Can You Beat Minecraft's Hardest Escape Room?

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With all of the escape rooms going around you might have found that they're a tad bit too easy. Well when I got the chance to take on the hardest escape room in Minecraft I knew I had to give it a shot. This is the hardest escape room ever.

And if you want to see me torture a few of my friends with this same escape room then check out @Twifies where the video will release in a few days :)

Thank you to
@McYum @Sipover @rekrap2 @Boosfer and @mysticat for participating in beating this room

Thanks a bunch to @RaysWorks for providing a lot of the challenges within the escape room

And thank you to @seawattgaming for inspiring this video format

Make the purpur into slabs they said
it would be fun they said

This is a series called Minecraft VVSauce where I explore random features and questions of Minecraft. Not Minecraft, but the water rises or Minecraft Manhunt but a more research based series dedicated to over-answering questions you never asked.

Can You Beat Minecraft's Hardest Escape Room
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honestly, i wouldn't have made it past the first room 😂


Dude if you hit Escape and click "Save and Quit to Title", you can escape and go to any world you want


The thing I REALLY like about this is that there is NO redstone involved. Puzzles would just get legitimately impossible with crazy complex redstone setups.


How to beat the last room without the glitch:

1. Use the lectern's hitbox and place it 1 block off the ground to save a block when pillaring out of the first room (2:18)
2. Do NOT break the cobweb to craft a wool block. Use the block you saved from step 1
3. Craft the purpur into slabs to save 3 blocks (8:01)
4. Once you get the boat, you can place the cobweb at the door height and place the boat inside the cobweb.
5. Use this boatweb technique to go back to the first room and collect the lectern, chest, crafting table, and 2 glass
6. Once you're back in the bee nest room, you can break the cobweb for the wool, and smelt all the iron into nuggets
6.5 Spend 2 hours stuck behind an invisible M wall, give up, watch the solution
6.6 Spend another 30 minutes smashing your sandy boat against a wall, knowing its the solution, giving up, and breaking the barrier in creative
7. For the candle parkour, you can start them 1 block off the ground and get onto it using the lectern. You can reclaim the lectern while standing on an adjacent candle (14:25)
7.5. Make sure to use the lectern trick and leave it here as its the last >2 tall wall
7.6. If you're really trying hard you could abuse fire tick jumps to save another couple blocks
9. By this point you've saved: 1 chest, 2 purpur slabs, 1 purpur block, 1 wool, 1 crafting table, 2 glass, 1 terracotta, and 1 useless unplaceable dripleaf

You can 'escape' through the powder snow ceiling using the boatweb technique
You can also 'escape' under the crafting table in the bee nest room. When you break it, there's hole to void. You use the boat to crawl
I figured both of these out before watching the boat clip solution
This was a really fun escape room, I just wish it didn't have the boat clip as the intended solution.. I spent like an hour trying to get the chorus fruit to that point


The solution to the last room

from the previous room where you had purpur blocks, craft them into slabs to get out of that room, youll have 1 purpur block and 2 slabs left

in the last room, you first put a button on the last bedrock, then the block infront, then a sign on that, slab on the sign, then do it once more and you get a 4 block jump to the end


Using the dripleaf to crawl would have saved lots of time in many areas but you got through it well :)


11:15 Alternate way through is the dripleaf. You get put into a crawling position when it goes back up, so its extremely useful for puzzles.


But then, Wifies had a very good idea. He pressed F5. See, using F5 gave him a brand new perspective-


Wow, that turned out very challenging! Cool to see items from the beginning get used at the end.


For the last room, you have about a second of immunity every time you log in, so you can jump in the lava, log out, log in, swim a bit, and repeat until you reach the edge of the room. Then use fire tick to damage boost over the last block.


It would’ve been really cool if there was a a wheat field or pretty flower grove to explore after the liminal horror escape rooms


I'm pretty sure the solution to the last room was to use the Warped Signs to make a path through the lava (assuming it wasn't 2 blocks deep). You place one, jump in, place the second, then break the first one, and place it in front until you make it.


Honestly that was an obscure stroke of genius at the end. Well played.


This was way more entertaining than I thought it would be!


I've learned more things from this video than I would like to admit.
The fishing rod lava thing was crazy.


“I was stuck” “then it hit me and I got out” 😂


There's no way you didn't pick the correct solution for the final room. The coincidence of giving you one of the only items that could possibly help would be unreasonably unlikely.


When wifies knowledge finally comes in handy!


Wow, I just spent 18 minutes watching a Minecraft escape room and enjoyed every minute of it.


One of the best videos I’ve seen in a while, great content man!
