5 Easy Ways to Save Lots of Money

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Here are 5 Easy Ways to Save Lots of Money

Whether you're in a financial crunch and need to reduce your spending, or you are just looking to be more thrifty, these tips are sure to help.

1. Shop at Thrift Stores
Many people, of all income levels, visit thrift stores for the same reason they go to yard sales. You can find unique and valuable items for "dirt cheap." Books, decor, men's dress shirts, children's clothing and many other items can be found in great condition at a fraction of the cost of buying new. 

2. Use Cash instead of Plastic
People tend to spend more conservatively when they have actual cash on hand. It's harder to depart from your money when you see it leaving your hand!It has been said that the average person spends 10% less when paying with cash rather than plastic. That can add up to BIG savings.

3. Eat more at Home and less at Restaraunts
Many people these days are shocked when they add up the total dollar amount they spend at restaurants (particularly fast food). If you eat out regularly, you may be spending more than you think! Cutting that way down and eating at home more often is not online financially smarter, it is much healthier.

4. Set a Budget and Keep to it!
A budget is incredibly important. If you do not have monthly budget, start one. If you do, be sure to stick to it.

5. Work on Debt from the Highest Interest Rate to the Lowest
Pay the absolute minimum payment allowable on all loans except for the one with the highest interest rate. Pay as much as you can each month on the one loan with the highest interest rate.Once it is paid off, take the amount you were putting into that one, and apply it to the next highest. It will snowball until they're all paid off.

Put these tips into practice and you're sure to save!
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