can be triggered by various factors such as trauma, sensory deprivation, and intense meditation. These states may disrupt the normal processing of sensory information and the sense of self, leading to experiences of detachment from the body. Some neurological explanations for OBEs include dissociative mechanisms, and hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations.

Everything in this meditation was meticulously designed to maximize your chances of inducing an out of body experience.

To create the optimal conditions for an OBE, focus on minimizing distractions and calming your senses:

Sight: Turn off all lights or use a comfortable eye mask.

Hearing: Turn off anything nearby that emits a sound, or wear headphones.

Smell: Ensure there are no smells that could distract you, or if you enjoy it, light a favorite incense or candle.

Breathing: Focus on your breath. Take slow, deep inhales, hold briefly, and exhale fully. Find a steady, comfortable rhythm.

Taste: Hydrate yourself with water. This will reduce any stimulation to your tastebuds through dilution.

Touch: Get comfortable. Whether that's sitting in a comfortable position or lying down. The effects are amplified if you are fasting or have an empty stomach.

Remember, these things are optional but recommended. However, if you can do all of these things, it will improve your chances and increase the likelihood of a more powerful experience. Good luck, and enjoy! 🙏

Out-of-body experiences during meditation can offer unique benefits and insights that align well with the goals and practices of various meditative traditions. It frequently results in a deeper meditative state which may facilitate:

- An expanded perspective due to a sense of detachment from personal challenges or issues, potentially offering a new or unique perspective.

- Increased self awareness, and introspection due to these changes in thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

- Enhanced creativity and problem-solving: an OBE might facilitate creative thinking or provide new insights into problems, potentially leading to innovative solutions or ideas.

- Reduced fear of mortality: By experiencing a sensation of separation from the physical body, individuals may gain comfort in the notion of consciousness existing independently of the physical form.

- Reduced stress, anxiety, and depression through a brief dissociative respite, which also may be used for addressing the previous potential benefits.

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The low frequencies are centered while the mid and high frequencies oscillate between left and right at equal intervals to create an integral hypnotic effect which can be used to guide yourself further into a deep meditation. Headphones are recommended, but not required.

This OBE meditation is composed in A=432Hz, and utilizes many different frequencies on the sound spectrum, but the main frequencies used are:
864 Hz, 714 Hz, 647 Hz, 432 Hz, 216 Hz, 144 Hz, 108 Hz, 72 Hz, 54 Hz, 27 Hz, 13.5 Hz

During the many hours of composing, mixing, mastering, and testing, I can confidently tell you that I've experienced multiple OBEs while creating this video. If you had an OBE while using this video, I'd love to hear about it! Please leave me some criticism or feedback in the comments.

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To anyone who is reading this right now, i love you and so do many others. You have nothing to worry about, take a breath and appreciate the good things about this world. Everything is and will be okay, you’ve got this and i love you ❤


"""If you are feeling down today, remember this: Life has its ups and downs! No matter how bad you feel for how long, you will always get better in the end,
I hope that you have an amazing day, whether it’s tomorrow, today, or in a few weeks! This music is lovely, it really helps with just relaxing and forgetting about problems. So take the time it took you to read this, and forget that you have any problems """


I want so much to leave my body to be with my love who passed 2021. I eternally love you my beautiful Bruce ❤


Our souls leave our physical bodies every night! Our souls are eternal!!
Peace, Love & Light to you all!!


The Hidden Astral Projection Techniques on shirlest are mind-blowing. I thought I would never be able to do it, but here I am, having my first astral journey!


I did this tonight with the intention of being able to do this with the aid of my beautiful guides of the highest truth and compassion and unconditional love!! In my head I told myself I can do this because Jesus walked on water, therefore I can do anything!!! So I played this and fell asleep then I opened my eyes and realized it worked, I was nervous at first and put my hand through my stuffed animal (which is an aurora spudster specifically the giraffe), my arms felt tingly and weird and if you fall asleep In a position where your body is feeling pain, you’ll feel it in the oeb!! I just know that anything is possible with faith, and overcomming fear, I was nervous so I woke myself up by moving my head; and then I was like I’m not going to let my anxiety get in the way, I’m going to keep pushing forward and do it again because when that disciple of Jesus’s got nervous walking on water he started to sink and Jesus lifted him up, so I pushed my anxiety aside, asked my guides for help, did it again, and was in one of my guides body and was looking through their eyes are realizing how much anxiety I have from my prior situation!!!


I would so love to get out of my pain riddled body for at least a few minutes. Just to feel ZERO pain would be HEAVEN ITSELF.


This is wonderful. I'm using my headphones, and the tones just roll across my shoulders. It feels like it is giving me a massage. I have a bad disc in my neck. I am using this for therapy, for sure.
I am just amazed! Thank you ❤


Hey Anthony. I’m glad you’re back and on the case. 🤝


OBEs are a powerful experience, and I am grateful you are making this available to everyone! I've achieved OBE's both in guided meditation sessions and also, while playing music on stage, which was the first OBE where I realized what was happening as it was happening. Incredible experience!

Nowadays, I almost always have OBEs when performing music on stage. It used to be a rare phenomenon, occurring only on those "special" nights where all the energies of the musicians, the setting, and audience all magically converge to fully harmonize with each other. Now it happens virtually every performance. I think it's a combination of the years of various manifestation meditations I've done, along with the improvisational nature of the music we play, and the extraordinary level of musicianship of my performing partners. It's truly magic every time we play now, with OBEs the norm, rather than the exception. My instrument feels more like a metaphysical antenna than a physical object.


Im going to sleep to this and wake up to the glorious eclipse. Thank You as per usual..


I would love to be out my body for once and feeling nothing but joy… & see more of the opportunities around me!


💜☺️ I'm so glad you gave us 2 hours of a beautiful kaleidoscope!
I can't wait to try this during an I fusion!


You are my favorite! Thank you for creating ❤


Have not been out of body yet. This is first unguided attempt. 1 hour in was intense, almost overwhelming. My eyes were “REM” ing back and forth, could see hypnagogic images faster and faster, my eyes scanning pretty fast, then suddenly eyes were transfixed towards pineal… quite hypnotized, little scary… learned more, thank you!


Been listening to your content for a few years and this one is definitely top tier . Great work . Thank you


some of the best meditation videos out there.


I’m new to this channel. Thank you so much for this wonderful video. I normally have trouble sleeping. Last night I slept so deeply, felt like I was in a trance. I really appreciate your creative work. Thank you again ❤
