Bandsaw Magic - Making a little known trick a little more known

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2:20 Lamp Base
4:00 Patterns
7:10 Table Legs
10:58 Shelves

Nick explores an obscure compound cutting technique from our short, "Bandsaw Magic." And it is indeed a magical way to create elegantly curved surfaces and three-dimensional shapes with just two cuts on a band saw. Nick experiments with some practical uses for these shapes and in the process, discovers a simple way to add joinery to these magical shapes so you can incorporate them in larger assemblies.

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Рекомендации по теме

This dude is the Gandalf of woodworking. 10/10 work!


Someone give this man a Netflix series, why are there a 1000 cooking shows and nothing on how to actually build beautiful things


Old man I appreciate you more than you know .. I’ve never had a teacher to be a wood either and learned everything from YouTube .. I can’t tell you how much people like you have changed my life . I’m not a phenomenal woodworker like you but I will be, channels like this made it possible to provide for my siblings, before we would go a day or two with out food, now we eat daily . Thank you


You're the coolest old man that I ever saw in my life


This is so much better than most of the content out there. Didn't over-do the magic jokes, his narration and demonstration fit the pace of the video perfectly and the video's layout reminded me of being taught by some of the big name engineering/learning channels like veritasium, smartereveryday, etc. Loved it! Looking forward to more.


You sir... Are a awesome presenter and a true master of your craft, thank you for sharing your knowledge with us.


Folks, I had an email asking why, in gluing up the lamp base parts, I applied glue to just one of the adjoining surfaces during the first step (3:20), then applied glue to both adjoining surfaces during the second (3:50). First of all, let me give some kudos to the viewer who caught that. Good eye -- really! In case there are others out there wondering why, I was gluing up a 3" x 3" block that was made from plywood. In the first step, I was applying glue to the faces of the plywood veneers and I could expect the joint to behave like a standard face-grain glue-up. But during the second step, I was applying glue to the edges of the veneers, a mix of face grain and end grain. I knew the end grains would absorb a good deal more glue, so I applied glue to both surfaces.


I just love this guy’s videos, to say their entertaining and educational doesn’t even do them justice.


You are by far the best teacher for woodworking. Your teaching is far more superior than others. Appreciate u!!!


Okay, this is a really cool principle, and I'm already imagining how this technique can jazz up a bunch of basic designs. Thank you!!


The master of wood, each video is a master class


Eat your heart out Harry Potter. This is magical. I'm speechless. Big thank you.


What a lively person with great job and joy.


Finally the YouTube algorithm threw me a video i wanted to watch, enjoyed, liked and subscribed. Thank you for making and sharing.


Nick puts a whole new meaning to being a "leg" man. He definitely has a fantastic sense of humour at 13:40 where he says to "measure once and cut twice."

I just acquired my first bandsaw, and can't wait to get started. Thank you for starting me on my next adventure.


Not all pro carperter knows this. I've been working finishing carpertry for almost 3 decades but it's my first time to see this kind of techniques. Thanks for this ideas. Respect


Great tip on the sandpaper for friction on the glue up!


Man, stumbled on this channel quote randomly, this guy's approach is amazing. He needs his own show on cable


you mean worlds best good looking table, right? Amazing!!!!


Love the work. Well done sir. I’m putting the scroll saw cut in my bag of tricks. Once you presented it I was like of course. Ty
