5 Diablo 4 Tips - Biggest Mistakes I Made In Infernal Hordes (Season 5)

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In this video, we cover all the lessons I learned from pushing deep into Tier 8 of Diablo 4’s Infernal Hordes. I had many runs with over 1000 aether, which is a crazy amount of reward. We are going to learn all the things that I had dead wrong… and that by correcting, I was able to get so much more aether.

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★Best Video To Watch Next★
“Diablo 4 - 5 Things I Wish I Had Known About Infernal Hordes (Season 5)”

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If your build is not great at AOE, then the boon that makes Fiends explode on death is great. The explosion is quite good and certainly clears a big bunch of minions, not to mention the explosions can chain so if you have a big group together you can kill them all including Lords.


should always aim to clear T7 comfortably, as you can always transmute the materials (1 neathiron to 3 ingolite etc)


Since the update I’ve noticed a serious decrease in the amount of hellborne related stuff in horde. I have also seen a huge increase in options that don’t give you aether.


My problem is that the gap between level 6 and 7 is quite large, but I actually need to do level 7 to farm Stygian Stones for the Uber bosses, to eventually get Shako in the end.


Your video hordes tips are badass. Your masterworking tip is god level. Should be is own clip.


My mistakes:
I don’t follow build guides carefully
I don’t like levelling my gylphs
I don’t get the right gears & tempers
I expect to do millions of damage before level 90-100



Now my issue is that I have too many Stygian stones compared to the amount of mats I have to summon bosses lol complete opposite issue of last season. They should add a chest that costs like 250 or something that gives summoning mats only


When it comes to gold, dont bother to split your gains (so to speak).
Do material and gold runs seperately! If you need materials to upgrade and say you farm level 7 infernal and you end up with say... 700-1000 aether, its rather painful to waist em on gold when you get tons of highest tier material.
Rather use lower level compasses, blast through the dungeon with ease and with much less time and dump all your aether into gold. Thats what i did and truth be told, it doesnt take too long to rack up your first billion if you want to!


I chose to get all my gear to 12/12 and then go back to min/max a specific item until its golden. Just my 2 cents. Thanks for your great videos.


Been farming these all season to try and get a winterglass neck. Hopefully with more aether dropping I might finally see one


Can anyone recommend easy to follow build guides, that specifically doesn't require specific items to work (if that's possible?). I'm a "casual" player compared to the stuff all of you guys are probably doing, I just plunk skill points into things without much regard (though I try to think ahead of course) and I try to concentrate on damage for every character/build I try. Now my necro (she's lvl 87 right now and can do tier 2 IH mostly ok, though when I get overwhelmed I can die) is doing alright, as is my sorc for the most part (she's 61). But I'm having a ton of trouble with my lvl 55 rogue. I do a good amount of damage but I'm just getting nuked super fast.


Now that I’m fully Masterworked from doing T7s I’m running into a wall of what to do now? I cleared T8 and now idk what to do. Maybe try to go into HC Hordes? I need a challenge or something to do after fully Masterworked.


I got bored of season 5 very fast. i have spent 500million on respecs and gear i have decent gear and cant do 100 pit with either my sorcerer or rogue...
Season 4 was more meaningful with the drops, rotation of activities etc. Now is just a proper mess.


For so long I've been farming T6 because it's just safer so I can play without paying attention too much and grind out mats :') Never knew the stygian stone droprate went from like 0.15% to like 15% in 1 single tier... Been wasting my time here.


I've b3en farming these trying to get axial conuit... no luck so far.


The head is bigger and bigger each video. With each like it gets larger
