WARFRAME | Is this Entrati, or is it not he? Interesting data found in the New Codex

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The Whispers in the Walls quest is just around the corner and with it's introduction, we have some new lore that's been added to the game, a kind of brief retelling of the tenno's journey up to this point. However with that new information, DE has given us some rare clarity on certain parts of the game and... also provided a few inconsistencies that I want to address and see if we can figure out a few of the new quests concept points based on what they gave us.
0:00 The Business
0:59 Introduction
3:07 The Void
10:12 The Queens
13:02 The Sentinel
14:32 Ballas and the Drifter
17:53 The Kalymos Sequence
20:12 The Consequences
#tennocreate #whispersinthewalls #warframe
0:00 The Business
0:59 Introduction
3:07 The Void
10:12 The Queens
13:02 The Sentinel
14:32 Ballas and the Drifter
17:53 The Kalymos Sequence
20:12 The Consequences
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