10 Annoying Things People Do In The Gym (Don't Be That Guy)

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10 Annoying Gym Etiquette Mistakes (Don't Be That Guy)

Proper gym etiquette should be a pretty straightforward thing: treat other people in the gym the way you want to be treated.

Unfortunately, there's always a handful of guys and girls in every gym who, for whatever reason, choose not to abide by this basic "golden rule".

After many years of training and being in and out of an endless number of different gyms in that time, here are 10 of the most common "annoying gym behaviors" that really stand out...

#1 - Grunting Loudly On Every Single Rep.

If you're truly pushing yourself to the limit to grind out that last rep on a big compound lift like a squat or deadlift, no problem. But in no realistic scenario is screaming across the gym necessary on a bicep curl, tricep kickback or lateral raise.

#2 - Standing Right In Front Of The Dumbbell Rack.

When you stand directly in front of the dumbbells, you prevent people from being able to get the weights they want or from putting their weights away. Simple solution: grab the dumbbells you want, take a few steps back, then do your set while keeping the path in front of the rack clear.

#3 - Not Re-Racking Your Weights.

This is the biggest gym etiquette violation that drives me the most crazy. There's simply no excuse for not re-racking your weights. If you put the weights on the machine, take them off when you're finished. Plain and simple.

#4 - Smelling Bad.

If you're able to single handedly alter the smell of the entire gym because you never wash your workout clothes or wear deoderant, please either adjust your hygiene or start training at home.

#5 - Leaving A Pile Of Sweat On The Equipment.

If you tend to sweat alot during your workouts, that's fine. But that doesn't mean other gym members want to bathe in it. Exercise proper gym etiquette by wiping down the equipment when you're done.

#6 - Using Your Phone In Between Sets.

If you're going to bring your phone into the gym, that's ultimately up to you. But what IS highly annoying is when you get distracted by it in between sets and sit there for 5-10 minutes or more scrolling through social media and texting while someone else is waiting to use the equipment.

#7 - "Reserving" Multiple Machines At Once.

It doesn't matter how much you love supersets or circuit training - if you're working out at a public gym where members share the equipment, placing down a towel or phone to reserve 3 different machines on opposite ends of the gym is poor gym etiquette since it forces people to wait 2-3 times as long to use the equipment.

#8 - Not Re-Racking Weights Evenly.

Maybe this is a bit nit-picky, but it only makes sense to re-rack the 45's with the 45's, the 25's with the 25's and so on. That way, smaller weight plates don't get up getting sandwiched in between the bigger ones, forcing others to unrack muliple weights to get the ones they want.

#9 - Offering Unsolicited Workout Tips.

If you're genuinely trying to caution a bodybuilding beginner from doing something dangerous, that's your call. But don't be the guy who walks around the gym floor dispensing muscle building tips to other members who didn't ask for it.

#10 - Asking "How Many Sets Do You Have Left?"

Some may disagree on this, but I personally don't like when people interrupt my exercise to ask how many sets I have left. When I'm doing my workout I want to focus in on the exercise I'm doing without having someone lurking behind me and pressuring me to finish.

Have your own gym etiquette pet peeves I didn't list here? Comment below!

P.S. If you found these gym etiquette tips helpful, make sure to get your personalized training, nutrition and supplement plans to build muscle and lose fat effectively by using my video presentation below:

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Not only is it douchey not to remove the plates, it also makes me wonder if someone is still using it.


#11: People who give you dirty looks the whole time you're at the gym, for no reason whatsoever.


I use my phone in between every set to do one of two things:
1. record the amount of reps i got
2. change music
I never use social media or shit and i ignore people trying to text/call me lol. I never get distracted by my phone, i only use it to enhance my workout


What annoys me the most are people who monopolize a machine by just sitting on it while playing with their phone. I understand that people use apps related to their workout, but I'm talking about being on a machine for 20 mins and working out for just 5 mins of that time. That's not working out. It's called playing on your phone, which can be done anywhere else outside of the gym.


These are some of the reasons why I wake up at 5am to go to the gym because I don’t have to deal with all that. An empty gym is sooo nice!


people in a gym who are constantly judging others.


I can't stand this one huge guy at my gym who "reserves" 3-5 different machines at the same time; all spread out a fair distance from each other. And he leaves the weights on, expecting people to know whether or not he's using it.


Guys who walk around like penguins thinking they have huge lats when they don't.


I'm a newbie in the gym and this video helped me a lot with a lot of things that may be common sense for people who go to the gym regularly, the gym is a weird place when you're starting as every new place, thanks for the knowledge Sean!


In my first year of gym I often got tips or advise from other people in the gym. While my form was not really that wrong and i didnt risk injuring myself, these tips still helped me to get better results out of the exercises and i was quite thankful those people told me exactly at what speed, range of motion etc i should do the exercises, as i could get more out of my workout. Mayve its different here in germany but i generally think that advice, even if the person told to doesnt risk injury, is a good thing if it helps the efficiency of the exercise


I personally ask a person how many sets they have left to genuinely find out how many they have that way I can gauge the amount of time I have to wait and whether or not I should find a different exercise to do. And if someone comes up to me with that question with the intent to get me to hurry the hell up, well tough luck because I'm gonna take as long as I need to finish my sets.


Definitly people that don't unrack the weights or don't put them back in the place where they should be, piss me off the most.
Nice video Sean!


I hate the person working out in front of the dumbbell rack and then gets annoyed he has to move because you have to put the weights back


I like that Sean wasn’t venting and gossiping about hypothetical people in the gym. He really wanted to help people improve their behavior, and raise some awareness to us who may not realize how we are being perceived. Such a classy good guy. Really underrated of a youtuber. He needs to have atleast twice the subs!


I am guilty of asking "How many sets do you have left?" but it's generally when someone seems unaware of the time they've been sitting on equipment and they're not actually working out


Theres this one guy in my gym that stays on the leg press for at least an hour twice a week. Most of the time hes just on his phone and it pisses me off to no end because its the only leg press we have.


People who films EVERYTHING they do in the gym for whatever social media


A lot of that what you said is a reason why I quit the gym, and ended up buying some of my own equipment for training.


I've learned a long time ago never to workout during rush hour... you set yourself up for an impossible situation!
