Here's What Happened To KickassTorrents Founder

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Ever since the Pirate Bay was taken down by prosecutors, the go-to place for most pirates has been KickassTorrents. In its heyday, KickassTorrents was the most popular file-sharing site in the world and was pulling in over $10 million in annual advertising revenue. As you would guess, prosecutors and copyright holders weren't exactly happy about KickassTorrents holding this title, but unlike with the Pirate Bay's founders, prosecutors had no clue who founded KickassTorrents. Artem Vaulin had managed to stay anonymous for years without drawing the attention of authorities. But, now that the Pirate Bay was down, prosecutors went after KickassTorrents. Federal agents purchased ads on KickassTorrents in order to collect information on the bank accounts KickassTorrents was using and the IP addresses linked to these activities. Prosecutors were able to turn around and cross-reference this IP address with Apple in order to track down and arrest Artem Vaulin. Throughout KickassTorrent's life, it has distributed over $1 billion worth of copyrighted material, so prosecutors threw on every charge they could on Artem. But, Artem ended up skipping bail and fleeing the country, and he has yet to be found. This video explains the story of Artem Vaulin and KickassTorrents and what happened to KickassTorrents' founders.

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0:00 - KickassTorrents
1:02 - Incompliance
3:07 - Anonymous Battle
5:14 - IRS Spy
7:24 - Arrested
9:12 - Kat Today

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Fun fact: When game piracy was at it highest in early 2000s, so was the general game quality!


Hearing these stories makes me wonder who the criminal is.
Instead of going by the law and charging you with crimes you are liable for they charge you with everything after seeing your bank account.
I mean the court is as much a criminal as the criminal themselves if you ask me.


8:50 Artem was suffering from extreme back pain from carrying the world on his back. Glad to hear he's doing well today and frankly kat rip has better results than piratebay for some things nowadays. Glad we've had someone like him.


Always amazes me how powerful almighty IRS is, you can trick FBI, CIA but not IRS


Pirates:We steal from companies and governments in order to feed the people, never steal from people.


Fun fact. Both pirate bay and kick ass is still up and running.


When KAT fell, i was genuinely sad and scared. Sad, because all my software and games (The Sims, EA deserves being pirated) came from there. Scared because these govt agents keep taking these down while big 'gaming' corporates create various ways to just keep robbing us off of our money.


It is perfectly moral to pirate since piracy is not theft. The creator loses nothing in piracy but a copy of the work that costed nothing to produce, but in the case of theft, the creator has nothing left. Since those who pirate would very likely never purchase the work if they had to pay money for it, the creator loses nothing (and claiming every instance of piracy as "lost revenue" is completely disingenuous) and has everything to gain from attracting an audience in the future that may go on to attend concerts (for music), buy merchandise, or promote the product to others online.


In my childhood it was considered immoral to buy licensed software. Imagine this: your parents live with you in a rented room, you can only afford coca-cola on holidays because it's too expensive, then you waste your pocket money on some useless thing like licensed software or charity? Lol, my monthly limit was 5 USD in 2002-2010, if I wanted to buy a licensed game I'd have to save money for several months.


KAT was my second home. Started uploading there when I was only 15 years old, Became a "Verified uploader" because I uploaded quality music and not transcodes (Fake 320 mp3 files etc.), Then I got recruited behind the scenes into the private torrent community and my days of public uploads where done. What a fantastic video it brought me back in time to going to school then straight home to upload massive amounts of music online. Also to anyone reading if you downloaded music from KAT there's a very good chance it came from me, I had/have access to the raw files from many music stores such as amazon, apple, qobuz, deezer, and tidal but my KAT days I mainly stole from Google play music with their 320kbps MP3's. RIP KAT and


I support pirating sometimes.


- Why should I pay for a movie that is probably garbage as always?
- Why should I pay for a game, when developers care about money and nothing else?

- I can check out the game and then see If I like it and then buy it just for the update support.

[Give us better product to receive more trust]


KAT was the reason I became a movie buff. There's no way i could have watched all those great movies at a time when Netflix and co. didn't exist. I found alternatives when KAT was taken down but nothing comes close to it still. Miss those days!


"Blocked these websites"

Bottom corner of the screen shows how you can bypass the warning lol


The one that got away. May he live long and prosper.


Imagine using browsers that deliberately hide the result you're searching for


KAT was the immediate successor to TPB and was a much superior product/service imo. Although TPB was the OG, KAT provided much better features, UI & UX. People could easily avoid fakes, poor quality and be part of a great community. It was also very user friendly an encouraged users to upload and build a reputation, too bad it was so short lived


i discovered so much music with torrenting, i don’t need to do it now that i can just pay $10/mo for a subscription, but back in the day, i wouldn’t be who i am today without having had the endless music variety torrenting gave me. it made me into an adult who went to a lot of shows to see the people i listened to perform, which led to me meeting other music enthusiasts like myself. torrenting music was the best rabbit hole i’ve ever gone down. no regrets


Mr. White. It has been a long time since I've heard about him. I was one of the mods back when KAT was taken down and I get no F's to give by mentioning it. It was a huge success not just because TPB was taken down. In fact KAT was a whole other level of community where people could have and actual opinion on what's been shared while TPB has been the same static content provider from the beginning.
While there were people trying to picture this culture as a piracy spreading mob, at this time there were whole lot of companies (like Netflix, for instance) mining the site in search for what consumers were looking for (as posted on some news websites back in 2014 or so). Of course nothing is perfect but we had fun tho.
Mr. White, Mr. Black... miss you guys. Wherever you are I just hope you're doing fine. Thanks for those amazing days. Cheers!


So tldr, he got caught because he didn't use a vpn. Damn maybe we should take these YouTube ads more seriously 🤔


Do something like this for Demonoid. That site was one of the largest and well known torrent sites.
