6 Tips To Stop FIFA Career Mode Getting Boring!

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Thank you for suggesting this video on my recent post! Dominating a League on FIFA 22 is a common situation. Usually it'll take 3-4 season at most, but in this video i go through some tips to stop it from happening! No one wants their Career Mode to get boring after they've put hours and hours starting it off.

Fully scout a player before signing
Don't buy players that are more than 1-2 OVR higher than current best player, this rarely happens.
If you do, make sure it's either an old player returning to former club, or a short loan of a player from division above
EG if my starting 11's overall average is 66, the best player I can sign must be 68 rated. But, he can't be from a better team. The only exception is players over 30 years old, they can be 3 ratings above your starting 11's overall average.

Selling Players

Don't horde players, if you do reject an approach, offer the player a new contract.
If offer comes from team much better than yours and is over market value, chances are irl the team would accept

Consider Moving Club
Move to another club in your league
See if you can break your old team

Take over the National Team
Gives you a new set of teams to take on

Cash injections to other clubs
Buy some of their worst players for large sums, giving them more money to improve their team
Trading players also works and is less likely to get you fired

Keeping overall realistic

Dont sign players that are massively better than current existing young players. EG if you have an 19 year old with 70 overall, dont then sign a 17 year old who is 75 even if this is lower than your best players overall
Try to keep training to players who arent in starting XI
This helps with sharpness and will stop players increasing by 10 overall a season

Start a new save
Implement rules or try a challenge save
Maybe have some cool storylines going on

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I think we can all agree that we want a challenge, but we don't want to roll Manchester City one game then get smashed by Carlisle United playing like prime Barcelona in a cup match the next game because the AI just decides to make it that way. I wish EA would do away with this nonsense scripting. It doesn't make the game challenging, it makes it annoying when 59 rated players are playing like Messi on steroids because the game fancies it. I'd like to actually play against AI players that play true to their abilities, rather than games being randomly hard or easy in an attempt to "level things out".


My favourite save was in the Belgian league. Started with a newly promoted club, Beerschot, and took them to top 5 in the first season. Due to the success, Brugge, the league leaders, gave me an offer and were already in Europe, so I accepted it. I cruised to the league title and made it to the Europa semis, but I got sacked due to a release clause error. Only offer I had was my old club, so I made it my goal to finish better than Brugge the next season. Next 4 seasons always had my club and Brugge competing for the title, going back and forth each year. Made the save so much more exciting


My biggest tip is to not use sofifa at all. Use the global scouting network because that’s basically how it works in real life - the manager doesn’t have much of a say in the recruitment, he just has to trust that his board and scout are doing a good job. So yeah the scouts won’t find the players you might on sofifa, but at least it’s kinda realistic.


My issue is world class is too easy and legendary way too hard …


I think CM can still be fun even when my team is like all 90+ rated. I can still lose some games I play when I’m on a difficulty that challenges me, and I like to limit myself to playing something like 3 games per month and simming the others. My goal when my squad is that good is becoming the best team to ever play in that league, to establish an era of dominance. I still like to develop young players to set the team up for future success, and then in the last few seasons of CM before you’re forced to retire, I go to a smaller club and basically live out my retirement, while watching how my old club gets on without me. Essentially, you don’t have to be upset if you’re too dominant, because think of teams like Bayern, prime Barça, prime Man United, and try to be more successful than them.


It's a shame when you do well in a top league, you can't go to a lower league, for example from Real Madrid to Ajax.


My fav career mode is my create-a-club for Germany. Where the main target I set for myself is to end Bayern's dominance. For the 1st season I was challenging for a UCL spot. Boy was it difficult and stressful but I got it in the end. I was 20th in the first four games of that same season that comeback in the end brought a smile to my face.


idea: personally whenever i play as a mid table team, if i get a good offer from a better team, i always accept. Selling your players to bigger teams will also make it more challenging for you but for other teams as well. For example it doesn't make sense for a player to go play for a worse team than the one he's playing in right now. hope it made sense haha

edit: and it's best if you buy players from worse teams so you build like the next star of the club or give young talents more playtime


This all depends on which club you manage, I'll give 2 different examples which hopefully gives a good idea of what I mean;
1. If you manage a Championship team and you don't get promoted or equivalent (like being in a relegation battle when your expected to be middle of the table), set your best players for sell and sell maybe 1 or 2 of them, ideally the one who has been the best in your squad because if you look at it realistically, what is odds that your best player want to stay if you don't get promoted or underachieve?
2. If you manage a top team in one of the biggest leagues in the world, give yourself some challenges like winning the league or Champions League and if that doesn't happen, again set your best players for sell and maybe sell 1 or 2 of them - example, if you're Tottenham and you don't win anything what is the chances that Kane or Son would stay at the club? Set them for sell and let them go to "bigger" clubs and rebuild your squad.

Another suggestion would be to play around with sliders, make the tempo of the game slower and make sure that you have the same settings of sliders for yourself and for the AI, this is something I have played around with and I have really enjoyed it.


I have just finished my create a club career. All 15 seasons I did go thrue! It was an amazing career and it never got boring for me but it was just maybe cuz I was so into it


I also like to turn up the injury probability and injury severity to around 65-70 just to make the season harder which forces me to replace starters with subs etc.


I think it's really important to make good rotations on your starting XI to keep your save fresh, it helps a lot to me having competitions and storylines based on performances to the starting spots (specially for big clubs). For ex: you buy an ST, 80+ OVR player, if this player can't score regularly you give the chance to a younger or lower rated player, if the lower rated player outperforms the 80+ will keep making apps despite having lower ratings.

I love your channel, greets from Chile!


In one of my saves I took Dortmund's B team from bundesliga 3 to champions League winners and when I was bored, I decided to switch clubs every season. I went to Everton, then psg, then juve


In my saves, I'm trying to create a storyline with a club philosophy and gamestyle basis. This helps me to managing transfers and the young squad development according to the club objectives.
That's the way I found the most fun in the career mode.

Great video bro, as usual. You're my favourite Fifa-related content creator.


putting difficulty to legendary, and looking at some career mode realistic sliders for legendary is what makes career mode interesting to me.


When i dominate in a league, i usually go for the "finacial crisis" model. I act as if the club has a huge amount of debt, whereafter i sell a lot of players and then lower the domination of mine team. It usually works pretty well


I tried PES 4 last night, had forgot how fun football games can be.
It had better AI, and ball physics which allowed you to score any kind of goal from anywhere unlike in new Fifas where you can only score max 3 different types of goals from inside the box. I want these things in Fifa...


I'm Irish so I like to start saves with only signing Irish players (real players not from YA etc.).

Start with max budget, mainly buy young players, build them up and do well enough to get offered the Irish national team job.

This transfer restriction gives it more of a challenge in league games and makes your national team job very rewarding to see all the players you spent years with lifting the world cup.

I've also started a save with only US players and it was just as fun.


After i make a super star team
What i do is make an imaginary world inside my head
Like player clashes in dressing room which forces me to sell one of my talisman
Then with that money we buy someone who doesnt really fit the team
We try to offload him but he doesnt wanna move because of his super star contract

All this makes it a bit real world connected


Limit your free agents signings to 2 a season. The amount of talent you can pick up in free agents absolutely ruins CM.
