Presprouting Ginger: Start growing your own ginger!

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University of Illinois Extension horticulture educator Chris Enroth gives us step-by-step instructions on how to start growing our very own ginger plants! The process begins by presprouting the ginger inside. This is a very fun plant to grow!

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This step-by-step guide by Chris Enroth is an absolute game-changer for anyone looking to grow their own ginger plants! I never knew presprouting was the key to success. Excited to get my hands dirty and watch my ginger garden thrive 🌱💚 Thank you, University of Illinois Extension!


Control the temperature by sliding pencils or dowels under the tray.


Thank you for all the information, very useful.


We just had 5 lbs of ginger delivered from clean seeds Hawaii! First time growing ginger. Have a wire plant rack with shop lights and heat mats all set up. Using coco coir perlite mix. Thanks for the info!


If you're looking for a convenient and not overpriced source of ginger to sprout, look for an organic option. If you can only get grocery store bought, wash it. It's often sprayed with a growth inhibitor to increase shelf life. You can negate the effects of the spray by washing it off with running water for 5 minutes, or by washing in a tub, agitating it, pouring out the water, adding fresh water and repeating this process five to ten times. You'll have to let it air out dry afterwards which may take a few days, as soon as you start to see signs of green or pink in the nodes, plant it. I really don't think ginger can get enough heat and humidity. I have mine in a plastic greenhouse, and I live in the tropics. For big yields, plant in big pots of light soil with plenty of compost. If you give ginger heat, light and room to spread, it will go crazy.


This video clip could have been shortened to half its length, and the other half should have been used to show the results. Without the latter, I can sum up this video in one sentence: "Bury ginger pieces in a potting mix, keep it moistened in a warm place, and wait for 6-8 weeks see if they would sprout."


Great info! I sprouted ginger in a in baggies with and without a little seed starter under my desk. The one with the damp seed starter grew much faster. The ones without seed starter I just did a spritz of water. Now I know to wait until temps are no lower than 55°. I’m in CA, so hopefully next month. I’ll start planting these and keep them under lights indoors.


Nice Chris. Yer hands r outta control, undisciplined.


The reason it takes you so long to sprout ginger is because you fail to soak it for several hours before doing what you did


Thank you for video! I live in a 5b zone and would like to save and replant my ginger for the next spring season. Is it possible to store what you have grown this season and replant next spring? I do not want to buy new ginger every year. I am still learning on how to best grow ginger and tumeric in my area. The only area that I can store the plant indoors is in our basement (still cool) or the garage (40 to 50 degrees fahrenheit or colder). The temperature will never be 70-80 degrees fahrenheit. I can use a temperature monitored heating pad, however that is a long time of use during the winter. Although I would prefer not to buy new ginger for planting every year, it may be my only solution. I appreciate any advice. Thank you again for your videos.


Excellent Chris. Introducing soil pathogens like root rot never occurred to me.
Just wondering if you guys have a list or resource to source local seeds/roots ?
Are you still growing that much? Lol !!
Cheers Jason


I live in palm beach florida . do I need to presprout inside? can I just plant outside? You mentioned below 55 deg....I cannot remember the last time it got that cold here. The ground stays 73 year round


Hello can I use the ginger root at the grocery store if it says it's organic. But can you tell me where you bought yours at..


Can you list the equipment used, I am a complete beginner?


How can you cur or break the root without sniffing that lovely scent?