Watch two versions of Acosta video side-by-side

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People on here arguing about how fast his arm came down yet not batting an eye at the fact that the video released by the Whitehouse was ALTERED.

There is no point in arguing the truth with people not interested in facts.


"she was just doing her job"
So was HE, she doesn't have a right to try to forcibly remove the microphone from him, he has a right and duty to ask questions on behalf of the people.
That microphone doesn't belong to the Whitehouse, or Trump, that is the people's microphone. He wasn't breaking any rules or laws, he wasn't disorderly, he was grilling the president, he didn't like it, and she violated his personal space to take the microphone from him.


It's exactly the same video. Jim showing off his Karate skills in fine form on both versions.


The people trying to say the woman somehow assaulted Tim aren’t realizing the fact the mic was appointed to this woman to distribute between the journalists which means it’s her mic. Jim not giving up the mic gives her the right to take it back and by Jim forcing his arm down on hers to stop her from retrieving her mic is by definition assault


I edit videos and I can clearly see that it's the exact same footage except the video was copied to a different frame rate which causes some frames to blend together... that's a completely normal thing that happens when videos get copied. There is no 'tweaking', there is no 'doctoring' and there are no 'special effects' being employed here.


I dont understand, What should I be seeing? The right video just appears to have had poor compression done to it to reduce its file size. That's why the movement is blurred.


She pulled the mic pretty hard and the guy held on, there was no intent by either party to create the illusion of force. It was just somebody trying to keep using a microphone and someone trying to take a microphone. I am telling you, you are all looking at the wrong thing. What we should be asking is why are people grabbing microphones from the reporters? I hope this does not happen ever again. Just goes to show all of you how much the White House and journalists are being scrutinized right now. It should never have been talked about like this. The problem was whether or not he should have let go, or whether or not she should have grabbed the mic. You are all ridiculous.


They look completely the same, but one is a little blurry. I’ve watched it 4 times.
I don’t understand, what is the difference supposed to be?


I don’t see any difference between them, what am I missing?


Grabbing the mic is not assault. Neither of them were assaulted. This is stupid. Move on.


Video on left has more frames per second probably because it was taken live. Video on right is compressed and has less frames which is why it is blurry during the motion, just means that the video was downloaded from somewhere and rendered in a lesser quality. To my eyes it's the same video, just one is stepped on.


He pushes her arm down away from grabbing the mic away from him... this is not worth calling an assault. He brushed her away as if a parent would trying to keep their kid from grabbing their phone. Not a big friggin deal people.


I'll be damned if I can see a difference.


If you go through frame by frame, the one on the right is slower but it looks like it's faster because it's lower resolution and blurry.


People where like “she put her hands one him!!!” Lmao


One is sped up to appear more aggressive. A very lame attempt to make the reporter look like the bad guy when in fact the microphone girl did the grabbing. I watched it live this morning.


I was watching live, she reached under Acosta's arm to grab the mic as his arm was coming down. The only thing Acosta did was hold onto the microphone a bit too long. He did not assault that woman.

Trump banned him because Acosta was in there asking the real, hard questions. Trump throws a hissy fit whenever someone asks him a question he doesn't like.

It is the media's responsibility to report the truth and sometimes that means asking hard questions.


Either way he refused to give her the mic what 3 times? There is no denying he touched her trying to keep the mic.


Is there a way to produce a delta image of the two videos? To subtract one from another and that would reveal what the exact differences are.


Even if he hit her arm, his arm was yanked along the mic by her regardless of her gender(it's 2018), so it was a reflex for self defense. She initiated the assault if there was one, but I wouldn't characterize it that way.
Both parties seem to do it accidentally, so people on both sides need to shut up and not make a big deal out of this.
