Nuxt 3.8 - Client-side caching with getCachedData ✨

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⚡️ Nuxt 3.8 was released just a day ago, packed with lots of amazing features. Among the updates, one change for `useFetch` and `useAsyncData` is pretty significant IMO - `getCachedData`. In this video, we will explore how that function can avoid superfluous calls to an API and cache data for visitors on the client, either until a hard-reload or even with a custom TTL logic.
Key Takeaways:
🛠️ What is getCachedData
🚀 How to avoid extra requests if fetching data once is sufficient
⚡️ Where to put the logic for custom caching mechanisms
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🌐 Connect further:
00:00 Intro
00:35 Explaining getCachedData in Nuxt 3.8
00:58 A simple getCachedData implemenetation
04:50 getCachedData with custom TTL logic
08:14 Summary
#Nuxt3 #vuejs #nuxtjs #webdevelopment #frontend #frontenddeveloper #caching #ssr #getCachedData
Key Takeaways:
🛠️ What is getCachedData
🚀 How to avoid extra requests if fetching data once is sufficient
⚡️ Where to put the logic for custom caching mechanisms
Don't forget to hit that "Subscribe" button, ring the notification bell and give a thumbs up!
🌐 Connect further:
00:00 Intro
00:35 Explaining getCachedData in Nuxt 3.8
00:58 A simple getCachedData implemenetation
04:50 getCachedData with custom TTL logic
08:14 Summary
#Nuxt3 #vuejs #nuxtjs #webdevelopment #frontend #frontenddeveloper #caching #ssr #getCachedData