Becoming Undercover Spies Searching for Grace Sharer TOP SECRET Beach Mission! (24 Hour Disguise)

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We spent 24 hours in disguise going undercover as spies to find Grace Sharer on this Top Secret beach mission!
Last vlog you saw Stephen Sharer posted “Exploring Abandoned Pool at 3AM!! (Pond Monster Spotted)” where chase and Stephen spotted the pond monster in the pool at 3am but Grace Sharer was not there. Grace was not there because she was on a top secret beach mission trip to find out where the mystery monster was born. So Today, Stephen left Chase behind at the Sharer Fam house to go search for Grace at the beach. Stephen and John packed their Share The Love Merch and hopped in the Lamborghini Sharerghini and headed to the beach. Once the Sharerghini arrived at the beach there were so many Sharer Fam members taking pictures that John and Stephen knew they had to put on new disguises to go undercover so they could not be spotted. So they went shopping for spy gear gadgets and found new undercover agent outfits to wear and looked like undercover spies. Once in disguises Grace Sharer left a top secret note on the Sharerghinin which led them to a spy drone that John started up and started flying in the sky. Thanks to this spy drone Steven and John where able to track down the beach house and then hopped in a golf cart and headed straight there as quietly as they could which is why they could not drive the Lamborghini Sharerghini because it was too loud. Once at the Top Secret Beach Mission Steven entered the house to see if Grace Sharer was inside… to be continued comment who’s #Undercover spy costume you like better!!
Mailing Address:
Stephen Sharer Youtube #633
2961 A Hunter Mill Rd
Oakton, VA 22124
This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.
Last vlog you saw Stephen Sharer posted “Exploring Abandoned Pool at 3AM!! (Pond Monster Spotted)” where chase and Stephen spotted the pond monster in the pool at 3am but Grace Sharer was not there. Grace was not there because she was on a top secret beach mission trip to find out where the mystery monster was born. So Today, Stephen left Chase behind at the Sharer Fam house to go search for Grace at the beach. Stephen and John packed their Share The Love Merch and hopped in the Lamborghini Sharerghini and headed to the beach. Once the Sharerghini arrived at the beach there were so many Sharer Fam members taking pictures that John and Stephen knew they had to put on new disguises to go undercover so they could not be spotted. So they went shopping for spy gear gadgets and found new undercover agent outfits to wear and looked like undercover spies. Once in disguises Grace Sharer left a top secret note on the Sharerghinin which led them to a spy drone that John started up and started flying in the sky. Thanks to this spy drone Steven and John where able to track down the beach house and then hopped in a golf cart and headed straight there as quietly as they could which is why they could not drive the Lamborghini Sharerghini because it was too loud. Once at the Top Secret Beach Mission Steven entered the house to see if Grace Sharer was inside… to be continued comment who’s #Undercover spy costume you like better!!
Mailing Address:
Stephen Sharer Youtube #633
2961 A Hunter Mill Rd
Oakton, VA 22124
This video is only for entertainment purposes. Do not attempt to recreate any of the acts in this video, as they may be dangerous if not done correctly, and could result in serious injury. If you rely on the information portrayed in this video, you assume the responsibility for the results. Have fun, but always think ahead, and remember that every project you try is at YOUR OWN RISK.