The Dreadnought - Urgot quotes

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Character: Urgot
Game: League of Legends

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(this is copy/pasted from the Urgot ASMR mini-video)

Urgot lore and TL;DR version below in case you didn't understand the quotes. Sorry I'm late, everyone, I didn't get a notification, also idk if this is an official video or not but I thought I'd share more lore either way :)

Urgot was once the headsman of Noxus, he took much pride in his work and he was a stout believer in the Noxian ideal that the strong rule and the weak are cast aside. Urgot was once sent to Zaun to stop a conspiracy against Noxus but was tricked, there was no conspiracy, this was all part of Swain's master plan to take the throne, leading the headsman away from the capital so he wouldn't be able to aid Boram Darkwill, the previous ruler of Noxus. Urgot realized that it was a trick far too late to do anything about it, since he was surrounded by the servants of the chem-barons, cruel overseers in Zaun. They dragged Urgot into the depths of the Dredge, a chemtech mine with a particularly brutal Baron. Baron Voss was known to torture her victims in confessions, and to those lucky enough, she would set them free... with her blade in the form of death. Urgot soon realized that there was something amazing, mystical even, about Zaun, but he couldn't yet find out what exactly that was, until Voss called for him. Urgot was brought into the room and was terrified that Voss would break him. As blades and other weaponry cut into him, however he finally realized what he was missing. Pain was Zaun's secret and he would shape it into a teacher. Urgot laughed as he was being tortured, nothing could compare to the agony he felt working in the Dredge, he was stronger than he had ever been as a headsman. Baron Voss, not expecting this reaction, fled to the surface in panic. Urgot took over the Dredge and analyzed the parts of his body that he deemed weak, and he replaced them with strong machinery. Urgot turned the Dredge into a more dreadful place than it was during Voss's rule, he forced the laborers to listen to his speeches of power while in his hands were the necks of those would not. One day, a Noxian spy appeared who recognized Urgot, but he had no sympathy for the nation that betrayed him. He beat the spy to death and threw him into the darkness to be devoured by rats. Urgot realized that strength didn't rule Noxus, men did, and men were weak. Urgot began a riot that destroyed the prison with a powerful explosion, and as the weak died or fled, the worthy survived and carried onward with Urgot as their leader. Urgot began to slaughter the chem-barons without mercy as the people of Zaun began to see him as one who would free them from the grasp of the chem-barons and possibly even of Piltover, the city above but Urgot didn't particularly care. Urgot's philosophy was that only the strong, the worthy would survive, that survival was the motivating factor and to survive one needed power. Power was everything and those who did not have power must be destroyed so that the worthy may carry on without distraction. Urgot made a fatal flaw, however and he struck out at the Piltovans, the Wardens came to Zaun, hunted him down and dragged him in many chains to a fortified prison cell. This will not the end for Urgot, as no prison can ever hope to hold the Dreadnought of Zaun for long, and the worthy will carry on...

TL;DR: Urgot was headsman of Noxus, he was tricked into going to Zaun and became a slave. Cruel warden tortured prisoners, Urgot was tortured and his laughter drove the warden away. Urgot not ruled the prison with an iron fist and turned the prison into a church of sorts on the nature of power. Urgot breaks the prison open, Zaunites start to see him as a savior of some kind to take them away from the cruel grasp of the chem-barons and Piltovans. Urgot strikes out at Piltover, and gets carried into a fortified prison in chains.

fun facts:
1. Draven replaced Urgot as the headsman of Noxus during Swain's revolution
2. There are lyrics in Urgot's theme in the Noxian language, the voices are saying "Stom ur got, " a phrase whose translation is currently unknown

I came back and I realized that I made a few mistakes while writing this comment. I tried to edit the comment but it kept giving me an error no matter what I did, so I deleted the comment and copy/pasted it again with the version I fixed. Apologies for the inconvenience, the old version might've been confusing to read.


“I am stronger than man, stronger than machine, I am an idea” truly epic quote


Urgot in-game: funny 6 legged man
Urgot in lore: The absolute apex predator. He believes he is the top dog and by the gods he will demonstrate it by pure strength and sheer will.


I genuinely love “I am the very definition of a self-made man.”

I hear it so often in-game, but the line goes hard


What make him so interesting is that he is one of theses villains with very flawed views on life but absolute honest and sincere about it, but also he is very much someone absolutely defined by the trauma he went through, something very cool for such a "villain" who is all about testing one inner strength by making them survive ordeal. There is no scheme, no "I want to be rich/powerful/god" just for the pleasure and sensation it give. It is pure vindication.

This man got betrayed, his ideals crushed, his body and mind constently tortured, and broken, his freedom removed, no hope to have and only death as a potential mercy.
And while he survived it, you can see how any quotes or view on things scream trauma in a sense. He survived through it and like a survivor, he try to make "sense"' of a situation of abuse and find inner implication when really it shouldn't. HE maybe wasn't a "good" person before but what he went through was monstruous and inhuman, yet by surviving it alone, by just fucking living through this, he became obsessed with the idea that the real strength was NOT power or money or whatever, it was simply being able to survive, to win through the struggles. That him living prove something, that what tried to hurt him was only obstacles/trials and that winning on them prove he is "worthy". It is almost as if he try to not be dwarfed, as if he try to push how he feel and what he think to make a silver line about his own existence, like a "reward" for going through this whole shit. A "truth".

Hell he is a total abusive heartless monster but there is no lie or deception about what he claim, if you survive through theses trials, he absolutely believe that you are strong. For him being a slave and weak because of others, your body, your principle, gods, etc... It is unaceptable, you are "loosing" if you let that happen, you should go beyond it, you should break this. He is an absolute anarchist and it is no wonder he "praise" jinx or ekko when actually hating Vi.

It is also why the whole fiction with Vi going to Zaun and seeing the ravage his ideology made is so good, Vi is a perfect foil for Urgot and Arcane also help drive the point through about what Vi is.
Urgot give an ideology that is incredibly powerful for the citizen of zaun living through a tough situation, discrimination, a hard past with their past sister city piltover, no good future prospect.
That all of this is a trial and they are deserving of being seen as strong because they are surviving and going through it, that they are worth something in a life and society that constantly treat them like garbage.

But then come Vi and god do I love Vi whole self and situation when it come to Urgot. Vi is strong, she is REALLY strong physically and very strong willed, she went through tons of ordeals and bs, arcane season 1 is a fucking rollercoaster of an incoming therapy session for this girl who never got a break. So technically Vi should check everything for Urgot right?
ABSOLUTELY wrong, because Vi doesn't want to push people through the bullshit she went through, she doesn't the weak to have to become a "strong", she want peace and a future.
For Urgot, she is drowning them in a life of misery, almost a hell if she doesn't let them "improve", "tough it up".
But worse, she actually SUPPORT the system and follow it (to make it better btw, she is not doing that for shit and giggles) instead of breaking it.

I know people love to whine on Vi uppercutting Urgot in one of riot cinematic but really, I think it is better this way because Urgot and Vi are clearly antithesis/antagonistic for each other.
I want to finish with Urgot's quote for Vi just to drive the point:

Killing Vi with R
""You could have been so much more.""
Talking about how Vi became a "lapdog" in urgot point pf view and a weakling not using her strength to break through the barriers of her life

Talk toward Vi
""Beneath those gloves... you are broken.""
It is true, Vi has a lot of inner pain and trauma despite being the "tough girl who punch your face is you an asshole". But more than that, while she is incredibly strong with the atlas gauntlet, her own self is still tied to pilltover, to the system, to the justice Caitlyn's defend. She is not free or able to go above theses things, she is "broken".

Talk toward Vi
""The only thing you enforce is limitations.""
Such a fucking powerful quote since it is small but say everything about them being opposites. So there is the "You enforce the law and the law shackle/bind people when it has no right to" part of it but it is also the view of Vi about things, people who are weak should be protected, people who are "bad" should be emprisoned. But for Urgot, not of this shit matter. No matter how gentle or mean you are, it is all about being able to survive, it is what make things "right".
If you are being abused by a bastard, for Urgot you are worthy if you suceed to go through it. By surviving the abuse, by going through it, by "killing" or breaking your abuser. By changing through it. It isn't just "toughening it up", it is about overcoming it. Pain is a part of the deal.
Not for Vi, for Vi you should never have to go through this, it is a very human (and logical) view that conflict with Urgot who think it isn't about the morality of the situation but what you do about it.

He hate chembarons but if a chembaron was a person of power because they went through ordeals, because they survive pains and the BS throw at them, Urgot would actually recognize them because they wouldn't be "powerful" because of their power status but because of who they are, because they are survivor, they are "worthy".

Of course everything is up to interpretation but I love Urgot so much, before and after the rework.
Many people try to look cool by loving monsters or "cool"/outside the box characters to not be a normie and treat them as "so cool and unique" but I always hated that.
I love that Urgot is flawed, a bad person but also someone who has a clear history, a logical development and a very earnest path in his story because of it.
When people shit about characters like Seraphine, it always make me sad because they would rather try to think about how "cool" a character is or how unique/non normie it feel than just what they bring. They try to be cool by saying they love kindred/aurelion sol or that jhin is a "masterpiece" (I love jhin but you see what I mean) and they fail to see that what make also a character interesting is the relation and contrast they get with other characters.

Like when people say "Ahah Zeri taunted seraphine ahah take that egirl", I am just sad because no one understand the flaws in Zeri's view the same way Zeri see the flaws, in her opinion, in seraphine action. Meh, it is another debate, I just wish people weren't so close minded and stuck on making their worth at how right or cool a character is. Viktor also suffer from that for years now.


Urgot was one of those characters who taunted everyone, miss those types. His quotes when you survive his ult are surprisingly nice considering his nature. Love this character and his voice.


I really hope they do a lot with him in Arcane season 2, he is such a good villain design


Urgot's entire voiceover goes so fucking hard


"If you feed on pain, I welcome you to the feast." - Urgot
Evelynn would like to know your location.


"Break men to break their chains"



Urgot is one of the last characters I expected to be somewhat relatable but his “strength comes from suffering” quote is genuinely an ideal I’ve held for years now.


One of the most interesting things about Urgot is his contradictory Ideals, born from his true motives.
he says he wants to create an anarchistic world with no leaders and people can live how they want, so long as they have the strength to survive.
And yet, he is also a leader, primarily of his cult that belives in these Ideals. He's the leader of a group of people who want ANARCHY, and he want's to be the top dog in the new world he creates.
In other words, he preaches Anarchy, but practices Fascism.


I listen to this every morning. Every time i workout. And when i walk in the afternoon. Urgot quotes are just ASMR to me.


"Where will they run when the whole city BURNS?" idk why but this is my favorite quote


“I am the very definition of a ‘self-made man’” is one of the hardest quotes ever


"What will you do to survive? TELL ME!"


*_"It's not violence, It's philosophy"_*


*I climbed out in the corpses*
What a line.


You can say what you want about
riot and league and its community but champion quotes in this game are really on next level.. they can motivate like nothing else.


You know ? When I designed my Commander Sherpard, I wanted my character to have a meaning deeper than what the majority usually give her.

I started by giving her the backstory of a colonist, in order to give her a strong reason to join the military, and a sole survivor, in order to break her psychologically and, just like Urgot, rationalize all of her suffering as tests towards a higher purpose. Like Urgot, she developed the ideology that strenght doesn't come from power or anything of the sorts. It comes to those with a perfect balance between their brain and brawn, only achieved by a perfect mindset that quells excessive emotional zealosy throught cold logic.

When it come the time to be recruited by the N7, she chose to become an Infiltrator, since it was the class that involved both the brain and the brawn, and since the classes involving the use of biotics, in her eyes, would make her incomplete, as she saw herself as weak still.

And finally, when she met her friends, she developed the ideology of the need for the right quantity of emotional influence, to make sure neither cruel logic nor reckless emotions ruined everything.
But in the end, just like Urgot, her traumas had much of her human side to be lost. She did care about her squadmates and the people she fought for. But she became manipulative, callous, perfectionist and a bit sadistic. The only reason she even won the war against the Reapers, is because she let out just enough of her Paragon self, in order to be trusted and loved. But she commited a few grave sins in order to achieve her vision of victory. Ironically for her, it was what was left of her human side that gave her the possibility of winning.

In other words, I think Marcenda (which means the one who's dying) Sherpard is a calmer and less blunt Urgot. But maybe almost as broken as. I said almost, because she did her best to ensure those around her did not end up like her, not to mention that after the war, just like Javik, she planed to die.
