Wisconsin Begins Recount in State's Two Biggest, Most Democratic Counties

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Wisconsin on Friday began recounts of the presidential race in the state's two biggest and most Democratic counties.

It's a longshot bid by President Donald Trump — who paid a required $3 million fee — to undo Joe Biden's victory.

Trump, who lost by more than 20,600 votes in Wisconsin, has alleged "mistakes and fraud" in the two counties, though he has produced no evidence to back up his claims.

Biden's victory over Trump was fueled by Democrat-heavy Milwaukee and Dane counties, making them ripe targets for Trump to try and discount votes.

The counties are home to Milwaukee, the state's most racially diverse city, and Madison, the state Capitol and location of the University of Wisconsin's flagship campus.

Combined, Biden won the counties by a more than 2-to-1 margin.

The recount brings together hundreds of people at a time when the coronavirus is ravaging Wisconsin, which has been one of the nation's worst COVID-19 hot spots for weeks.

One in every 118 people in Wisconsin has tested positive in the past week.

To help reduce the risk, both counties rented convention centers so that workers and observers can be properly distanced.

In Milwaukee, where the recount will be conducted at the 186,000-square-foot Wisconsin Center, everyone inside was required to wear a mask, pass a temperature screening and maintain appropriate social distancing.

Anyone not following those requirements will be ejected.

The recounts are being livestreamed.

The recounts must be finished by a Dec. 1 deadline. Milwaukee County expects to be finished the day before Thanksgiving, an event widely expected to hasten the spread of the virus.

Dane County is planning 16-hour days and wasn't expected to finish before the holiday.

Both plan to use machines to recount the ballots, although Dane County started Friday with hand-counting from randomly selected precincts for an audit, as required by law.

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The results will be the same.
All the recounts in the world would change that.


If it were not so serious, it would be the stuff of an SNL comedy routine! It is an absolute tragedy that a wealthy con man has so deluded masses of people that partisan pressure has been brought to bear forcing a recount in a state where the loosing candidate lost by over 100, 000 votes!


Completely incomprehensible
what is the counting procedure? How to tell if a ballot is filled out by a living or a deceased person?
How to determine if a voter is a US citizen? How to determine how many times the same person has voted? And who needs such a calculation if it is impossible to verify the signature and check all of the above? There is another concern: what if my information was used in several states, and I can't even verify it? How can I check who my vote is credited to?
Now I don't believe in the voting system, maybe my vote was switched to ANOTHER candidate? We live in the 21st century, and you can't check such nonsense even in the USA? IT'S OUTRAGEOUS!


Nothing is going to change!!! It still the same BS going on. I hope that i'm wrong about this.




This set the precedence that every election needs a recount thereafter.


Совершенно не понятно,
какова процедура подсчета? Как определить заполнен ли бюлетень живым человеком или он заполнен на уже умершего?
Как определить, является ли голосовавший гражданином США? Как определить сколько раз проголосовал один и тот же человек?


Совершенно непонятно
какова процедура подсчета? Как определить, заполнен ли бюллетень живым или умершим человеком?
Как определить, является ли избиратель гражданином США? Как определить, сколько раз голосовал один и тот же человек? И кому нужен такой подсчет, если нельзя сверить подпись и проверить все выше перечисленное? Есть еще одно опасение: а что если моей информацией воспользовались в нескольких штатах, а я даже не могу этого проверить? Как я могу проверить за кого засчитан мой голос?
Я теперь не верю в систему голосования, возможно мой голос переключили на ДРУГОГО кандидата? Мы живем в 21 веке, и нельзя проверить такую ерунду даже в США? ЭТО ВОЗМУТИТЕЛЬНО!


"if your not cheating your not trying, " Obuma LoL


Look at the machines let’s quit playing games


I still have hope that they will get to the bottom and truth (Trump) will prevail.
