Why Did God Kill Uzzah For Touching the Ark?

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In 2 Samuel 6:1-9, we read about King David returning the Ark of the Covenant on an ox cart. One of the oxen stumbles, and Uzzah reflexively steadies the Ark. Rather than being rewarded for trying to help, God struck him dead. Yikes. Here God looks like a merciless dictator. What's going on with this passage?

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Uzzah’s grabbing hold of the Ark shows that good intentions do not change what God requires.


I used to feel the same way! And then I read a quote, by either Sproul or Spurgon who said, “Uzzah’s sin was thinking he was cleaner than the ground which God created.” And we see that reflected in scripture. Whenever God encounters someone in the world they’re told to take off their shoes for where they stand is holy ground. And that no man is holy, only God is. Our pride lends us to think that we’re better than we are, when in reality, we’re all dirtier and more sinful than even the deepest mud pit


Perfectly explained. An initial reading won't show what really happened. Context is important. They had no right carrying the Ark like that, it was disrespectful.


It always appeared to me that God was setting an example. If God let Uzzah get away with it, then the rules meant nothing and anyone could handle the ark however they pleased.


Weirdly enough, this particular instance never once bothered me. To me it was the same thing as failing to follow basic safety instructions for moving a dangerous object, working with electrical systems, or anything else where you’d want a “do not touch” sign applied.

The further explanation is much appreciated.


Very good! My dad and I have talked about this very thing and you went into more detail than we have. The story does strike our sensibilities as offensive at first, but you take a deeper look as you pointed out at all the things they were violating and the situation becomes more clear. Plus if God finds something offensive who are we to say He is being petty? Our first response should be 'this is obviously a big deal to God, why?' not 'Why would God be so drastic over such a small issue?' assuming we have greater insight into the situation than He does. Very similar to the man gathering sticks upon the Sabbath, that man knew what he was doing and took no reverence to the clear commands of God, it's not so much the deed itself I think, but rather the total lack of proper reverence, fear and respect that God and His commands deserve. "Knowing the terror of the Lord we persuade men."
Praise God for His covering and mercy in Christ Jesus!


Another great vid, thank you!
It might come to mind the doubt that folks who raise this objection against the Bible would take this video seriously: after all, typically attacks like this just are on a 'revolving door' switching out for other objections in the next booth over as if none of them have ever received an answer (and then being repeated again down the line as if no answer has been offered to any of them).

Yet, having an answer is important: casting down arguments "..and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God" is something we're called to do.
Apologetics remove the supposedly 'intellectual' wall to belief, showing quite often that people have a heart issue, not a knowledge issue, and in some precious cases God uses the removal of that wall to knock on the heart. There's plenty of testimonies to this.

And even when those cases aren't present in the dialogue directly, there are often onlookers: I've had some difficult discussions with people who do not want the Bible to be true, and while they tend not to budge whatsoever, I sometimes notice that some people gathered while I was speaking.
Similarly I've seen videos like this have comments from people who get fed up with the 'revolving door' style of argumentation some atheist presenters use - which does seem quite like a step closer to seeing the reasonableness of our faith.

I doubt we'll know the full extent of any of our actions on this earth, to be honest.
But either way, if someone is brought even just a smidge closer to Christ, or if they do believe and had some doubt(s) answered, you bet that's a victory!
Keep up the good work!


I think part of the judgment of Uzzah was just because Uzzah is a sinner and God is a consuming fire. To come close to God in an unworthy manner guarantees death.


That passage always bothered me, but I only had a piece of the story. If the Israelites were being careless with the ark then GOD would be in the right to be upset.


God is HOLY. We just don’t understand that at all. (Myself included)


the fact that people go along with this is insane, you definitely would not feel the same way if you were in uzzah's shoes


The ark can also be compared to a nuclear core or missle, it's an object of immense power, which should be handled with immense care. If you play around with nuclear material and handle it with your hands, or store it in your backpack, you're gonna die.
Ultimately what atheist are upset about is that God didn't bend the rules to save Uzzah, they don't think God sending the ark is enough, they also want to be free of obligations and repercussions . We don't feel surprised when we get shocked from touching a live wire or getting wet if we go out into the rain, but since god isn't an impersonal force we feel offended when he punishes us for breaking his law. Touching the ark may hinder it in some way as well, there may be some view we may be missing.


Excellent video and a great take explanation of what can be a difficult passage. I'm curious just how many people read this and actually understand it at more than just a superficial, Sunday School level.


Your explanation wouldn't satisfy a skeptic, unfortunately, because that's the way they think. They assume beforehand that nobody has the right to the kind of authority God claims for Himself.


Well done, Erik! I remember digging into too years ago. And as always, context matter!


Apparently, improperly transporting a box warrants the death penalty...


Great video, Erik! I appreciate your thoughtful content so much!


🤔 Wow, what a perspective. It helps me to respect and revere God's instruction, as opposed to fear based obedience, stemming from ignorance. Thanks, and God bless you. 🙏


Isn’t it natural instinct to want to catch something that it’s about to fall? 🤷🏾‍♀️


It is also the case that the criticism is coming from the secular materialist perspective that physical death is the worst possible outcome.
