Walmart Employee QUITS Job Over PA System While Cursing Out & Bashing Management

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⭐ Wooden American Star:

Beth McGrath nervously filmed herself speaking over the PA system in what would be her last day as an employee at the Carencro Walmart.

In the now viral 1:11 video McGrath’s face is not seen, but her painted nails and long red pigtails are as she dials up the store’s intercom system to announce her resignation, outing what she described as mistreatment by management towards her and her fellow employees.

“Attention Walmart shoppers and associates, my name is Beth in electronics. I’ve been working at Walmart for almost five years and I can say that everyone who works here is overworked and underpaid.”

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All she left out is, ,
"Let's go Brandon"🏁


The Walmart management staff sounds a lot like the BIDEN/HARRIS regime and how those employees are treated sounds a lot like the american taxpayer... democrats hate the american taxpayer... lets go Brandon!


The funny thing is that Walmart probably had to applaud her afterward


I had lunch with Sam Walton decades ago. Great man. Just like how our founding fathers would roll in their graves due to the state of our union, ol’ Sam would be pissed at the state of his company today.


Ppl like to bash on Walmart, but one thing I've noticed is that at my local store, a lot of associates have worked there for a long time. I guess some stores get it right for the most part.


I work at Walmart, and the stereotype that all stores treats their employees like crap isn't at every store. So far my store has made the crt training Optional. However, the day they try to make me do it is the day I quit though. But so far, my store is fine.


Walmart really doesn’t treat their employees right especially the elderly ones. She is spot on with that one.


Your "skill set" talk was pure wisdom! Unfortunately, most people don't learn that lesson, and then they blame "the man" or "the system".


By December I'll be working for Walmart 11 years, there's been good management and bad management, and I've seen everything that has happened inside and outside the store here in Plant City Florida.


My son works at Walmart in Philly making $13.45 an hour. This girl is right. She’s not lying about how management treat their workers. They are over worked and under paid. Maybe she didn’t have to quit in a unprofessional way but I don’t blame her. If Walmart want their employees to come to work and be professional, they need to lead by example.Being professional start’s with management first.


I don’t work at Walmart, but I can honestly say that both the company and employees aren’t all that great.


An epic quit like that, im betting that she already had found another job prior.


If I was a customer in store, I would go over and give her an applause. She may have found out she was about to get fired and decided to do this


Let’s Go Brandon !!


Whenever I quit my jobs I burned the bridges while I was still standing on them to show just how crazy unhappy I was job baby


I mean, I didn't get paid enough to be harassed by customers and attacked personally by people. So I quit. Much more professionally than she did, but still. When I would be following policy, if customers would complain, the managers would give them whatever they want. I would be left looking like a fool to the public, like I didn't know how to do my job. They gave me twice the work I used to do and then paid me exactly the same as before. The work they had me doing, my supervisors used to do for more money than I was making. It was awful. Right before I quit, we were so understaffed that I would be alone and unable to take my breaks. I asked my manager to cover me one time, and he straight up told me no and then left. Another day he told me "Try not to bother me." When I WAS NOT A SUPERVISOR and half the crap they wanted me to do was above my pay grade. Absolutely not. I will never work there again unless I am desperate.


She's not wrong. Go to any retail store and every associate is treated like garbage not only from Management but from customers as well.


My Dad always told me growing up... Beware of the toes you step on today for they may be attached to the butt you have to kiss tomorrow!!


Every Walmart is different. Some are smooth functioning and easier than any other retail. Some id rather storm a beach then step foot in again. Sadly most are going towards the latter.


If you can handle stress the FAA hires people off the street with no experience to be Air Traffic Controllers twice a year. Best job I’ve ever had and the pay is great! 💰💰
