Remembering 9/11, 23 years later

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On Sept. 11, 2001, al Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial airplanes and crashed them into the World Trade Center towers, the Pentagon, and a field near Shanksville, Pennsylvania. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in the attacks. This year also marks a dark milestone: more New York first responders have now died from post 9/11 illnesses than died on the actual day of the attack. CBS News New York's Christina Fan leads our team coverage.
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It hurts. Just as much as it did on that sunny September morning. Such senseless loss. You are all held in our heart, everday. We will never, ever forget 9/11.


I am surprised 9/11 (Patriot Day) has yet to be a national holiday. Like how's is that even possible?


RIP Guy Barzie and to all your love ones that they are finding comfort after all these years. Lori I been thinking about you today. Love you girl. Lorie was the sister of Guy.


Let’s never forget. My condolences to the victims and their families. It’s unbelievable how the people in the south tower were told to go back to their offices after viewing what the north tower looked like by staff.


This is the first year of me knowing 9/11 and I am only 14.
This was a terrible tragedy that didn`t have to happen.
I wish the Twin Towers still excited.
Lets hope that these type of attacks won`t happen again! 🇧🇬🇺🇲


September 11th is a horrible day for 2 reasons. On this day in 1988 my father passed away. Then 2001 many others did.


Hard to believe it was a full 23 years ago and it was a very sad tragic day


Always remember, from across the pond❤


Someone from my town was on the second plane I didn’t know him but it’s still sad. God bless everyone one of the victims, first responders, and their families 🙏.


God 🙌 Bless all victims. Their families and first responders...
🇺🇸 still stands strong...
People are evil and wicked...
I was 20 years old in 2001. This day I still get emotional 😢...
So many lives were lost...
So many lives changed...


This is so sad 3000 people died that day for more people are dying every year because of the health that they did to save people rest in peace all affected by 911


Someday I’m going to make plans to go to the 9/11 memorial and museum. It is so sad and unfortunately it is a part of US history. I was six when 9/11 happened. I honestly only remember what my parents told me. My dad took me to school that morning and turned on the radio. The reporter said a plane crashed into the World Trade Center. At first he thought it was a small plane and it was an accident. He realized it was much more serious and sinister when a second plane hit the other tower. My mother picked me up from school. My aunt was a flight attendant and my uncle was a pilot at the time. My mother couldn’t get in touch with anyone. She eventually heard from her sister and was stuck in Washington DC. No one was going anywhere. My uncle was flying a plane at the time. He was ok but everyone was so worried. It was such a sad and scary day.


Every year I watch. It all comes back like it was yesterday. 😢 horrible day 😢


I as 17 years old at the time in community college and it was a real tragic experience 23 years ago


I'll always remember. I was 11 and in the 5th grade then and i was getting ready for school that morning. My dad was watching the news. Breaking news on the across the screen. I saw the first tower on fire. I didn't know what to think. Rip to those who lost their lives. Never Forget.


Never forget. That day was terrible. Rip to all the people who've died. This should've never happened.


I love you, Melissa Doi ❤. And I love you, Betty Ong ❤ Rest in peace.🌹And rest in peace to all those who lost their lives on 9/11🙏 🙏 🌹 🌹.


i was born a few weeks after this horrible day, yet, i still cry my heart out as if i was there experiencing this myself. i grew up fascinated with this and still to this day i try to find new documentaries on it, or just looking for peoples stories about this day. my heart will always be there for those that lost their loved ones on this day ❤


The fact that one of the pilots from one of the the flight informed others that the flight 11 (I think) crashed, and then his plane managed to get hijacked and he died, crazy how he didn’t know the same thing was gonna happen to him…


We all remember, clearly. Our thoughts and prayers, New York and all the families of the victims from across the United States and the world. 😔🙏💐🇺🇸❤
