Nitel YT-13: Bireysel Araştırma Deseni
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Bireysel Araştırma öğretmen eğitiminde daha yaygın kullanılan bir nitel araştırma desenidir. Bu desen ile öğretmen kendini araştırabilir. Öğretmen ben dilini kullanarak kendini yansıtır ve sorgular. Bu desen için Pinnegar ve Hamilton (2009) çalışmasını okumanızı tavsiye ederim. İyi seyirler.
Self study is a more commonly used qualitative research design in teacher education. With this design, the teacher can research himself. The teacher reflects and questions himself using the self language. For this design, I recommend you to read Pinnegar and Hamilton (2009). Have a good time.
Self study is a more commonly used qualitative research design in teacher education. With this design, the teacher can research himself. The teacher reflects and questions himself using the self language. For this design, I recommend you to read Pinnegar and Hamilton (2009). Have a good time.