TY the Tasmanian Tiger Series Retrospective: Rise, Fall, & Resurgence

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A complete retrospective covering the history of Australia's first AAA-level video game, and the story of the studio that brought TY to life, that died right alongside the tasmanian tiger, and that came back from extinction thanks to grassroots fan support. This is the Rise, Fall, & Resurgence of TY the Tasmanian Tiger.

0:00 Intro
3:15 The History of Ty and Krome Studios
8:01 Rise: Ty 1
23:37 Plateau: Ty 2
38:48 Fall: Ty 3
57:03 Collapse: The Cancelled Ty 4 & Krome's Closure
1:01:18 Revival: Ty 4, Remasters, & The Future

This video is not intended for viewers under 13 years of age, and may contain content inappropriate for such viewers. Parental guidance suggested.

#TyTheTasmanianTiger #TheGoldenBolt
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What platformer or series should I cover next? I've got a lot in store for 2023, but there's always room to add some more!


The fact that Ty was able to raise not one but TWO successful Kickstarters to rerelease the first two games on modern consoles shows that he could EASILY have an amazing comeback. He needs the KAO the Kangaroo treatment.


I'm not exaggerating that I say that Ty 1's levels made for one of the most atmospheric games that I've ever played, only rivaled by Breath of the Wild. Thank you for this fantastic retrospective on the first game series that I ever played!


The Better Call Saul theme had been driving me crazy since 2015. I had no idea what it reminded me of. Thank you so much.


i find it absolutely hilarious that thylacines are well known for being able to open their mouths a full 120 degrees, but ty, sly, and fam are constantly grimacing and talking through their cheeks


Can we all agree, TY has one of the most relaxing theme songs for a mascot platformer.


Ty the Tasmanian Tiger was actually one of the first games I was gifted when I got my PS2. It's a game that has stuck with me for two decades, and I'm so glad that it's getting more recognition now!


I'm just gonna be honest, as an Australian this game and the series make me really really fucking proud. Seeing so many people outside of Australia knowing about and loving a game born and bred here is such a great feeling. Hell, I remember back when I went to Melbourne's ACMI as a kid and saw the stop-motion zoetrope with all the Ty characters, it blew me away, since it was so great seeing something I recognised as a gamer in reality - and I'm sure some international fans would have been the same way back then.


I'm one of the folks who was lucky enough to have the original TY be a part of my childhood, right alongside those like Jak, Ratchet, and Sly. Thanks a ton for giving this series a chance and waving it about in front of folks who might've never heard of it. I'll admit it's been a long, long while since TY was on my mind, but I've got more than plenty of fond memories with him and I'm glad to hear that Krome is still alive and apparently still so passionate about all this.


What I love about this series is that it may not be groundbreaking or anything new, but it doesn't try to- it's just a charming platformer series that you can tell the developers pour their heart and soul into.


FUN FACT: the 'dreaming' place ty's parents go to is actually a terminology used in aboriginal culture(native australians), it is a place of ancestral beings and involves connection with spiritual power.


Ty deserves one more good chance and one more good game with people

While I mostly had the 2nd & 3rd games that i happily dumped HOURS into as a kid, I've seen plenty of those whom have such a love for this series and it genuinely is a fun time to have


I have to be clear. I never comment on videos, but when I see this game get recognition it feels like seeing my childhood friend on TV. Ty the tasmanian tiger will always have a special place in my heart and I appreciate the coverage bro. 🤙🤙


I am HUGELY passionate about speedrunning Ty 2, but speedrunning the series as a whole has been getting a surge of popularity (relative to what it was like before, it's no Mario 64 or anything) so it's been awesome that the casual gaming world is also starting to appreciate it more. It's been so underrated for so long and always been top tier for me :)

Also worth mentioning we have an entire category "Steve%" where the goal is just to find Gooboo Steve all 10 times ASAP as we bow down to his infinite wisdom and power 😂


This is gonna sound a little silly, but I feel like you could show a little kid who LOVES Bluey (an Australian cartoon that has blown up in popularity worldwide in the last couple of years) this game and they'd love it - both Ty and Bluey are unapologetically Australian, and I feel like kids now would appreciate it more than some did 20 years ago.


Crazy timing, I recently started a job at an indie VFX company down here in Sydney and after working here for a month I learnt that some of the older guys I work with actually worked on this game, they worked at animal logic as animators for the prerendered cinematics, crazy meeting the people partly responsible for making games that began my journey as a game developer and inspired me from the beginning!


I think TY 5 following 1's formula would be the best option with current trends. Keeping the old boomerang system would be safest for combat, but I think they should go the ambitious step of giving every minor enemy diplomatic immunity to spice things up.


Oh god TY 1 was one of the games i loved as a kid. I never put it down on the ps2 and was one of the first games i actually %100. TY is such a goofball and i think adds to the charm of the game.


Fun fact: Back in, I think 2013, Krome Studios tweeted that they wanted TY to be in PS All-Stars. If another was made, somehow, I wonder if they'd still be down for TY to join.


Oooh, the memories of playing Ty 2 - I was so amazed by the giant map, the different biomes and cruising along the beach (to the east I think), was some of my favourite memories - what a fun surprise to see this <3
