Form a STRONG Bond With Your Cavapoo in SIX Easy Ways

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Do you have a cavapoo or are you looking into adopting a cavapoo but you want to know how to form a strong connection with them? Sophie and I will share with you six easy ways you can form a long lasting bond with your dog.

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What do you do to bond with your dog? Leave us a comment down below! 🐶

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It warms my heart to see Sophie & Nessa’s love and interaction with eachother! ♥️♥️


My new Cavapoo Curly is so sweet and smart! He is easily trainable, and loves to lay on the couch near me or on my lap. He is just the best!!


I am getting my 1st Cavapoo in 5 weeks I can't wait !


aww sophie is such a sweetheart when you groom her!! I'd love a video about you helping sophie get used to something she's uncertain or afraid of!


Thank you, this is a good video. Most of the things we are already doing but not a lot of one-on-one time, we tend to spend time together as a family and immediately that makes sense. Both of our babies are rescue pups. Our older boy came to us at 2yrs and our little girl, now 11 months old came to us at six months. It certainly is challenging with cavoodles who have been rehomed. Their deeply sensitive nature does struggle to recover I believe. Both our babies are generally very happy but Chester particularly, who we’ve now had for 5 yrs, has struggled to leave his trauma history behind and we see it haunt him still at times. They’re such precious little souls it’s really heartbreaking to see them suffer ❤️


My 8 months cavapoo Layla is the light of my day. Thanks for your recomendations, I really appreciated it your blog.


Great video, thank you. I just got my cavapoo a week ago and we're already best of friends. She's such a great listener and very intelligent. Potty training isn't as hard as I had anticipated. I love my puppy. She's pure joy and a perfect one for me.


Getting my first Cavapoo next Saturday and your videos have helped immensely! Thank you so much (:


These are all such amazing points, Sophie is so lucky to have such a loving dog mom ❤️🐶


I named all my cavapoos toys. He can bring me whichever toy I ask for. I also ask him what he needs and run off a list. I get kisses when I hit the right option. Makes going outside to potty easy.


I know you may have solved this problem by now, but training with a leash and treats worked for me. Call their name, tug on leash lightly, and reward with a treat and praise. Be consistent with this until they get it. Eventually, they will do it without treats. They are eager to please as long as it is a positve experience. 😊


Does Sophie like to watch TV ?? Like animal planet by any chance ? or watching other Doggos on TV please put her reaction video Nessa


She acts just like my dog Mitzy. I love my cavapoo so much. They are the best dogs.


I love your videos! I have a little 12 week old cavapoo puppy and am enjoying your videos and learning lots of tips! I think these ways of bonding are so important and I'm going to try and do all of them. My puppy doesn't offer eye contact very often and gets distracted so easily! Do you have any suggestions on ways I can work on that? 💜🧡


My family is getting 2 cavapoos this winter. We thought after having a boxer and German Shepherd in the past these would be more manageable from a size and shedding standpoint and as a former drug/patrol handler the idea of not going on endless walks/runs is appealing. Do you think having 2 to keep each other company will limit the separation anxiety?


Does anybody else’s cavapoo not come when you call them? Mine is 4 months old but just is not interested when I call her lol
