Refreshing Strawberry Mimosa

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This is a refreshing mimosa and a favorite of mine. It has Prosecco soaked strawberries in it. Grab the recipe below.

1 cup fresh strawberries hulled and cleaned
1 bottle of champagne
Juice from 1 lemon
2 tsp honey optional

In a bowl with a lead add strawberries, pour champagne until strawberries are covered. Freeze for 20 minutes or chill for 1 hour.
Add champagne soaked strawberries and champagne from bowl to a blender. Add lemon and honey (if adding honey), pulse until a puree forms. About 5 times.
Pour strawberry puree into glasses, ⅓-½ full.
Top each glass with champagne.
Garnish with a fresh strawberry.
Serve and enjoy.
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