Why You Should Buy Gold in 2024 - Robert Kiyosaki

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Robert Kiyosaki, alongside financial experts Dana Samuelson, Jim Clark, Andy Schectman, and Charles Goyette, discuss the importance of gold as a financial asset and why you should buy gold in 2024. They discuss the historical and current significance of gold, its attributes as a form of money, and its role in the modern financial landscape. The experts share their insights on gold's inherent value, the risks and potential of gold investment, and the broader economic implications of gold in relation to government policies and global financial trends.

Kiyosaki and his guess expose the time-tested value of gold, its stability, and its significance as a hedge against economic uncertainty. The discussion also touches upon the comparison between gold and other forms of currency, including digital and paper money, highlighting the unique qualities that make gold a preferred choice for many investors.

This episode is a must-watch for anyone interested in understanding the complex dynamics of gold in the financial world and its potential impact on personal wealth and the global economy.

00:00 Introduction
05:22 Historical perspective on gold
10:35 Gold's role in the modern economy
15:50 Investment strategies and risks
21:10 Global financial implications
26:45 Q&A session with financial experts

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Disclaimer: The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument or engage in any financial activity.

The content presented here is based on the speaker's personal opinions and research, which may not always be accurate or up-to-date. Financial markets and investments carry inherent risks, and individuals should conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.
Рекомендации по теме

I'm 18 yrs old and i bought my first 5 gold coins 21karats ❤ and i will keep buying and saving gold instead of saving cash


Is the stock market actually getting better or is this the regular end of year market manipulation to entice new investors, I'm currently sitting on an inheritance of 500k and i'm wondering do I invest in stocks or Gold?


To me, gold is mostly a government stored metal. Some of gold is spendable, but silver will be the most spendable and usable metal of the two.


I started buying Gold Sovereign coins around the year 2000 for about £55 each, a half was about £35. I still have them and I am still stacking. At this time the UK government under Tony Blair and Gordon Brown sold half our gold reserve at the lowest price ever. I knew then this was the time to start buying gold.



1 Timothy 6:10
For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.

“A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children, But the wealth of the sinner is stored up for the righteous.”
‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭13‬:‭22‬ ‭

Any Christian that says money is evil, they’re wrong. King Solomon was and probably still the wealthiest person to have ever lived and he owned more gold than anyone person (because God made him wise way beyond his years).

Wealth can be a blessing or a curse, all depends on the person.

Love your podcast/shows!!!


I invest gold and silver last year Thanks universe, I am very thankful to you


I saved $50 from my paper route in 1964. I sold that in 2011 for $1, 500 and built a tiny house in my back yard with the money. So I build a house for $50 in silver money. That 8'x12' house is still there and quite comfortable. Silver holds its value.


Hello, my portfolio is diverse, with investments in gold, silver, and digital currencies, but not as much as I would want. Would like to add a lot more gold, just not sure how to go about it. Diversifying my $370k portfolio across the markets to withstand inflation is my goal. Can you help me?


As Chinese, I prefer gold over silver. My gold portfolio is 90%, silver 10%. I'm also a real estate believer. In Singapore where land is scare, real estate appreciates over the years, hard to come down here due to inflation and influx of foreigners.


I just bought more gold and silver few minutes ago. Tying up money due to an apocalyptic stock market crash is also not a smart move. Life is a risk and it's better to take risks than to do nothing, you can't always expect to make huge profits all the time, people have so many opinions about a recession/depression. In just 5 months my portfolio grew by $300, 000 in gross profit, the main thing is to expand your portfolio and you will see amazing results by investing smartly.


Investing in gold and other stock are better of than saving up money


I'm usually buying tiny amounts at a time, eg 3 silver coins plus 0.1 ounce gold coin for 509 AUD. It's my backup plan, I've become a silver coin collector these days


In light of the ongoing global economic crisis, it is crucial for everyone to prioritize investing in diverse sources of income that are not reliant on the government. This includes exploring opportunities in stocks, gold, silver, and digital currencies. Despite the challenging economic situation, it remains a favorable time to consider these investments.


Gold is not currency. It is Money! Paper dollars are currency. Money stores value and is a medium of exchange. Currency does NOT store value and is ONLY a medium of exchange.


Im a Christian, and what many Christians get wrong with Christs words in saying, "the love of money is the root of all evil" is that its not money itself, that is interchangable. Its really greed, or ungodly incontentment. Money is a tool, God created silver and gold. Power, money or whatever increases your power are only tools that amplify who you are. God makes that which is impossible, possible. Being rich does not destine you for hell, being greedy and not utilizing the tools God has given us to love our neighbors and serve God is what sends us there.


I live up in Canada, I'm working up in a gold mine, I can get payed in money or in gold, should I take the gold as payment or do a 50% split


It's not money that's the root of evil. It's the LOVE of money, scripture is speaking of the matter of man's heart.


The Bible says that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil. Money is not intrinsically evil. I'm a devout traditional Christian, If I had the opportunity to acquire a large sum of money in an ethical way I would take it in a heartbeat. Thank you Robert for all the knowledge that you impart.


Thank you! Cant wait for the 4th part. I started buying silver in 2023 after watching you for years! Thank you for guiding me from a young boy to a young man.


I would like to add, having physical gold is better, when you sell it is untaxed, but if you are connected through the web, you will be taxed when selling. And I don’t like people trying to take my profits!
