Confessions of a Maranatha Pastor: Part V // THE FAI INKWELL // 30 August 2024

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The Good Shepherd doesn't always protect His sheep from the wolves. He also sends them among the wolves. Listen to the audio recording of CONFESSIONS OF A MARANATHA PASTOR: PART V by Matthew Cullen from FRONTIER ALLIANCE INTERNATIONAL now.

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I have learn allot from Joel Richardsons teachings absolutely superb teachings
Greetings from Europe the Netherlands.


Interesting reminder of Scripture Truth…… have a beloved family, who left all with their children to reach an unreached people group/s. This message describes them well.


Agree..those wolves are part of the harvest, but man their bites are painful! Still, looking back, I'm astonished at how HE turned them into lambs.


Strong reminder, the only risk of loss we face is Temporal. If we have died to self and Christ is living HIS Life through us, then I suppose then there's no risk. Only the addressing of human fear. You've touched on though what I see as the main driver of the coming Apostasy. The Church today is too much like the one in Revelation's Laodicea - comfortable and susceptible to falling away before the ovens of persecution are even warmed up.
Instead of trying on a white robe, they will justify receiving any Mark asked of them. Because, you know - God knows I have to eat! He doesn't want me to go through all that. Besides I'll be outta here anyway, He's gonna Rapture me away before any of that Suffering stuff starts. Pastor said No Worries, that's not For US !
Uh Huh, really? When the reality that they were so misled and Deceived hits the average evangelical, this is what I see as the why so many will apostatize. Their weak and unprepared, and then prone to fall.
Oops, turned into a sermonette.😊
Stay Faithful All, especially those there in the Land. Harder days are coming. But !
Never forget! Celebrate even ! THE KING IS COMING!!!


I have repeatedly asked for assurance that my donations are being directed to Israel. No response.
