Fanatec CSL Elite V2 Pedals Review | Long Term | Sim Racing Load Cell

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After a few months of intensive use in competitive circuit racing, rally and drifting, I've drawn some big and potentially controversial conclusions with these pedals. Has Fanatec's involvement with real life motorsports raised the bar? (for product links, click "Show more")

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Start: 0:00
1. Introduction: 0:29
2. First Impressions: 1:36
3. Price: 2:53
4. Installation - Hardware: 3:35
5. Installation - Software: 4:44
6. Throttle: 5:20
7. Clutch: 6:01
8. Brake: 6:31
9. Adjustments: 8:27
10. Final Thought: 11:14


Team Boss (€20/mo) Flea McBaggins, Erick Cuyar, naxalar, Phelan Pritchard Gaming, Izzie, William O, Chris Pietersen, terencedunn
Crew Chief (€10/mo) Peter McCann, Kyle Johnston, Stefan Boot, Daniel Magowan, TugboatTony, Pingu428
Pit Crew (€5/mo) Alfred Pellegrino, Colin Mac, Dogoncouch, Simon Smart, Marc o' rourke, Suzanne Bowler, GamerMuscleVideos, Epic Fat Lip, ST, Jon boy, Graham Healy, Stef A, Florian Aymard, Neil Ferrier, paddy hartnett, ItsChris18, Frenzy Fire000
TWITCH Tier 1 epicfatlip, petermccann, dc5jack, gregmeister91, FeckCancer, b1g_juggernaut, milex84, chrism2507
Pit Pass (€3/mo) Barry Clayton, Fiacre Müller, Distilledyou gamecast, MrVinylNinja, naimatakku, John McDonald, Scottnothin, ripper253

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Thanks Laurence. My other pedals were acting up so I purchased these on your initial impressions. Love ‘em. They are simple and work!


I decided to purchase these yesterday. For years now I've been using G29 (although heavily modified) pedals which was fun, but now it's time for an upgrade. Happy I went for these after watching your review.


Have had these pedals for around 3 months now and didn't realise I could horizontally move the individual pedals, so thanks for that. I've kept the 3x65 stack at 40% strength (in the software) as didn't use a load cell before. Without doubt this pedal set has, possibly inadvertently, taught me how to trail brake with much more consistency. You have me intrigued to now stiffen up slightly with a 65-75-85, as shown in the video!


I use the Pedals since 2 Month and love them. I only use the Break and Throttle so i placed the Break on the left. The Clutch Pedal had more resistance than the Throttle and because of that, i use the Clutch Pedal as a Throttle Pedal to have a better feeling.


I went and bought a set of these after you and every other reviewer said such great things about them when they were released. Upgraded from my g920 pedals, potentiometers had gone from sawdust. DIY wood rig problems. Since then I’ve done a bunch more work and got these pedals good and dusty with no issues ever showing up. They’ve been flawless despite being pulled off and remounted 10+ times. Best way I can think to describe the brake pedal is mindless. In a good way that is. Is just disappears beneath my foot and the car just does what I want smoothly and predictably. Truly a worthy upgrade and glad I followed reviewers advice and got a good pedal set before upgrading to a direct drive wheelbase.


i just bought these coming from G29 pedals. Was a bit underwhelmed as I expected more after the reviews. But then came to realize they come out of the box with the weakest elastomers and spring (and thus a fairly long travel like my old pedals). Changed those to stronger ones and now they feel just awesome! At this price I can really recommend them to anyone.


Thanks for this guide, the clearest explanation of the V2 in it's current state I've seen on Youtube. Instantly subbed!


These pedals are better on the brake then the v3 for sure. It's just so good and everytime I used the csl elite older pedals I always went god I wish there was slightly more momentum before all of the pressure and boom I come back and they did it! Lol

For me even the gas feels better then most in this price range also imo that is. It's not so loose its crazy.


Finally another review!! Dropped everything the second I saw the notification.


I use the original CSL pedals. I watched a review on boosted media's channel and ordered the v2s, the selling point was the fact that the load cell sensor is at the base of the pedal whereas the v1s was at the top which meant that from time to time I would notice that my braking wouldn't be enough because my foot slid down on the pedal face and the force wouldn't register on the sensor, so hopefully that won't be the case with the v2s


Lesgoooo! Really sold on these pedals, if ever a used set comes up I'll definitely snag em to compare to my V3s


I had the chance to try those at the Expo and I was also very impressed. I had the V1 in the past and I agree is a step forward (even though a bit more expensive than the V1s at the time)


These are great from everything I've seen and heard👌🏻 I believe that they will make the V3's somewhat redundant. With the BPK and USB adapter included it could be a sign of thing to come🤞🏻 I'd imagine next time we see a new pedal set from Fanatec it will be in the Podium line.


Out of all the different pedals I’ve tried, I came right back to the CSL elite V1s! I was faster and more consistent. I understand people wanting to spend loads of $$$$ for realistic looking things, but if it’s pure pace you’re after…Do not turn away from the V1s and now the V2s!


I switched from BJ Steel F1 pedals to CSL Elite V2s because of my seating position. I swapped the gas and clutch because I like a stiff throttle and they're perfect for me. I don't think I'll ever need higher end pedals than these. Also the throw distance was way too long for me, so I took some M6 rubber spacers and double sided taped them to the stops behind the pedals.


they are on sale today in the black friday week --> 199€, i already ordered 🙂


I just ordered these pedals. Thanks for the great review.


I could write a decent length comment about what I think of those, but I can also make it very simple and straight to the point.

"I want"


I bought these pedals for 200 euros black friday deall. Had T-lcm, but seen as still in the return window from Amazon, I am returning them and ordered the v2s today. Will go well with the La Prima ❤


Fanatec have done sim racers a massive service, first the CSL DD & now these, mid range pricing with a level of performance not previously available at this price .
