Causes and Solutions for Facial Hair in Women

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Dr. Jessica Shepherd discusses the options she often prescribes for her patients with unwanted facial hair and other symptoms that could be signs of PCOS.

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Men want facial hair and they don't get and some women have facial hair and they don't want it

Life is so unfair


My facial hair is hereditary unfortunately. I need laser hair removal and can not afford it right now. This facial hair issue has completely stolen my confidence and I'm so insecure and just wanna hide in the house. I rather be dead than live like this! This is a real nightmare!


I was diagnosed infertile at 19, told was never gonna have kids never had a regular period, pretty much checked off all the symptoms of PCOS BUT last 2 months we celebrated my daughters first birthday conceived naturally with herbs remedies


SISTERS WHO HAVE PCOS PLS STAY AWAY FROM THE METFORMIN AND BIRTH CONTORL PILLS.. All we gotta do is stay active and eat clean whole food. It's not that difficult.


So happy PCOS is coming to the forefront! Keep talking about it!!!


I pluck day an night and this interferes with my social life. Can't take it anymore


Thought I had PCOS but all my blood test came back negative ! This just runs in my family ! I notice that a lot of Caribbean women have this ! I use European wax center ingrown hair pads they work fine but it takes time ! Also exfoliate once a week, moisturize and use some kind of spot treatment . It’s hard ladies be patient


Metformin did absolutely nothing for me, even at 2g a day. The pill has helped me with dysmenorrhea (and contraception obv) but not much else. My biggest help so far has been a lot of water, and as *little* carbs as possible that I'm almost keto (but not quite). After going low carb I have less bloating, I'm losing weight, I have energy, and my ovarian cysts aren't rupturing every few months.
That being said, my worst and most stubborn PCOS symptom is hirsutism and it just won't ease, even after laser hair treatments. I can grow my sideburns faster than my father can. My skin is fair, and my hair is coarse and dark, so it's quite obvious, which is quite depressing at times and really damages my self esteem. I gotta keep some humour about it though, otherwise I'd go crazy.
I sincerely hope everyone with PCOS reading this finds something that eases their worst symptoms. x


My chin hair has made me a hermit. Bleach. Depilatory. Tweezing. Shaving. I will remove the hair then appx 6 hrs later it is already growing stubble. I gave up recently. I HATE leaving my home. One day I was so pissed. I tried burning it. DON'T do that!!!


Having & living with PCOS is a your own research see what best works for you.


Having neck hair is so embarrassing. One guy ask me did I use to be a man


One of the easiest ways to reduce testosterone in the body for women is through exercise. Something that was not mentioned. Diet helps but you need to train your body to keep the levels lower through daily activities.


Pcos hurts me so much, i have been suffering since i was 13, I have to epilate\wax my face everyday, going to school and college with super dark facials hair and break outs and acne all over my face feels like hell, im 18 now and still suffering it gets worse day by day


People doing electrolysis: Remember that you have to complete around 300 hours maybe more but it’s roughly around that time. I’m 6 months in and I’m not even 100 hours in yet, that’s only about 36 hours because sometimes when she doesn’t have a client after me she’ll give me an extra ten minutes. I go for an hour every week for $70. Also remember once you start it if you take a month off from treatments that’s a month “missed” meaning now you have to make up for that month. And that also gives your follicle time to heal which is bad because you want it to be dead and stay dead.. You have to be very consistent. My face is so much brighter it’s just the hairs that are actually dark, they are much thinner though. Just remember each hair needs a certain amount of time each to fully kill that follicle and whoever’s doing the electrolysis treatment is important too. (I remember one time my hair didn’t grow back for a whole month.) I did notice in that month though my diet was way better and I didn’t really eat any junk/sweets. Don’t do blend or shockwave either (they can give you 5 o clock shadow) just regular treatments. Its probably going to take another 4 years before I see a permanent result. I believe it in though my mother used to have this problem when she was younger and she completed her 300 hour treatments and they didn’t come back for atleast twenty years. It wasn’t until she gained weight is when it started to come back(I think she has pcos since weight gain can cause hairs) but even then if i could insert a picture I would. They are just like little peach fuzz hairs she’s light skinned too and they are not noticeable unless you know they’re are and are looking for them. I take saw palmetto every other day instead of everyday to slow down the growth because too much can give you bad gas and make you use the bathroom and depending on the mg. I’m going to start getting chemical peels to as well to see if that helps with some of the scars/hyperpigmentation from when i used to shave when i was younger. Keeping your face clean every morning and every night helps too. I used to do laser but all it did was cause more hairs to grow from spots I’ve never even had them in from before. I’m not sure if i have pcos or hiru because I didn’t go tested for neither. I do think it’s hiru for me because my periods are regular and aren’t heavy and I don’t experience much pcos symptoms. Don’t eat too much stuff with sugar I think hair and sugar got some type of secret relationship because those two things together is massive growth so I don’t eat candy a lot anymore I eat more fruits and I make yogurt with fruits in it with cinnamon and honey on top to give it flavor. If you must have sugar just make sure it’s brown sugar it’s way better for you than white. I drink a lot of tea too if you can’t take it plain just a little honey or a bit of coffee creamer too much sugar will ruin the benefits. For facial hair you should be drink SPEARMINT tea it’s hard to find but this is the tea you absolutely have to drink this is the only tea that’s good for facial hair. Don’t touch your face as much as you can to keep it clean all day. When it comes to problems like this it could be we have many male hormones in our body we need to find ways to balance it out. If you DO NOT balance your hormones every single thing you do will be completely pointless and ineffective, overgrown hormones are overgrown hormones you need to balance that out before trying to do anything like wasting money on electrolysis. What I do on a daily is this (Hormone balance pills, very consistent electrolysis, clean face all day 24/7, vitamin E or castor oil, drink a lot of water, I don’t eat a lot of meat as i used too anymore because they aid in hair growth, i eat as much fruits and veggies as I can everyday when it’s around, standing exercises for 20 minutes in the morning and night because exercising helps a lot, clean pillowcase) I hope this helps you girl.


Typically if you’re still eating any processed man-made foods, you’ll still have facial hair. A clean diet means Whole Foods that aren’t created by man. The issue is the man made things we consume as well as hair products, makeup and skin lotions etc. throws endocrine system as well as hormones out of balance. No chemicals whatsoever is truly the BEST way to stop this.


But birth control has so so mAny bad sideeffects 😩 not fair


Would be great to hear one day hey ladies who grow beards we have a cure.


My facial hair is caused by a hormonal imbalance that was caused by add hormones in animal products such as beef.


I've been on metformin for over 20yrs. I'm a diabetic who has PCOS. Metformin messed up my stomach so badly, and stripped my body of hair all over especially on my head. The only hair that has not been affected, is the hair on my chin. As a matter of fact it has actually increased significantly over the years. I have to do hair removal Everytime I'm stepping out of the house. And if I'm not going out, I do it every other day.


I'm taking Birth Control and is helping a little, but they come with a lot of side effects. I definitely recommend to avoid carbs. It literally makes you feel 100 times better. The first days will be hell, but once you get use to, your body will thank you. PCOS is a horrible disease. Every day I felt more miserable. Eating healthy and exercise is a big help.
