My Top 10 Favorite Korean Foods

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Want to know what I think are the best ten Korean foods in Korea? I rank in order my top ten Korean foods, among everything that I’ve tried in Korea since I first started learning Korean in 2005. There are plenty more amazing Korean dishes that didn’t make this list, but these are my personal favorite Korean foods.

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Love the Butter CDs on the shelf, Billy! And thanks for the list of yummy Korean foods - I want to try Isaac toast!


The butter albums and squid game doll thing caught my eye lol


I just got Korean Made Simple 1, 2 & 3 in the mail and im super excited to start learning Korean! HAPPY NEW YEAR!


My favorites are 순대 and 육개장.
By the way, I juste received Korean made easy 3. I’ve order the 2nd as well. I’ll received it on Sunday.
Really love that textbook. Extremely easy to use and understand.

Happy new Year! Wish you all the best for you and your family. ✨🎉

By the way, are they lots of vegetarians in Korea?


I feel so hungry because I'm watching this at night. 🤤
I like 돼지국밥 a lot. You hardly find 돼지국밥 in Seoul or other cities except Gyeongsangnamdo/부산. I love it. (저는 '아제 입맛'이에요 ㅎㅎ)


I was thinking to myself "wow, what an amazing list. He hit almost all my favorite Korean foods", but then I thought about the vast amount of Korean food that I love, and I realized that any list would be a good list lol. Korean food is just so amazingly good that any top 10 list will contain food that I love.
I would like to add my favorite 안주 which is 닭똥집 (literally chicken poop house or aka Chicken gizzards (I think? lol)). I remember first trying 닭똥집 at a 술집 my first time in Korea, but my friends woukdn't tell me what it was even though I loved it. Fast forward a couple years, and I finally make the connection, and It has been my go to 안주 for soju ever since.


Among the food culture of Korea, special things that distinguish it from the food culture of other countries. //
1. Perfect vegan food represented by Korean Buddhist temple food
2. An endless variety of soup dishes
3. Kimchi: Vegetables fermented with animal protein represented by cabbage kimchi. In the past, only Koreans made and ate it. There are over 800 types of kimchi.
4. Jeotgal: A fermented animal-based sauce made from seafood. In Korea, there are more than 140 different types of salted fish.
5. Ssam: It means wrapping all the ingredients you want to eat in various leafy vegetables represented by lettuce. However, unlike burritos, you have to swallow them in one bite, so you need to adjust the amount of ingredients to be wrapped appropriately.
6. Herbal Medicine Ingredients : Herbal medicine ingredients are not only eaten for special diseases or health, but are also often used for general home cooking. For example, as ingredients for Samgye-tang, Mulberry, Tree Aralia, Eleutherococcus Sessiliflorus, Mongolian Milkvetch, Korean Angelica Ginger, Jujube and Korean Ginseng are used.
// Etc... Korea shows a distinctly different food culture from neighboring countries in Far East Asia (China, Mongolia, Vietnam, Japan).


육회 is THE BEST!! Love it so much! It's also good made with amaebi. Another of my favourites is 산낙지.


In Germany we also have raw meat patties which are mixed with onions and spices. You eat it on top of/with bread. Yum.


Yes Calbi is on my list of favorites along with the black bean noodles... Kimchi pancakes... Ox tail stew. I've made miyeokguk and the black bean noodles dish plus a few other Korean dishes. Most of the Korean dishes you spoke of in your video I can't have because of health reasons. Thanks for sharing. Finally got to see you without your hat on... 😜. Next video can you do it on your favorite Korean desserts?


저는 미역국 좋아해요 ㅎㅎ
지금 미역국 만들면서 이 영상 반복해서 듣고 있어요 ^^
미역국 is my all time favorite comfort food.💜


You got two of 'Butter' there. TWO!😭💜
I always enjoy your videos so much!💜💜


Oh my gosh HAHAHAHAH! Watching all the clips of you eating those dishes made me salivate so much HAHAHAHHAHHA.


Y'all notice he gat a BTS butter album 💜 so lucky ahh


Oh man!! I love 수원갈비!! Been there twice and now I want to go again now that you mention it.


This guy is naturally funny lol and gat a cool nice background👌


When I was in Korea in 1974 to 1975, I had to be very careful what I ate. I have never been a big fish person, probably related to my Iowa farm connection. I was also concerned, at the time, about the lack of adequate refrigeration. Now they have fully modern refrigeration. But I also had a depression era mother, who never wasted anything. I was exposed to childhood food, I would not eat as an adult, especially pig's feet and liver. I also grew-up around blood sausage, but seldom ate it.
But Korea has many foods that I love. Some of which is mentioned in this video. My favorite is also Billy Korean's favorite to include bulgogi (fire meat). Take a look and see what you would eat. I like about half of Billy's list.
A little background about Billy Korean. I do not know his true name, but he is a Los Angles American, who became interested in Korea as a teenager. He decided to make the plunge and went to South Korea and took a chance. He knew very little Korean. Now, he teaches Korean and makes that his living.


수제비 먹어 본 적이 있나요? 집에서 만들기 쉬운데 정말 맛있어요. 해외에서 재료 찾기가 어려울 것 같은데요.


I LOVE 짜장면 more than any other food. I'm so lucky to live 5 minutes away from a local Korean restaurant that makes it perfectly and gives really, really big servings. I keep an old sweater that I've designated as my 짜장면 sweater because, yeah, it is messy... 😂


You know countdowns get everyone excited this time of year. Good vid. 1 vote for a "top 10 Korean" drinks video.
