How I Started My Own Business || Woodworking as a Job

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Links below to tools and supplies:
Bits & Bits Precision Cutting Tools (10% off code- BOURBONBITS)
RZ Mask (15% off code: BOURBONMOTH15)

Grizzly Tools:
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Dang dude, whatever square space is paying you, isn’t enough! Not to mention that is a brilliant way of building a profile to show off to clients


You sanding with your son on your shoulders is the cutest and warmest imagine I've ever seen


I appreciate your story and your channel. I’ve been an amateur wood worker my whole life, and now that I’ve passed 40, the thought of working for corporate America for the rest of my life makes me want to curl up and cry. I’m really trying to find the courage to start a wood working business. This video helps the push in that direction. Keep up the good work man. Thanks for sharing your story.


“Something cool like an accountant or a bank manager” lmao
This was a great vid mate.
That competition was a genius way to jump start your business! Kudos to you for being that clever. And a truly relevant sponsorship video, the first “sponsor of this video” I haven’t skipped through in in years.


I fell in love with sanding, the first moment I felt a piece of 120 velcro paper. It took me for a LOOP but I was HOOKED....Then I found that satisfaction came from cleaning up the globs of glue on the tip of my glue bottle. The feeling STUCK with I realized the best feeling I get from my wood shop is sweeping up sawdust and brushing off my clothes at the end of the day, so I built my own broom and dustpan... what a feeling....
I AM A PROUD and I like to make furniture too.


Since I watch a lot of YouTube, I've seen a lot of Squarespace ads, but your presentation here is one of the most compelling since you talked about it in a very real and informative context. I hope they're paying attention.


Your idea to get a client base with your "built for cost" is an amazing one! Excellent way to break that initial barrier.


I have said in comments before, but I want to say it again here. I think it is outstanding of you to have your son involved in your woodworking. he may be too young for a lot of it yet, but he is not only learning the hobby/business of woodworking, he is seeing what a real dad does. spending that time with him is the most valuable thing gift you can give him. I lost my dad when I was 13, but when he was alive, we did a lot of wood and metal work together, among other things. those are the very best memories I have. I try to do the same with my son. my whole channel is my son Jack and I hanging out.


Hugely mad respect for adopting! Actually teared up and had really warm feeling in my heart when you said that! keep it up, candidate for the Best Dad!


Woodworkers are cool! Bourbon Moth, that was one of the best promotional videos I've ever seen. Incorporating your personal story of how you started woodworking/business and the beginnings of Fatherhood tugged at my heart. You and your wife are blessed people. Thank you for sharing and making my day a little brighter. Blessings!


That's really cool to hear the backstory of how you got started. Could you do a part 2 about why you started a YouTube channel and how it's affected your business also?


The foreman was a great addition to the family. Nothing more rewarding than fatherhood. Keep up the great work brother!


You are my spirit animal Jason. I’ve even started my own channel because of watching you have so much fun (at least in camera) with it.


"This video contains a paid ad"

Should be:
"This advert contains a bit of storyline"


I love your content and it’s great to hear more of your story, you give so much insight and inspiration. Keep up the good work Jason!


I got into wood working when I decided to build a house. Those expensive things like barn doors, furniture, just all those little things that need to be custom for the fit. Couldn't have all of those made by someone else, cost prohibited.
I enjoy it too!! So have built a show car, house and many other pieces for my trade.

Thanks for sharing, thanks for


This was very well done. Bless you and your beautiful family. I am a owner of a very small and successful painting company and a avid part time wood worker. In my mid forties with a 3 year old and another on the way, I'm giving myself 6 years to get out of full time painting and into full time wood working. This video was very inspiring to me. Thank you for all your wood working tips and the laughs that come with your videos.


Bro you have no Idea how much I related to this Video, I love your Channel and thank you for all the hard work you and your team put in making this clips, you inspired me so much. Thank you.


As a 19 Aspiring woodworker myself, thank you for this video. It is very hard trying to start a woodworking business especially with barely any tools. But thank you for being such an awesome dude and a fantastic woodworker. keep up the great videos and builds.


Love everything about this. Glad you all are okay. I had no idea you went though something like that. God never gives you more than you can handle. Keep it up brother.
