Hacking Windows! - Arctic | Walkthrough (HackTheBox)

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--- In this video, I demonstrate how to hack a windows server and elevate privileges to nt authority/system. I explain the following concepts:
- Nmap for port scanning
- Connecting to non-standard HTTP ports
- Searchsploit for vulnerability research
- Python to steal the admin password hash
- John the Ripper to crack the hash
- Msfvenom for creating a custom java payload
- Abusing "scheduled tasks" to upload a shell
- Finally, using a kernel exploit to upgrade my shell to NT Authority/System and pwning the machine!
Let's Connect!
This content is intended for educational purposes only. All demonstrations and techniques shown are designed to teach ethical hacking and improve cybersecurity. Any use of the information provided in these videos is done at your own risk and should be used responsibly. Unauthorized hacking, illegal activities, or violations of privacy are not endorsed or encouraged. Always ensure you have proper authorization before attempting any security testing or hacking.
- Nmap for port scanning
- Connecting to non-standard HTTP ports
- Searchsploit for vulnerability research
- Python to steal the admin password hash
- John the Ripper to crack the hash
- Msfvenom for creating a custom java payload
- Abusing "scheduled tasks" to upload a shell
- Finally, using a kernel exploit to upgrade my shell to NT Authority/System and pwning the machine!
Let's Connect!
This content is intended for educational purposes only. All demonstrations and techniques shown are designed to teach ethical hacking and improve cybersecurity. Any use of the information provided in these videos is done at your own risk and should be used responsibly. Unauthorized hacking, illegal activities, or violations of privacy are not endorsed or encouraged. Always ensure you have proper authorization before attempting any security testing or hacking.
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