How To Remove Facial Hair Naturally | SkinCare Home Remedy | ShrutiArjunAnand
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Hey there! Most of us suffer from unwanted facial hair, Right? Some people are lucky to have less or light color facial hair which easily blends with your skin tone but for those whose facial hair color doesn't matches the skin tone than it can be a challenge.
Though there are many products available in market but since its a matter of applying it on your face I never want to risk it. I always prefer my own home made remedy to get rid of them and as the solution is 100% natural so there are no risk of any side effects.
You can enjoy this treatment once in a week to keep your face clear of unwanted fair hair.
Products used in the preparation of that Mask
Gram Flour or Besan (If Besan doesn't suits you than you can try Wheat Flour or Atta)
Coconut Oil (You can use Parachute/Patanjali or any other good brand. Incase you don't want to use Coconut Oil than you can use Olive Oil or any other oil than can provide nourishment to your skin)
If you have Oily skin than you can use Castor Oil as it doesn't gets absorbed by Skin.
Rose Water - Dabur Brand
Lipstick - MAC Cosmetics - Mocha
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