SIM Swap Attack - Are they Hacking Your Phone?

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A popular hack allows an attacker to get into your bank and social media accounts, read your email and take over your phone number. This attack is something that can be done to you by people who know you well.

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I love how video representations of hackers are always someone wearing a hoodie sitting in the dark. This was very informative, what would we do without Rob..


I never realized how many ways there are to scam us, THANKS for all your knowledge and enlightenment, you explain this very well and understandable for a novice like me. Also I have a phone blocker that blocks All phone calls except .my contacts because almost all of my incoming calls are spam or scams.


I suffer with hypervigilance connected to PTSD, which is mentally draining, but in a number of situations mentioned in this video, it works perfectly well for me that I ALWAYS question, double check things and meticulously check URLs I guess there are pros and cons to EVERYTHING. 😐... 😂


I would like you to make a shorter, simpler version of this video intended for older people (my parents!), so I could have them watch the video to educate them about this stuff.


Great video with alot of useful information. I have a question however...aren't some vendors that actually utilize 2FA actually guilty of selling user data on the dark-web as well? And if so, is there anyway to protect against this scenario?


got my T-Mobile SIM swapped a few months ago. The account had PIN enabled, and I'm not the primary account holder. Thankfully I caught it about two hours later. But to this day T-Mobile refuses to tell me how it happened, what phone numbers were in contact with the thieves while they controlled my phone number or who/what orgs they tried contact


I miss the days when they just send you an email if you need to change your password.


if no 2FA it would be worst as they can use password generator to hack the password


come on, I have Spectrum, they protect me 😬


I don’t think I’ve seen any website or online service that lets you reset your password with just an SMS… Pretty much all platforms send you the password reset link to your email, no?

Can someone give me some examples of websites where they allow you to reset the password with just your phone number?

Besides, even if such platform existed, I don’t see how this has anything to do with the use of SMS as 2FA - 2FA is literally that - the second factor besides your password during the ordinary login process. If a platform has been designed in such a way that the phone number is the only thing that’s required to reset the password, this has nothing to do with SMS/phone-based 2FA, because even a platform that does not offer other better 2FA methods (like TOTP or FIDO based hardware key) instead of SMS based 2FA can still be designed to send any password reset link to the email registered on the account. An attacker who managed to SIM swap or somehow got access to my phone alone will not be able to lock me out of that platform. Of course if your email account got breached, you have a way way bigger problem at hand, but that’s an entirely separate story…


My mobile service provider leaked my phone number and SIM card serial number. Does this increase the risk of SIM swapping? Any insight would be appreciated. Thank you!


"Like the Nigerian scam" 🙄 got me...Bruf they ain't the only country with some scammers. My lawyer would contact you, you have just hurt my feelings..🤔


Attacking people is psychopathic. There is nothing admirable about being a thief. Its Gross that so many people actually think being immoral is clever. I remember when the world was full of people with integrity.


paypal sent me email, tells me my account is on hold wants info, email has a link, didnt click, went to paypal and yes they wanted info from the legit paypal site. they wanted photo ID, proof of address and to sign off that i am not a "politically exposed person". Screw paypal, i am not ok with giving them that. Their own phishing warnings told me they would not send me messages witg links or requests for info, so i sent theor own email to their anti phish dept.


People are the biggest security risk. They don't take security or privacy seriously. They love to be connected to other groups and that's their second biggest


Can't trust the kind of people who work in the T-Mobile and Metro by T-Mobile and Verizon stores using their personal phones on the job I've seen right in front of me as I was signing up for service the metro by T-Mobile in store rep take a picture of the computer screen after I signed up for service and I said WTF you doing and they played it off like nothing happened it's always the Spanish ones doing it too


This is just carrier problem to not do enough to verify your identity..


This is why I don't do internet banking, I prefer the old-fashioned way of walking through the front door of the bank.


I think if an insider is caught they should see a very long prison sentence.


This is done in my country on dead people's bank accounts ... Bank employees who notice bank accounts that have been idle for years partner with carrier employees to do SIM swap and then get the money out.

The assumption is that the owner of the account is dead, and no one will follow up ... Buy the problem is that it could be an account left dormant but a living person. When he comes back, then account is empty, and when they complain the bank says they withdrew the money themselves.
