The Electric Car Regret: Why Gasoline Cars Are Making A Comeback!

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It looks like the electric car regret is here. This is why gasoline cars are making a comeback! A New study says that nearly half of electric vehicle owners likely to switch back to gas. Forty-six percent of U.S. electric vehicle owners are leaning toward switching back to traditional gas cars, according to a new McKinsey and Co. survey, with most of the participants citing difficulties with charging.

Here’s the details: According to the consulting firm’s latest Mobility Consumer Pulse report, U.S. EV owners are the second most likely to have signaled they intend to switch back to internal combustion engine vehicles, right behind Australia.

Respondents spanning the globe presented a wide range of reasons for switching back – with many saying charging was an issue. Thirty-five percent site that public charging infrastructure was not up to par, while 24 percent stated they could not charge at home. Twenty-one percent noted that worrying about charging was “too stressful.” For reasons unrelated to charging, 34 percent reasoned total costs of ownership were too high, 32 percent cited long distance traveling was impaired by the vehicles, 16 percent stated they would have to change mobility requirements, and 13 percent stated they did not like the driving experience.

Here’s why this is important: While the report notes that global purchase intent for EVs is continuing to rise – slowly – nearly half of U.S. drivers admitted they are likely to change back to traditional gas cars underlines the difficulties the U.S. and other governments will face in getting consumers to transition to an EV permanently. The report also found that building out charging infrastructure isn’t only a U.S. problem – it’s a problem for many countries looking to electrify their fleet and lower their emissions. 

But, the excitement around EVs is still real. Among current non-EV owners, the share considering a battery EV or a plug-in hybrid electric vehicle has grown between three and four percentage points from December 2021 to February 2024. The number of those who want a new or used ICE has stagnated or declined within the same time period.

Twenty-seven percent of European consumers are likely to consider a Chinese EV brand – which could prove tricky for the EU, considering it decided to impose additional tariffs on electric vehicles imported from China.

Consulting firm McKinsey and Company surveyed two groups of car owners: those who own an electric vehicle and those who own gas-powered cars, who have thought about buying an EV.

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Gasoline cars never left. I know I'm not buying an EV.


I will never regret buying an EV cause I would never buy an EV in the first place.


Staying with ICE. No Chinese batteries.


There is no Co2 problems out there, just silly people.


While I've never considered an EV, I would certainly consider a hybrid. I think that segment will continue to grow as you don't have the range anxiety and can switch to gas at any time. The die hard EV fanatics will continue to say that EVs are the way to go even though we all know that it is not.


I’ll never buy an ev, a hybrid maybe. We simply don’t have the infrastructure for it. Plus, I don’t like the government mandating our choices so I’ll stay with gas thank you very much.


ICE (internal combustion engine) only for Life.


I recently bought a used 2022 Bolt. I use it to go back and forth to work which is 43 miles in each direction. I can charge at home and at work. That's all I use it for. I have one beater gas car and two classic cars that are always ready for a road trip. I can't imagine using the Bolt to do any serious travelling because of the crap infrastructure and slow charging times. But, the Bolt does what I needed it to do. It saves me $320 a month in gas. I would not recommend an EV to anyone unless they have a backup ICE car, except for maybe a Tesla.


I am currently own gas powered compact car. And only use hybrid Toyota as company car. Government can never forced me into buying one. Even with all those ESG score. PHEV is the most compromise I would ever consider something that needs to plug in. I would never consider a full EV even with all those mandate and subsidary. EV fanboys can say what they want. But Akio Toyota is always right. EV can only capture 30% overall market share worldwide. Even from the small island where I came from, Hong Kong, have huge government subsidary and lots of cheap Chinese EVs available. They could only get 11% of market share, let alone 13%. Toyoda already very gentle about saying 30%. Without 3Fs of EV. Fanboys. Freebies and Fleets. Those EVs struggling to sell on dealer lots will continue to struggle with fire sale rebates


I have two ICE cars. One is a Toyota and the other is a Honda. In a month I will completely own my Toyota and next year I should be done paying off my Honda. I bought them both brand new. After 5 years both of my cars look new and being a Toyota and Honda, they drive better now than the day I bought them. I am looking for many more years of trouble-free ownership of these cars after I am done paying them off and I am looking forward to not having a car payment. You just can't say that about EVs. I was "thinking" about an EV a while ago until I found out the cost of installing a charger at my home combined with the real threat of the lithium battery going into thermo runaway and burning my house down. No EVs for me.


Ever have a fantasy of driving cross country? Not with EV's you will.


Thieves are starting to steal EV charging cables for the copper.


At one point, I looked into EV's, and then this administration decided to ramjet them down our throats. My vehicle purchases stayed with ICE powered.


I will not buy an EV because states like CA and NY will not allow new ICE vehicles to be purchased starting in 2035. The government has no right to restrict my freedom to choose the type of vehicle I want to own. The EPA is increasing emissions for ICE to a ridiculous level, increasing costs of such vehicles, to incentivize EV sales.


When you have to pay companies to build a product, and pay people to buy it, that product should not be produced until it can stand on it's own. When technology moved the recording industry from cassette tapes to CDs, the government didn't rush in pay people to buy CDs.


I own a ICE vehicle and knowing it would take an extra 3 plus hours to visit my family one way. There is no way I’d ever have an EV


Doesn't matter how many charging stations they put in when half of them are broken.


EV doesn't make sense for apartment dwellers who can't charge at home. EV is bliss when you can wake up with a full tank every morning, never have to spend time going to a gas or charging station


Gas or electric ………all of today’s cars are way too expensive with way too much tech! I’ll just keep driving my old pickup truck.


Show me an EV that works well in sub-zero temperatures. That can travel 500 miles without a charge. That can recharge to 90% in less than 30 minutes. Retains it's resale value and is reasonably priced. Then, I might consider buying one.
