Kevin Smith Gets Emotional Talking About Bruce Willis

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Disclaimer: We are not affiliated in anyway with Wondercon. We are a news channel covering the event.

Kevin Smith was the headlining event at Wondercon on April 1, 2022. He took the stage to answer fan questions and talk about his upcoming projects. At the end of the hour long session, a fan asks him his thoughts about Bruce Willis. Mr. Smith directed the movie "Cope Out," starring Mr. Willis. Mr. Smith gets emotional talking about Mr. Willis' recent medical diagnosis and how it sheds new light on their interactions while making the film.
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Good Deed by Bruce Willis —When my children were in elementary school in the Atlanta area down the road was a waterpark (one of the top 10 water parks in the US). —When Bruce Willis came to the park with his family he bought the dippty dot ice cream, which was expensive, not just for his family —but for everyone in the water park. —He was grounded enough to see the price of the ice cream and understand that many children might not get a chance to have that ice cream. I’ll never forget the teenagers working at the park we’re so excited and overwhelmed by the generosity and I was teaching teenagers at that time. He said a very good example that day. This was the summer of 98 or 99 —The teenagers know who bought the ice cream because they worked in the park. It wasn’t in the news or the newspapers. Nowadays teenagers would have been posting about it. It really made the teenagers think that if you became wealthy doing good deeds of kindness makes a difference.


Damn, that was brilliant. Kevin really does present a masterclass on public speaking. For 14 minutes he was self-reflective, funny, heartbroken, honest and respectful. He has a gift for articulation.


Kevin has a big heart. You can tell he really loves Bruce. This is a loving tribute.


Glad Kev was able to speak out about this and finally make peace with it. You can tell it had really been eating away at him for all these years.


I wish we saw more celebrities that allowed themselves to be this vulnerable and candid in front of their fans.


I could listen to Kevin speak for hours, he’s such a great story teller


I was there last night. I was very excited to see that he was speaking. It was the only panel I felt I had to be at. It did not disappoint. He was great. I didn’t know about the feud between he and Willis, but I was impressed by his vulnerability. He always seems like a real person that’s what makes him so likeable and relatable.


I’m a huge fan, all the way back to his Moonlighting days with Cybill Shepherd. Thanks for all the fantastic movies, Bruce! 👏🏼💯 Yipee Ki yay !!!


Big respect for Kevin for this and Bruce will always be a legend.


What an amazing job, Bruce Willis is an iconic movie star, what a way to honor Bruce as a person, friend,and family man


2:48 Props to Kevin for saying "bless you" when someone sneezed...


Kevin I fucking love you man thanks for being someone at 30 I can look up to


This was perfect. Exactly how I would describe Bruce Willis being a fan. When I was growing up my mom had a David Addison poster in her closet lol! He was the man, no one could have played that part better. So sad.


I heard a while back he was making all them crap movies to cash out over his health declining makes sense now he's one of the all time greats.


I just want to give Kevin a hug there. His frustration with Willis was the result of being disrespected as a director; when the director asks you to change up something in your act and you deliberately don't do it you waste the director's time and the crew's time, not to mention blowing up the budget with multiple takes. In short, Kevin's frustration was justified. He had a job to do, and in the moment when you're trying to get the job done you can get frustrated. Was Willis' reticence the result of his illness? We'll likely never know, but Kevin sure as hell didn't know. Had he known I'm sure he would've acted differently. But having that come back on him 12 years later is just a gut punch. But he's big enough to apologize and that says a lot about him.


Just goes to show you never know what someone is ever going through behind the scenes. Be nice and kind to each other. Always. Even if it's not reciprocated back. Big respect to Kevin Smith. Never too old to learn. Never too late to squash a beef


Everybody canning his recent movies(me included) turns out he's burning his legacy(slightly) to take care of himself and his family. 100% real life hero. I apologize for my cynicism Mr Willis.


It's amazing when things like this happen. It turns out something was not what it seemed at all and you can be shook by that already but then you hear something that changes your perspective entirely. And it all turns on just one sentence.


Thank u 4 uploading. As a Jersey boy- that feud was not easy to watch thru the years and it’s nice to see a human moment where someone can sincerely learn a valuable life lesson. So glad to see this moment, so sad to hear of Bruce’s illness. Would love to see a photo of the two of them if they do in fact meet up soon.


Stuff like this reminds me why I love Kevin Smith. He wears it all on his sleeve and shows it to you with eloquence.
