Why Count Dooku's Lightsaber is SO DEADLY - Star Wars Explained

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This is Count Dooku of Serenno’s Lightsaber. Although it might not look it, this is actually one the most powerful and dangerous lightsabers ever constructed by a member of the Jedi Order. And when Dooku turned to the darkside to join the Sith, it became the perfect weapon to wreak havoc and slaughter opponents. So why was it so dangerous? Well, make sure you hit that subscribe button and lets find out!
#starWars #countdooku #lightsaber
As Dooku was growing up on the planet Serenno, his father soon started to realize that his son was force sensitive. Deeming all force sensitves as horrible freaks of Nature, he dumped the young Dooku out in the forest with no food or protection and called the Jedi Order up to come and take him away... This impacted him and his ability to keep fighting no matter what for the rest of his life.
Once Dooku actually arrived at the Jedi temple on Coruscant and began his training, he quickly found out that he had a skill seen only very rarely in the Order. A supreme innate talent for the art of lightsaber duelling. Because the Galaxy had been at peace for hundreds of years and all of the Jedi’s enemies had been wiped out, it was almost a forgotten art. Most Jedi chose to focus their time on learning how to commune more deeply with the force, rather than improve their lightsaber fighting skills. On top of this, many of the offensive forms of Lightsaber combat like Form IV, started to go out of fashion because Jedi didn’t believe they needed to fight anyone with aggression anymore.
#starWars #countdooku #lightsaber
As Dooku was growing up on the planet Serenno, his father soon started to realize that his son was force sensitive. Deeming all force sensitves as horrible freaks of Nature, he dumped the young Dooku out in the forest with no food or protection and called the Jedi Order up to come and take him away... This impacted him and his ability to keep fighting no matter what for the rest of his life.
Once Dooku actually arrived at the Jedi temple on Coruscant and began his training, he quickly found out that he had a skill seen only very rarely in the Order. A supreme innate talent for the art of lightsaber duelling. Because the Galaxy had been at peace for hundreds of years and all of the Jedi’s enemies had been wiped out, it was almost a forgotten art. Most Jedi chose to focus their time on learning how to commune more deeply with the force, rather than improve their lightsaber fighting skills. On top of this, many of the offensive forms of Lightsaber combat like Form IV, started to go out of fashion because Jedi didn’t believe they needed to fight anyone with aggression anymore.